
If you plant the right seed, you can get rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you plant the right seed, you can get rich.

Editor's note: for farmers, what is most important to grow in the field: if you plant it right, you can get rich; if you plant it wrong, a year of hard work may be wasted. Right or wrong, the market has the final say. Adapting to the market demand and planting the crops needed by the market is the orientation of planting structure adjustment. Correctly grasping the pulse of the market tests the sharp sense and foresight of the village cadres, the leaders of getting rich. Today we will take a look at the story of several village cadres who led the villagers to adjust the planting structure.

Yan Zaiyong: the planting Classic of "Tobacco aficionados"

A place changes quietly because of one person, and a person sticks to it for a long time because of a place.

Yan Zaiyong, a simple post-70s peasant man, Huahongping Village, Tujie Town, Weining County, Guizhou Province, is a poetic but poor place.

Yan Zaiyong, once a substitute teacher, carpenter and big grower of flue-cured tobacco in the village, is now the village director of Huahongping Village and the "bellwether" on the way for villagers to get rich.

The expert of getting rich is busy with planting.

In the autumn of 1997, Yan Zaiyong became a substitute teacher in Jiaodingshan Primary School in Tujie Town (then called Rabbit Township), with a meagre salary but Yang Zaiyong worked conscientiously for five years.

Some people say that rural substitute teachers have a low salary and no future, but Yan Zaiyong does not think so. he feels that he has gained a lot in those years, and his time like going to college has created his courage to dare to do what he wants to do.

In early 2002, Yan Zaiyong began the arduous road of starting a business and becoming rich. At the beginning, Yan Zaiyong and his wife raised cattle and pigs. At one point, there were dozens of cattle and sheep, large and small. Due to the high expenses of the family, they still could not make ends meet.

Seeking development in accordance with local conditions, Yan Zaiyong found that Huahongping Village was suitable for growing flue-cured tobacco according to the local climate and soil quality. He was an expert at growing tobacco, and his family's annual income doubled in a year.

Growing flue-cured tobacco is a technical job. No matter who asks him for help, Yan Zaiyong is willing to help. He said that it is not only to help others but also to learn skills, and it is also a very happy thing to pass on the skills learned to others.

Under the leadership of Yan Zaiyong, the surrounding villagers also began to grow flue-cured tobacco with him to increase their income.

Every spring, Yan Zaiyong would walk around in the fields to see the farming situation of each household. He often told the villagers not to wait, rely on, or want, but to prop up the sky with their own hands.

In 2011, Yan Zaiyong, who raised both livestock and flue-cured tobacco, became a famous "smoker" for miles around, and became the village's leader in getting rich by planting.

Elected director of Huahongping village

When Yan Zaiyong was elected village director in 2014, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was even heavier.

At the beginning of taking office, Yan Zaiyong led the village committee to sort out development ideas, develop flue-cured tobacco planting according to local conditions, and develop characteristic economy.

Under his guidance, many villagers began to plant flue-cured tobacco and economic fruit forests. now there are new tobacco growers in the village every year, and the area of growing tobacco has increased from 1800 mu a few years ago to 2180 mu in 2016, an increase of about 1.1 million yuan in output value.

Not only that, Yan Zaiyong is also concerned about the development and production of poor households in the village.

In 2014, Yan Zaiyong helped three groups of Huahongping Village coordinate funds to set up a "Xiongying Farm" professional cooperative. In 2015, the farm began to take shape. In 2016, the farm had more than 40 enclosures, with dozens of cattle and more than 160 pigs. The farm has broad market prospects, driving local villagers to increase their income and become rich.

Driven by the farm, many villagers in the village use the land and grass mountains to grow corn and other crops to feed cattle, and now every household has fed two or three cattle.

Lead the villagers to grow Camellia oleifera

Ten thousand mu of tobacco sea gush with gold waves, camellia blossoms all over the hills.

Walking into the long Liangzi, which stretches for more than 10 kilometers in the town of Rabbit, there are a large number of wild Camellia oleifera trees growing on the slope. When spring is in full bloom, ten thousand mu of Camellia oleifera competes for Yan Dou Yan, becoming a beautiful scenery.

Standing in the wild Camellia oleifera planting base in Rabbit Street Town, there are labor scenes of people coming and going everywhere. Some of the villagers who work in the base are busy weeding Camellia oleifera seedlings and some are busy fertilizing tea trees.

Huahongping Village 400 mu of Camellia oleifera was successfully planted under the leadership of Yan Zaiyong.

Yan Zaiyong said that Camellia oleifera industry has a long chain and high comprehensive utilization value. in addition to selling tea oil, tea withered can be sold to local farmers as feed at a price of 1.2 yuan per jin. In addition, there are many deeply processed products to be developed, and sightseeing agriculture can also be developed.

Yan Zaiyong hesitates about the prospect of wild Camellia oleifera. He hopes to make the village's Camellia oleifera industry bigger and stronger.

Yan Zaiyong said: "the next step is to set up Camellia oleifera planting cooperatives in the village, select and promote new varieties of Camellia oleifera, extend the Camellia oleifera industry, vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of the Camellia oleifera industry, and create a new, green and environmentally friendly Camellia oleifera industry. Radiation will drive the whole village to plant Camellia oleifera industry and promote farmers to get rich and increase their income."