
Shen Changlong: turning honeysuckle into a rich flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Shen Changlong: turning honeysuckle into a rich flower

Poor and backward Tuanjie Township is located in the northwest mountainous area of Yuechi County, 38 kilometers away from Yuechi County, bordering Shuishui Township and Wanjia Township in Gaoping District of Nanchong City. There are few flat dams in the township, which is a typical deep mound landform. Chaomen Village is the most remote village in the township, 10 kilometers away from the township government, crossing the mountain ridge is Nanchong boundary.

At present, in this remote mountain village, villagers are busy harvesting honeysuckle, 180 acres of honeysuckle planting base, from time to time out of the hearty laughter. Shen Changlong, a 36-year-old local owner, told reporters that it is estimated that 5000 kilograms of dried honeysuckle can be collected this year. According to the purchase price of the medicinal materials company last year, there is about 400,000 yuan of income. Next year's output is expected to double from this year's.

Shen Changlong was originally a village doctor in Chaomen Village, but the poverty of his hometown forced him to leave the village. Now, he returned to his hometown to plant honeysuckle on a large scale and achieved initial success.

Shen Changlong walked for 15 years with youth and tears.

Graduated from health school, village doctor, poor hometown, forced to leave

In 2001, Shen Changlong graduated from Sichuan Province Health School and returned to Chaomen Village as a village doctor. In the same year, he married his girlfriend and served as a substitute teacher in the village the following year. In this way, Shen Changlong became the only village doctor in the village, the only village teacher, and his wife became a veritable village doctor assistant.

Tuanjie Township conditions are poor, few teachers formally recruited by the state come, and Chaomen Village has not seen formal teachers for many years. Shen Changlong as a substitute teacher, Every year there are new students enrolled, But no new teachers, He had to carry out double teaching, At most, Four grades of about 40 students in a classroom.

Because of poverty, villagers often go to the village clinic to see a doctor, even a few yuan of medical expenses can not get out, Shen Changlong had to pay for it. Not only that, he has to pay tuition fees for some students every year. A few years down, Shen Changlong advance medical expenses and tuition fees have accumulated thousands of yuan, Until now there are still more than 4000 yuan confiscated back,"More than 10 years, Those who owe money, Some died, Some family went out, I also did not intend to come back."

What Shen Changlong can't stand most is that he often becomes the object of thieves 'patronage. That year, he raised more than 10 meat ducks, which were prepared for his wife who gave birth to children, but all of them were stolen. The belongings of the village clinic are often stolen, and the thief does not even let go of his sanitary box.

In 2006, Shen Changlong had no choice but to leave his home with his family and opened a personal clinic in Laojun Town, Gaoping District, Nanchong City...

Get rich and return home to plant medicinal materials improperly every year

Shen Changlong is simple and honest, dedicated to career, in Laojun town gradually wide contacts, business is booming. Over the years, he bought stores and houses in town and switched from outpatient to drug sales.

In the process of long-term drug sales, Shen Changlong is very optimistic about the market prospect of honeysuckle planting,"honeysuckle has the name of traditional Chinese medicine antibiotic, the market demand is large, the market trend has always been optimistic, and the adaptability is strong, not very selective; quick effect, planting in the first year, the second year can pick flowers; yield is also extremely high."

In 2009, Shen Changlong decided to develop honeysuckle planting projects on the basis of opening pharmacies. He returned to the village and rented 180 acres of barren slope land. Villagers do not believe that these have been barren for more than 10 years, weeds deeper than people can still emerge "gold" to come, a time of gossip a lot.

Regardless of these, Shen Changlong rented an excavator and pushed out the tractor road on this steep slope in a few days. At the same time, he invited a large number of workers to weed, and the cost of weeding alone cost more than 60,000 yuan. After that, he invested more than 100,000 yuan to buy back more than 10,000 honeysuckle seedlings from other places.

The next year, the honeysuckle began to harvest. "The flowering period is only half a month. If you encounter continuous rain during this period, you can forget about harvesting. After recovery, if honeysuckle pile up, it will rot, if directly exposed to the sun, it will turn black, not easy to sell. The honeysuckle will not change color unless it is steamed first and then dried in the sun." A few years ago, due to improper handling, Shen Changlong almost lost money every year.

In 2012, more and more honeysuckle was harvested. Shen Changlong transported it to Laojun Town by truck and piled up several large houses. He invited several workers to steam and sun at the same time. But it rained a few days, and he watched the piles of honeysuckle rot away, but there was nothing he could do. In the second half of the year, Shen Changlong, who had almost used up his savings, did not flinch. He borrowed some money from relatives and friends to change the original iron house of the base into a building, which was convenient for hoarding honeysuckle. At the same time, he built a simple drying house by soil method. After harvesting in 2013, he discovered that the drying house built by the local method was not ideal. The honeysuckle baked was of poor quality and had to be sold at a low price, and the money sold was not enough to offset the wages of picking.

In 2014, the yield of honeysuckle in the field was larger. More than 20,000 catties of fresh honeysuckle were harvested in that year. However, during the harvest period, there were more than 10 rainy days. In addition, due to the power failure of the iron tower on the top of the mountain for several days, the drying room could not work. Finally, the more than 20,000 catties of fresh honeysuckle were completely rotten. At that time, it cost more than 10,000 yuan to pick only the wages.

Clenching teeth, insisting on welcoming the dawn, swearing to let his hometown run towards a well-off society

In order to fully support his son's career, Shen Changlong's father helped in the field all year round without complaint. Seeing his son fail one after another, his father couldn't help but persuade him."Changlong, forget about planting honeysuckle. Anyway, your pharmacy income is still good. Why do you have to work so hard to please him?"

As long as Shen Changlong identified things, he would stick to it. In 2015, he raised 130,000 yuan through loans and loans to build a standardized drying room that could adjust humidity and temperature in the base. This year, due to his lack of experience in temperature and humidity control, about half of the honeysuckle was sold at a low price due to poor color, but he still earned more than 50,000 yuan.

"With standardized drying rooms and experience in operation, this year will definitely be much better than last year." Shen Changlong revealed that it is estimated that 25,000 kilograms of fresh honeysuckle can be picked this year, about 5000 kilograms after drying, even at the price of 80 yuan per kilogram last year, income is also good.

"Even so, it didn't achieve the desired effect this year." Shen Changlong said, There are two main problems: One is about 10 acres of honeysuckle due to too dense growth, Poor ventilation conditions and other reasons, All infected by mold, Almost no harvest; Second, the drying room scale is small, And the daily picking amount must be arranged according to the drying amount, This will lead to some mature honeysuckle because can not be picked in time and fall underground, This year is expected to fall underground fresh honeysuckle will have about 5000 kg. To this end, he has decided to expand the drying room next year and strengthen management in pest and mold control to reduce losses.

When the reporter asked him if he still wanted to expand the planting scale, Shen Changlong said, He more hope that the village's other villagers see his success, Spontaneous planting honeysuckle, He can provide free guidance in technology, And responsible for the purchase of villagers 'fresh honeysuckle,"Let the villagers are rich, Is my original intention of planting honeysuckle in my hometown."