
A poor household's counterattack to become rich classics: perhaps, his starting point is not as good as yours

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A poor household's counterattack to become rich classics: perhaps, his starting point is not as good as yours

Today, the editor wants to give you an unusual example to introduce you to a poor household who was famous in the past and see how he turned around and became rich. Unlike those rich experts who have made millions, this poor household has not made much money, but he has taken a big step on the road to getting rich.

The road to wealth is much more difficult.

The Tian regime, who lives in Tangjiapu Village, Enshi, Hubei Province, was once a well-known local poor family. The local transportation is inconvenient, there is no industry, and what is more fatal is that the couple of the Tian regime do not have any skills, and they have never thought of going out to work. Relying on their hands, they planted less than four acres of thin land for their two daughters to go to school. Watching others slowly get rich, although the Tian regime envies, it always feels that it is too difficult to get rich, and there are too many difficulties in front of him.

"our family is relatively poor, we have no income, and there are two students studying," Tian said. "now we don't have any industry in this place."

Today's Tian regime is very different from what it used to be. Walking into the Tian regime's house, you can see all kinds of goods stacked next to the fire Kang: bacon, cured fish and sausages. These are the treasures that the Tian regime is ready to take away the sales. Every year, this income alone is equal to the income earned by the couple in farming for several years.

So, what on earth is the reason for the Tian regime to not only change the plight of poverty in the past, but also become today's wealthy households?

I have learned from the experience by visiting the house.

This also starts with a major change in the Tian regime's family. In 2015, the eldest daughter of Tian and his wife was admitted to college. This made the family very excited, but the Tian regime soon had new troubles: now that her daughter is admitted to college, not to mention the cost of living, the family simply cannot afford the tuition fee of more than 10,000 yuan a year. Tian regime ran around with an old face to borrow tuition fees for the first year, but borrowing money every year is not the way, let alone what does he take to repay it? After thinking it over, the Tian regime, who was heavily in debt, made up his mind and began to think about ways to get rid of poverty.

What kind of project can make money and get started quickly? The Tian regime did not have a good vision and no clever ideas, so he knew that it was right to learn from capable people. As a result, the Tian regime wandered around the village and went to every house to chat. It seems that he is visiting relatives, but in fact he is going to learn lessons to see how other families live and what good projects they have. Soon the Tian regime set its sights on the pig raising project. Pigs are more leather and solid, get out of the pen quickly, and there are more local pig farmers, even if they can't, they can ask for advice nearby. With the borrowed money, Tian bought 10 pigs from relatives to try to raise them. Who would have thought that he would make money in the first year?

The regime of Tian said that he fed ten pigs this year, and one of them invested 500 to 600 yuan and made more than 10,000 yuan.

Change the way of thinking and move towards a well-off society

Tian regime was so happy that he didn't know what to say when he saw so much money for the first time. However, at this time, the Tian regime was in no hurry to sell all the live pigs. He thought that if he left some of it to kill and make bacon, it would not only save the cost of feed, but also prolong the preservation time. Unexpectedly, the bacon made to save money just catered to the local customs. The Spring Festival sold very well that year, helping the Tian regime to make a lot of money.

Tian regime said: "five years ago, our annual income was only 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, but now we have more than 20,000 yuan a year, which has also increased many times."

Since then, in the Tian regime's pig farming project, there are not only live pigs for sale, but also rich processing products such as bacon and sausages. Several years of aquaculture sales let the Tian regime come into contact with more people and have a deeper understanding of management. Tian regime said: "my plan in the future is to feed pigs. I intend to feed 10 or 20 pigs, and I still have to rely on myself to run a well-off society."

The annual income ranges from four or five thousand to more than twenty thousand. This change is not a large number compared with the rich and capable people we have introduced in the past. However, for the starting point of the Tian regime, that is quite a good achievement. Speaking of the secret of his success, the editor thinks that there are two points as follows:

The ① Tian regime has a heart to try to change. His own condition is not good, a heart that wants to get rich very much, force him to decide to start looking for a project, dare to try.

②, who turns live pigs into bacon, is actually trying to extend his industrial chain. He integrates his skills into raw pork, which will make pork more profitable.

Tian regime has found his way to a well-off society in his attempt. I hope you will not hesitate any more. The conditions for getting rich are created, not waiting. If you want to get rich, you have to walk first!

Trainee Editor: Wang Wanmei

Responsible Editor: Zhang Cheng