
Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, Hunan Province: wild boar "arch" a way to get rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, Hunan Province: wild boar "arch" a way to get rich

When it comes to wild boars, one will think of its long tusks, black fur, and ferocious temperament, which is daunting. But he Jun, a villager who lives in Shibitang Village, Baimangying Town, Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, can live in harmony with wild boars.

When it comes to his opportunity to raise wild boars, it starts from his experience as a mountain forest contractor, when he and his companions found a litter of wild boars during a mountain tour. But the sows were so ferocious that they dared not come near, so they hurriedly called the old hunter to catch them. After a fierce struggle, the sow was shot to death. But in the face of these eight piglets, they are in trouble. Eat, it's too small, keep it, you haven't even raised it. However, because of the relationship in Yaoshan, wild boar meat can be eaten occasionally. Its skin is thick and chewy, and the meat is delicious, which is not comparable to that of ordinary domestic pigs. He Jun thought that he had the experience of raising domestic pigs, and the wild boar was also found on his own mountain, so he stayed and temporarily built an one-meter-high fence to raise on his own mountain. At the beginning, I didn't want to raise it on a large scale, but I wanted to grow up for my own food.

But within a few months, the wild boar began to die, all of a sudden wheezing and sudden death. There are no wild boar users around, why do you use the method of raising domestic pigs, wild boars can not live? He Jun, who likes to think about everything, began to constantly ask experts, realizing that wild boars have a wide range of activities and must be stocked. In addition, domestic pigs generally eat special feed, while wild boar melons and fruits, weeds, wild vegetables and even wild small animals are eaten, and the breeding cost is low. With a better understanding of the living habits of wild boars, he Jun is full of interest in the wild boar market. I could have tried to raise wild boars in the mountain forest according to local conditions, so I asked a friend to use my savings to buy 20 improved special wild boars to breed on the mountain.

Early one morning, the village secretary called him and said that his wild boar was spoiling the villagers' cornfields. I rushed to have a look. Good boy, I couldn't drive it away. When you came, it ran, and when you left, it came again. We have to eat all the corn fields. The constant complaints from the villagers gave him the idea of encircling the mountain with barbed wire. But the savings have not been returned yet, and there is no money left around the mountain. The villager's house is at the foot of the mountain, so it's not good to attack people. After asking relatives and friends for a loan, it was still not enough. He Jun did not want to give up the half-built fence. When he tried to find the government, the difficulty was easily solved. The town government and the village committee helped him coordinate and solve the site problem. The village committee also guaranteed him a smooth loan of 80,000 yuan from the county employment bureau, which completely solved the urgent needs.

In this way, with the spirit of being willing to bear hardships and stand hard work and perseverance, he Jun embarked on the road of raising wild boars to get rich. Three years later, he Jun happily told me that wild boar meat was very popular as soon as it was put on the market because of its long growth time and good environment. Now his breeding scale has expanded from 20 pigs in that year to more than 300, and the price of wild boar meat has risen to about 80 yuan per kilogram. This year, he expects to produce a total of 180 wild boars, with an estimated income of more than 1 million yuan at 70 kilograms and 80 yuan per kilogram.

Talking about his plans for the future, he Jun said: "now the entrepreneurial policy in my hometown is good, and I also want to plant fruit trees in the mountains and forests, engage in ecological agriculture, and prepare for the establishment of training cooperatives, so as to make pigs thrive and drive more villagers to cultivate and become rich."