
Fu Wei: sneaking up the mountain to raise duck-billed fish

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fu Wei: sneaking up the mountain to raise duck-billed fish

He raised a kind of fish that many local people had never seen before, which made people scream a lot. He was questioned by his method of raising fish. He left his family and hid in the mountains. What was the secret, and what business opportunities did he find in the fish that many local people had never seen?

This is the Fengting Lake Reservoir. When the reporter came to this reservoir to interview Fu Wei, he was just in time for him to organize tourists to visit his cage fish culture base.

Fu Wei: wait a minute. When we go to the base, don't run around. We should pay attention to safety.

Fu Wei told reporters that many people had never seen the fish he raised here. In order to promote his fish, Fu Wei often holds some activities at the breeding base.

Fu Wei: would you like to have a look? shall we all have a look together?

Tourist: OK.

Fu Wei: OK, let's start the net now.

No sooner had the fish surfaced than there was an exclamation at the scene.

Tourist: yes, over there, what a big one.

Fu Wei: have you ever seen such a strange fish?

Tourist: no, for the first time.

Tourist: wow, that's fun.

The shape of this fish has aroused curiosity and speculation.

Tourist: like a shark.

Interviewer: like what?

Tourist: Sharks.

Tourist: like a duck.

Tourist: it has a sharp mouth, which is different from other fish.

The fish raised by Fu Wei are called spoon-nosed Sturgeon, which is also called duck-billed fish because it has a long mouth. Not only does it look strange, it is also a very ancient species, contemporary with dinosaurs, and has lived on the earth for more than 200 million years.

Today, Fu Wei organized a competition at the fish culture base in the reservoir. Whoever catches the biggest fish within 10 minutes can take away the duck-billed fish for free.

Fu Wei: are you ready?

Fu Wei: 1, 2, 2, 3, here we go.

Tourist: come here, come here.

The platypus fish has smooth skin and swims very fast in the water, so it is not easy to catch.

Tourist: it's hard to catch. It's too slippery. I don't know how to catch it. I can't catch it.

Fu Wei personally went to battle and taught everyone how to catch this kind of platypus fish.

After Fu Wei's demonstration, someone discovered the trick and was the first to catch a duck-billed fish.

Interviewer: how did you catch it?

Tourist: I grabbed it by the mouth and caught it.

Tourist: who is the older one?

Everyone was grasping hard, but Fu Wei shouted loudly.

Fu Wei: vertical, vertical, that fish can not be lifted horizontally, it is broken.

It turns out that the platypus fish has no thorns all over its body, only a bone in the snout, which is used to send signals and look for food. Then there is a flexible keel running from head to tail. If you lift it horizontally, it's easy to break it.

Ten minutes later, everyone had a harvest. According to the rules of the competition, tourists went to the shore to weigh and choose the winner.

Interviewer: who is the champion?

Tourist: me, who? it's just me.

Reporter: how big is your fish?

Tourist: there are five jin and two taels. Take it back and steam it tonight. It's quite novel, how can there be this kind of fish? I hear it's very delicious. Come and have a try.

Fu Wei packed the trophy for the champion with an oxygen bag.

Fu Wei: come to claim your prizes. They are packed now.

This fish weighs five jin and two taels, the market price is 380 yuan. Fu Wei has 15400 square cages and breeds all platypus fish. In 2015, the sales of platypus fish exceeded 4 million yuan.

But six years ago, because of raising duck-billed fish, Fu Wei made a lot of questionable actions, so his family was in crisis, and even many villagers thought he was crazy. So, what business opportunities did Fu Wei see in the platypus fish? It all started in 2011.

During the Spring Festival in 2011, there was a scene of family reunion and jubilation everywhere, but Fu Wei's wife looked sad because she found her husband's behavior very unusual and often did not come home outside.

Wife: call him, I asked him where he is, he said, training, training staff, or hold a meeting like this. When he called him again, he said that he was talking to others about something. He was busy. He hung up right away.

At first his wife didn't take it to heart, but gradually, she found that it was normal that she could not get in touch with Fu Wei.

This situation went on for several months, and not only the wives began to suspect, but even their 5-year-old daughter felt that something was wrong.

Wife: my children always ask why mom doesn't see dad coming, and dad doesn't want us anymore. Normally, he would come back to see the children no matter how busy he was at work, and then he didn't come back at that time. Then at that time, I also wondered if there was something wrong and what it would look like.

Fu Wei: anyway, it's just raw rice and cooked rice. Whoever said it can only be like this. It felt like a humiliating thing at that time.

What on earth is Fu Wei's secret?

Fu Wei was born in Hepu County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region in 1984. When he was a child, his family was poor. He relied on his father to go fishing, and his mother dug sand worms for Fu Wei and his brother and sister to study.

In 2004, Fu Wei graduated from Guangxi Armed Police Nanning Command School, majoring in public security. After that, he worked in the mobile communication industry in Beihai City, from an ordinary salesman to a sales supervisor with a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan. In 2010, his wife returned to Shangsi County, Fangchenggang City, her mother's home. Fu Wei, who works in Beihai City, went back to Shangsi County to visit his family every once in a while. After the Spring Festival in 2011, Fu Wei suddenly did not go home. And he disappeared for eight months. What on earth did he do?

Fu Wei: let me show you the house I lived in when I came to the mountain.

Fu Wei: now, come on, you can have a look.

Fu Wei: it's dilapidated inside now.

Interviewer: such a small space?

Fu Wei: just a little shorter. Anyway, you'll be able to sleep. It's enough not to get caught in the rain. I have spent nearly a year here.

It turned out that after the Spring Festival in 2011, Fu Wei quit his job without telling his family. He hid himself in the depths of the mountain and was planning to do something big.

Fu Wei: if I tell them, maybe I don't even have a chance to come here, I will definitely stop it. Then all my dreams will be shattered. I'm sure this thing will make me more money.

The purpose of Fu Wei's hiding in the mountain is to keep an eye on the Fengting Lake Reservoir on the mountain. The water quality here is clear and suitable for aquaculture. Fu Wei wants to raise fish here, but what makes everyone feel crazy is that his way of raising fish is really different. In order to show the reporter a characteristic of this fish, Fu Wei dived into the water and caught a fish.

Reporter: wow, I see it.

Fu Wei: got it.

Reporter: is it easy to catch?

Fu Wei: it's OK, because it is a fish without scales, it has a layer of mucus, so it is very smooth and swims very fast.

This is the fish raised by Fu Wei, the scientific name spoon Sturgeon is also called duck-billed fish. The reporter became interested in the big mouth of the platypus fish.

Interviewer: it's really big. Can I put my fist in?

Fu Wei: yes, you can have a try.

Reporter: will it bite me?

Fu Wei: no, because this fish is more docile.

The duck-billed fish's mouth can easily accommodate the reporter's fist. It has no teeth, has a lot of brush-like fluff, and its gills are very well developed, as if hollowed out to connect with the outside.

By chance in 2010, Fu Wei found the platypus fish on the Internet and was suddenly attracted by its strange appearance. Then he looked up a lot of data and combined with market research. After the Spring Festival in 2011, Fu Wei spent 20, 000 yuan to introduce 2000 fish fry from Hunan to experiment with fish culture. But on the first day he went to the mountain to raise fish, he carried the title of madman.