
The old man in his sixties raised green-faced tusked wild boar on such a large scale!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The old man in his sixties raised green-faced tusked wild boar on such a large scale!

When it comes to wild boars, most people generally think of wild mountains and mountains, but in Rong'an County, a 63-year-old man started wild boar farming in a courtyard on the outskirts of the county, and in a short period of 8 years, the scale of breeding has grown from only one little boar to 80 wild boars now!

Raising wild boars is incredible enough, and it is even more incredible to develop on such a scale. How did the old man do it?

In the suburbs of Chenghe Xicheng District, Rong'an County, there is a courtyard with an area of more than 500 square meters. The owner of the yard is Wei Yifan, 63 years old. Fifteen years ago, after Wei Yifan retired early, he was bent on developing some "short and fast" characteristic breeding projects. After trying a variety of projects, one day in 2007, an overheard news made him have an inextricable bond with wild boar farming. Wei Yifan said that at that time he heard that a farmer in Dongqi Township had trapped a wild boar weighing more than 20 jin and was ready to sell it at a high price. Wei Yifan immediately rushed there and found that what was captured was a wild boar with no injuries all over his body, which was very suitable for breeding as a breeding pig. Wei Yifan said that he had paid attention to wild boar farming through magazines and books in the past, and knew that wild boar meat was a kind of meat food with high protein and low fat, which was very popular in the market, and that wild boar had strong disease resistance and low feeding cost, so he was very optimistic about the prospect of development. Wei Yifan had long paid attention to this characteristic breeding project, but suffered from never finding a good wild boar breeding boar, and now suddenly found a healthy wild boar unscathed. The idea of using it for artificial reproduction and scale breeding of wild boars came out naturally. After some bargaining, Lao Wei took the unscathed boar home for 800 yuan, bought a female piglet in the market, then rented an abandoned yard near his residence and officially started his wild boar farming business.

Wei Yifan said that after he bought the boar home, he focused all his energies on how to raise the boar well. He observed the habits of the wild boar from morning till night and tried to provide it with wild vegetable feed that he liked to eat. after serving like a baby for more than a year, the wild boar grew to more than 80 jin and was ready to mate. Wei Yifan began to implement his wild boar breeding plan, and to his surprise, the first mating between the boar and the domestic boar was a success. For the first time, Wei Yifan's confidence increased greatly.

Six months later, the first batch of 8 wild boars crossed with one yuan (one yuan refers to breeding boars and sows) were born successfully. What excites Wei Yifan is that the appearance and habits of these unitary hybrid wild boars are completely inherited from wild genes, so they do not need to "protect themselves from the cold in winter and relieve heat in summer" like domestic pigs, and they eat mainly wild fodder such as wild vegetables, and the cost of breeding is less than 1/2 of that of ordinary domestic pigs. In order to make these young wild boars grow stronger, Wei Yifan not only kept them completely closed, but also catered to the habits of these wild boars and fed them with plant raw materials from small to large. Let these young wild boars grow in a simulated wild environment as much as possible, and it is most possible to maintain their wild habits. At the same time, Wei Yifan selected the most wild and best-shaped piglets as a new generation of breeding pigs, and then crossbred and propagated.

It was in accordance with this purification and expansion plan that by 2009, Wei Yifan had successfully expanded his wild boar breeding scale to more than 20. That is, in this year, many friends who had long been salivating over these wild boars came to the door and snapped up more than 10 adult wild boars at high prices, so that Wei Yifan had a good harvest without leaving the house. Since then, Wei Yifan has focused more on his wild boar farming.

Over the past eight years, Wei Yifan has always adhered to his own concept of green farming and adopted the breeding model of purification, propagation, closed stocking and raw meal feeding to develop wild boar breeding, and soon expanded his breeding scale and stabilized it at about 80 heads. These farmed wild boars, which are completely comparable to the original ecological wild boar, have become increasingly famous under the word of mouth of the regular customers, and once showed a sales momentum that supply exceeds demand, making Wei Yifan excited. Once again, I see the dawn of broadening a new way to start a business. He said that due to venue restrictions, he has been unable to expand the scale of his wild boar farming. Now that the whole country is carrying out accurate poverty alleviation, he wants to move his characteristic industry of wild boar farming to the countryside. While expanding the scale of wild boar breeding, he will use his own practical actions to influence and drive local farmers to develop this characteristic industry together. While realizing their goal of further expanding and strengthening this characteristic industry, more and more farmers will make use of this characteristic industrial platform to shake off poverty and become rich as soon as possible.

(correspondent: Wei Lianbing, Editor: Chen Sisi)