
The post-80s returnee gave up 400000 of his salary as a farmer to grow strawberries.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The post-80s returnee gave up 400000 of his salary as a farmer to grow strawberries.

Returnees and farmers, when these two words seem to be completely out of tune with one person, what will happen? Wang Mian, a post-80s boy who once studied in France, remembered the ecological farm he visited in France after returning home. After saving some money, he began to start an organic farm on the outskirts of Beijing, insisting on not using pesticides. With the help of the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 36 greenhouses now harvest more than 1000 jin of fruits and vegetables a day. Even if strawberries sell for 100 yuan per kilogram, there are still many repeat customers!

In 2003, Wang Mian graduated from University, majoring in computer science. In 2007, Wang Mian earned two master's degrees in economics in France. In 2010, he quit his job in France, gave up the opportunity to emigrate to Canada and returned to Beijing. In 2012, he quit his job as a real estate auditor with an annual salary of 400000 to grow organic strawberries.

In 2012, Wang Mian hired more than a dozen workers and began growing organic strawberries in two sheds. What Wang Mian did not expect is that these workers with rich experience in organic cultivation still cannot grow strawberries without hormones. "I want to use biological control to get rid of strawberry diseases and insect pests, but the workers do not agree."

Looking at the pieces of "red spider" growing on the strawberry leaves, Wang Mian couldn't sleep. When he woke up in the evening, he got into the greenhouse and did nothing about the infected strawberries. The workers persuaded Wang Mian to sprinkle some pesticide to put pressure on him, but he insisted on not using it. After more than 70 days of planting, all strawberries in the two greenhouses are out of production.

The failure of this year also let Wang Mian gain a lot of experience. In 2013, Wang Mian quit his high-tech job and his parents started a new strawberry plant in Heiqiao Village, near the 798 Art District. At this time, the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences signed an agreement with Wang Mian, sending technicians to be stationed on the farm to work with Wang Mian.

This time, starting over, with the help of skilled workers from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wang Mian was more cautious than the last time he planted strawberries. In order to find the most suitable environment for natural enemies to grow and control insect pests, Wang Mian is inseparable from his strawberry greenhouse. Starting with temperature and humidity, and then to the proportion and timing of natural enemies, Wang Mian, like the workers, finally achieved a bumper strawberry harvest at the end of 2013. "We sell it for 100 yuan a kilo, and many customers become repeat customers after eating it."

Wang Mian launched a 7 × 24-hour live broadcast. Consumers who join the farm to order can monitor farm planting anytime, anywhere through video. Wang Mian said he wanted more people to see and eat real green fruits and vegetables.

The strict production standards without pesticides have brought more than 40 family members to Wang Mian. The farm distributes 10-12 jin of fruits and vegetables to each member family twice a week. On weekends or holidays, Wang Mian will also invite members to the farm for picking, leisure and holidays.

Wang Mian is more inclined to accept these ordinary members than big clients. "I want to let more people know the model of modern farms, form a reputation, social recognition, the industrial chain will gradually form."

He opened the door to the development of the health industry, just as Jack Ma predicted: Jack Ma said, the next person who surpasses me will appear in the health industry. Will this person be Wang Mian?