
The "good prescription" behind the bumper harvest of melons and vegetables in Qingyuan

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The "good prescription" behind the bumper harvest of melons and vegetables in Qingyuan

"this year is a bumper harvest year!" In a melon shed in Nanwangzhuang, Qingyuan District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a melon farmer happily hugs all the watermelons out of his shed, waiting to be sent to the truck of melon buyers. This is one of the few greenhouses in Nanwangzhuang where melons have not yet been harvested. In several greenhouses nearby, melon farmers have begun to clean up melon seedlings and prepare for growing vegetables.

Qingyuan is mainly sandy soil, affected by soil conditions, the cultivation of watermelons here has a long history. In 2014, Qingyuan District began to build a modern demonstration park of melons and vegetables with Nanwangzhuang as the core. At present, the park has gradually begun to play a role in promoting ecological planting and exploring new planting patterns.

Bees decide whether to use harmful pesticides or not. "many greenhouses in Nanwangzhuang are pollinated by bees." Guo Yong, vice chairman of the Nanwangzhuang melon and vegetable professional cooperative in Qingyuan District, said, "artificial pollination takes time and effort, and now we all leave it to the bees. Bees are very sensitive to harmful drugs. Putting a hive in the greenhouse for bees to pollinate saves labor and eliminates the use of harmful drugs. "

In addition to the construction of the beehive, the transformation of the greenhouse is also a project in Nanwangzhuang Village. A farmer told the reporter that in order to encourage farmers to change bamboo and wood greenhouses into steel greenhouses and lay drip irrigation facilities in the greenhouses, the local government funded last year to subsidize farmers who carry out greenhouse transformation with 3000 yuan per mu.

The cooperative's seedling greenhouse is more advanced. In order to keep the temperature in the greenhouse constant and avoid affecting the seedling growth due to the high temperature in the greenhouse in summer, the cooperative has specially introduced a set of equipment to cool the greenhouse through fans and water curtains. And start the automatic spraying system in the shed and other equipment, only need to gently click on the remote control in the hands of farmers. From treatment to prevention, experts are invited to the ground.

"in 2014, yellow leaf disease appeared in some sheds, which was almost out of harvest. The experts invited to take a look at it said that it was too late to be rescued." Guo Yong said. Now, Nanwangzhuang Village has changed from "experts to cure diseases" to "experts to prevent diseases", and has carefully divided the various stages of watermelon growth, such as soil preparation, seedling stage and flowering stage. Different experts are invited to explain it at different stages, which is more authoritative and targeted. Preventive measures are in place. There is no more yellow leaf disease in Nanwangzhuang this year.

Experts who come to the field also play an important role in the experimental planting of new varieties. In the experimental greenhouse, the technician Guan Shiyi showed new varieties of hanging seedlings such as "beyond Dream", "Xiangxiu" and "Spring Aunt". Guan Shiyi told reporters that by using the method of planting hanging seedlings, at most two melons can be planted on one seedling, and by increasing the planting density, the yield can reach more than 1.5 times that of planting on the ground. and this planting method can make watermelons absorb light more evenly because they avoid contact with the soil. although they are smaller than ordinary watermelons, they can increase their appearance, and the selling price can sometimes reach 8 yuan per jin on the market.

At present, Qingyuan District is still preparing to work with Baoding Science and Technology Association and Beijing Daxing District Science and Technology Association to build a modern agricultural industrialization expert workstation to guide local farmers to carry out pollution-free planting and comprehensively establish a complete traceability system for the quality of agricultural products.

Find out the market before planting, the market information is very important

The modern demonstration park of ten thousand mu of melons and vegetables in Qingyuan District is mainly planted in greenhouse, and the ripening time is earlier than that of watermelons planted in season. According to local melon farmers, Qingyuan watermelons are mainly on the market between late May and early June, when watermelons in Shandong are almost sold and Shanxi watermelons are not yet ripe.

"you have to plant melons at the right time. When the melons in Shandong are sold out, the market can't pick up the stubble, so our melon farmers here can make more money." Guo Yong said, "in previous years, prices did not go up. Melons in other places are ripe before they are sold out, and the interests of melon farmers will inevitably suffer."

"I still hope to provide us with some market information through more authoritative channels." A melon farmer next to him chimed in, "at least tell us when it was planted in Shandong." In this way, we can arrange the planting time. Planting melons early and late makes a big difference. "

Our reporter Zhang Cong trainee reporter Zhao Yuheng Meng Decai