
The price of crucian carp in Hubei hit a 20-year high, up 100% from the beginning of the year!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The price of crucian carp in Hubei hit a 20-year high, up 100% from the beginning of the year!

"I've been working on it for almost 20 years, and I've never seen crucian carp at such a high price!" Hubei Xiantao feed dealer Zhou Xianchuan told the reporter with emotion. It is also the first time that Li Jingzhan, a feed dealer in Dongxihu District of Wuhan City, has been doing feed distribution for more than 10 years.

It is understood that at present, the price of five crucian carp ponds in various parts of Hubei is about 9-11 yuan per jin, double the 4.5-5 yuan per jin at the beginning of this year. The price of Tangtou was 5.5-6 yuan per jin in the same period last year, which is also much lower than the current price.

Zhou Xianchuan told reporters that the price of crucian carp pond in Hubei from September to December is about 4.8-5 yuan / jin, and it gradually increases in March and April of the following year, generally only about 1 yuan / jin. "this year is so special!"

Zhou Xianchuan said that the price is so high mainly because the supply is very small. It is understood that Hubei crucian carp intensive culture is very few, mainly in grass carp, herring or carp main culture ponds. Because of the captive culture, crucian carp are usually sold only in dry ponds.

In 2014 and 2015, the market of grass carp in Hubei was in the doldrums for two consecutive years, making it impossible for many farmers to see hope. At the end of 2015 and early 2016, most farmers sold out dried grass carp ponds. As in the past, they seldom keep some of the "intercalated fish" (stored pond fish) of about 1 jin and raise them to sell "hot water fish" by the middle of this year. Grass carp dried pond, crucian carp are naturally sold. This is the main reason for the low supply of crucian carp.

Li Jingzhan told reporters that Jiangsu crucian carp had a history of being sold to Hubei in the past, but they had not heard of it recently. In his view, Jiangsu crucian carp production has been reduced in the past two years, and the weather is relatively hot, long-distance transportation is also troublesome, it is more difficult to affect the Hubei market.

"the high price of mackerel has also driven the consumption of crucian carp to a certain extent." Zhou Xianchuan said that the cooking methods of mackerel and crucian carp in Hubei are similar, there is a certain alternative, the price of carp is high, making some consumers turn to crucian carp.

Li Jingzhan believes that the price of crucian carp should have reached its peak. Because in another ten days or half a month, Hubei's "hot water fish" will be on the market. A number of industry insiders said that although the production of "hot water fish" this year is lower than in previous years, it will also alleviate the current shortage of demand to a certain extent and lower the prices of grass carp, carp and crucian carp.

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