
Only by keenly grasping the market demand can we "insert willow into shade"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Only by keenly grasping the market demand can we "insert willow into shade"

Jiufeng Town, Lechang City, Guangdong Province is a professional fruit growing town. The Lufeng fruit and vegetable professional cooperative, which has 600 members, more than 12000 mu of orchards and more than 3000 mu of vegetable gardens, is not only the leader in the town, but also attracts many "learning delegations" because it has joined the ranks of state-level demonstration societies and famous trademarks in Guangdong Province. However, as recently as 2007, the co-operative, which started by raising 26000 yuan among its members, was asserted that it was "bound to collapse". In the view of Pan Guoping, director of the cooperative, no matter whether it is involved in leisure agriculture, cultivating fine varieties, or developing e-commerce for agricultural products, "although they are all 'inadvertently inserting willows', if they do not have a keen grasp of market demand, without strict control of product quality, it will be impossible to succeed at all."

The "Xanadu" that has been planted

This past spring, more than 400,000 tourists packed Jiufeng Town. "although peaches and plums don't say it, some people will say it." Pan Guoping said that in the past two years, the reason why the Jiufengshan tourist route has become a "hot cake" is closely related to the "Jiufengshan fruit and vegetables" cry of the official Wechat of the Lufeng Cooperative, and its "powder" killer mace. It is a "Jiufengshan peach and plum florescence list" produced by the cooperative. "the click-through rate of related articles is as high as 300000 times." Pan Guoping said that as a farmers' cooperative with nectarines and plums as its main products, its members did not make a plan when they planted fruit trees, but it was this planting map of "plums in peaches" and "peaches in plums." so that red and white reflect each other and become the unique charm of Jiufeng Mountain Peach and Plum tourist belt.

Although it has only been established for two years, Jiufengshan Agricultural Tourism Company has become an important pawn in the strategic layout of the development of Lufeng cooperative. "We need to further enrich the variety of fruit trees and turn them into four-season orchards with flowers and fruit picking all the year round." In Pan Guoping's words, since leisure tourism is so popular, how can it be hidden in boudoir with good mountains and good water, good flowers and good fruits?

A blockbuster product that comes out of a "set"

In 2007, taking advantage of the formal promulgation of the Law on Farmers' Professional Cooperatives, Lufeng Cooperative upgraded from agricultural products circulation cooperatives to farmers' professional cooperatives, with more scientific and standardized management and closer connection of members' interests. the function of cooperatives has also expanded from a single open market to a compound structure including the introduction of improved varieties, technical guidance, diversified marketing and industrial extension. An accidental opportunity, let Pan Guoping and his companions pick up a "golden idea".

The climate of Jiufeng Town is suitable for the production of peach, plum and other deciduous fruits, and the geographical advantages adjacent to the Pearl River Delta send a huge and powerful market to the cooperative. "on the one hand, we have to go on the market at least one month earlier than the main producing areas in the north; on the other hand, we play the 'poor road'. Because the fruit is very close to the main consumer market, the fruit can be ripe before it is picked, and the quality is much better." In Pan Guoping's view, such a dual advantage is the core competitiveness of the Lufeng cooperative. However, at the beginning of the establishment of the cooperative, Pan Guoping thought a lot about how to improve the quality of plums. He told reporters that at that time, most of the members planted green plums. "in terms of appearance, red and purple plums were more popular in the market."

During an investigation in Hunan, Pan Guoping found that local plum growers used bagging to increase the sweetness of the fruit. After coming back, he began to try to bag the green plum in the experimental field. After repeated exploration, the "dressing" therapy not only makes plums sweeter and less sick, but also changes the color of the pericarp from green to yellow and "green plum" into "golden plum". "now, Jiufengshan Gold Naili has become the leading product of the cooperative." Pan Guoping said that the "value" of plums has risen from 1 or 2 yuan to 12 yuan per jin. "many people not only salivate over its taste, but also want to get a good idea of 'ten thousand taels of gold'."

Fresh e-commerce merchants "led" out

Now, although there is still more than a month to go on the market for Jinnai plum in Lufeng cooperative, orders from fruit wholesalers have poured in. At the Jiufengshan fruit and vegetable O2O experience store, workers are packing and mailing boxes of nectarines. The next day, these "sunshine nectarines" will be placed on the dining table of many families in the Pearl River Delta. "now e-commerce channels account for nearly 20% of the company's sales." Pan Guoping said.

"in the past, we had phone numbers on our fruit boxes, and many consumers from other places called one after another and asked if they could send them some." Pan Guoping said that the fresh e-commerce business of the cooperative was "pulled" out by this telephone line. "originally, I was just trying to sell it online, but now it is inseparable." Many cooperative members who have "run five" and "run six" have browsed Wechat to promote products as their daily homework. Now, the Lufeng cooperative has formed an e-commerce development pattern with Taobao shop as its flagship and two official accounts of "Jiufengshan fruit and vegetables" and "local life" as its two wings.

In order to keep the fruit standing on the word "fresh" all the time, the Lufeng cooperative has not only raised funds to build a large cold storage to prolong the sales period, but also increased the total demand and speed requirements for express transportation. Two years ago, there were only 5 or 6 express outlets in Jiufeng town, but now there are more than 10 express companies pushing. However, in Pan Guoping's view, although the "bandwidth" of fresh transport is expanded, the "network speed" is still not effective. "now, there is only one company that can meet our requirement of 'Pearl River Delta arriving the next day'." Pan Guoping said, "the deficiency in this area must be made up as soon as possible."