
The micro-village strives for the development of true feelings in the countryside.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The micro-village strives for the development of true feelings in the countryside.

Bai Jiyue, Party Branch Secretary of Xujiabao Village, Fengyu Township, Datong County

Bai Jiyue, who is in his sixties, is the party branch secretary of Xujiabao Village, Fengyu Township, Datong County. For more than 10 years, with a heart of loyalty to the party, he took root in the countryside and took a poor village in the past into a demonstration village of "one village, one product" in the whole province.

The picture shows Bai Jiyue (middle) guiding college students' volunteers to pick yellow flowers.

Before 2004, Xujiabao Village was one of the few poor villages in Datong County. There is no source of income for the collective economy, and the foreign debt is as high as 130000 yuan. There is dirt on sunny days and mud on rainy days; there is no irrigated land, cultivated cattle and ploughs; and the village committee changes frequently and petitions several batches. This is a true portrayal of the village at that time. Under such circumstances, after the villagers' gestation and the selection of party members, Bai Jiyue, who works outside, was pushed to the front stage. In the face of opposition from his parents, his wife and children, and the pressure to get rid of poverty in the whole village, Bai Jiyue did not flinch and decided to do a good job. Live up to the trust of the organization and the great trust of the masses.

"what is the problem with Xujiabao village?" This is a question that Bai Jiyue has been thinking about since he took office. Through exchanges with the members of the "two committees" of the village and with the villagers, he found the crux of the problem. After taking office, he first held a meeting of the village party branch, analyzed the existing problems, discussed ways to solve them, defined the direction of future work, and formulated the first five-year plan in line with the reality of the village. The subsequent villagers' meeting announced the five-year plan and made a commitment to find ways to put the plan into practice during the term of office and live up to the expectations of all the villagers.

The plan is settled. Where does the money come from? After careful consideration, Bai Jiyue decided to invite cadres and entrepreneurs working outside the country to offer suggestions for the construction of his hometown. So he led the village cadres to various places and visited the successful people in their hometown one by one. In order to save every penny, they ate instant noodles, stayed at the station, and took the bus. Their spirit of enduring hardships moved many people, and everyone gave generously one after another. They soon raised more than 10,000 yuan in cash. After returning to the village, he immediately held a meeting of villagers' representatives, asking everyone to collectively study where to start their work and strive to spend their limited money on the cutting edge. In this way, he led the cadres and masses of the whole village to work vigorously, studying problems collectively and overcoming difficulties. Over the past few years, great changes have taken place not only in the appearance of the village, but also in the hearts of the cadres and masses in the whole village.

Xujiabao village has 1000 mu of arable land, but not a single motor well, all dry land, ordinary people rely on heaven for food, the per capita annual net income is less than 1000 yuan. How to adjust the industrial structure and increase farmers' income has become another urgent problem in front of Bai Jiyue. In order to change production, there must be water first. for this reason, he repeatedly approached the main leaders of the water affairs departments of the city and county to explain the actual situation in the village and asked them to give support and tilt. When the leaders of the water affairs department saw that he worked hard for the development of the village, they were all very moved. They have allocated a total of 100000 yuan for water conservancy special funds, two new wells have been drilled, and 500mu of irrigated land has been added, which has completely changed the history of irrigated land in the village. At the same time, after repeated studies, he and his team members determined to develop Huanghua as the leading industry in the village, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole village to plant Huanghua through various ways, such as taking the lead of party members and cadres, carrying out land exchange, and encouraging land transfer. In the three years from 2010 to 2012, the whole village planted 460 mu of yellow flowers, of which more than 200 mu entered the peak period, and its income accounted for more than 65% of the village's total economic income, and became the pillar industry of the whole village's economy. by 2011, the per capita net income of the whole village would reach 5000 yuan, an increase of 4000 yuan over 2004. The village is more beautiful, the hearts of the people are smooth, farmers' pockets are bulging, and their confidence in development is even fuller. Under the leadership of Bai Jiyue, the great situation of new rural construction in Xujiabao Village has thus been opened.