
Boluo raised bearded chickens and achieved good results in getting rid of poverty in three years.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Boluo raised bearded chickens and achieved good results in getting rid of poverty in three years.

Original title: raising bearded chickens enriches the villagers' pockets

Development of characteristic planting and breeding in Wunihu Village, Shiba Town, Boluo County to help poor families get rid of poverty

Village-based cadres, village cadres and responsible persons of enterprises often guide and help poor households. Photo taken by our reporter Yuan Chang

Comprehensive report on Agriculture, Rural areas and Farmers: Huang Jintang, 64, a villager of Wunihu Village, Shiba Town, Boluo County, is busy with more than 10,000 Sanhuang bearded chickens at home every day. He used to be a poor household, and now he is planning to double the stock of more than 10,000 columns.

Wunihu Village is a typical example of the second round of poverty alleviation and development "double arrival" work in our city. The village implements precise poverty alleviation and achieves a great change in lifting all poor households out of poverty and increasing the collective economic income of the village by 11 times through planting and breeding for three years.

46 poor households rely on raising chickens to get rid of poverty

Despite the fact that Huang Jintang is now a big farmer, three years ago, six members of his family made a living on 4 mu of land and odd jobs during their leisure time. Their annual household income was only more than 10,000 yuan, and their per capita income was only more than 2000 yuan.

Huang Jintang told the reporter that at present, his family has a stock of about 11000 chickens, two and a half columns a year. If the stock reaches 20, 000, there will be 40, 000 to 50, 000 chickens a year. By raising chickens, their family's annual income has reached 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and now they have built buildings.

"thanks to the help of the municipal real estate administration bureau, the poor families in the village have become rich by raising chickens." Huang Wenhui, secretary of the party branch of Wunihu Village and director of the village committee, said: in order to help poor families out of poverty as soon as possible, under the guidance of the help units, we make use of the chicken seedlings and technical resources of Siyuan breeding Co., Ltd., a leading chicken raising enterprise at the provincial level in the village. through the model of "company + base + farmers", we will focus on planting and raising poverty alleviation for poor households.

"We provide poor families with chicken seedlings, no deposit, and free door-to-door training for technicians every year." Huang Wenxiang, chairman of Siyuan breeding Co., Ltd., said that in the second round of poverty alleviation and development "Shuangzhi" work, the company led 46 poor households to raise Sanhuang bearded chickens. At present, the villagers who have been lifted out of poverty raise more than 200,000 chickens, with an annual profit of about 2 million yuan.

"Sanhuang bearded Chicken is one of the three famous chickens in Guangdong. It has a good market and high income." Jian Jiansen, a village cadre of the Municipal Real Estate Administration, said that in accordance with the idea of "based on agricultural reality, making use of existing resources, and steadily growing year by year," the help units should develop the chicken industry and encourage poor households to raise Sanhuang bearded chickens.

The annual income of the village collective increased from 25000 to 310000 yuan.

In addition to developing poor households to raise Sanhuang bearded chickens and enabling poor families to get rid of poverty through their own efforts, help units have also helped another 29 relatively poor families in the village to get rid of poverty by means of renovation of dilapidated houses, assistance, and vocational skills training.

"over the past three years, the cumulative investment of funds at all levels and types in Wunihu Village has reached 16.59 million yuan." According to Jian Jiansen, through three years of assistance, the average annual income of poor households in Wunihu village has increased from 2923 yuan in 2012 to 11783 yuan, and the annual income of the village collective economy has increased from 25000 yuan to 310000 yuan.

While the villagers' pockets are bulging, the environment of the village is also undergoing great changes with the help of the support units. Today, walking into Wunihu Village is like walking into a modern pastoral picture, with spacious and clean village roads, endless farmland, well-equipped cultural squares and neatly arranged small foreign houses, all telling people that the village has completed its transformation. (our reporter Yuan Chang)