
Changing the way of summer grain to meet the disaster of bumper harvest and more autumn grain is the big head.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Changing the way of summer grain to meet the disaster of bumper harvest and more autumn grain is the big head.

Original title: Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture, made an inventory of the highlights of agricultural production in the first half of the year.

The bumper harvest of summer grain shows the effectiveness of agricultural transformation.

Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu talks about summer grain (network pictures)

Comprehensive report of the "three Rural Express": at present, the national summer grain harvest is basically over. In an interview with the Economic Daily a few days ago, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said that the bright spots in agricultural production in the first half of this year were bumper harvests in summer grain production, and positive progress was made in agricultural transformation and restructuring.

It is not easy to have another bumper harvest.

Han Changfu said that although there are some phased unfavorable factors in agrometeorological conditions this year, according to forecasts, the total output of summer grain can still reach 280 billion jin, which is roughly the same as that of last year, the highest in history, and is still a bumper harvest year on the whole. From the analysis of the yield components of summer grain, first, the sown area remains stable, with an estimated summer grain area of 414 million mu, including 339 million mu of winter wheat, which are basically the same as the previous year. Second, the per unit yield decreased slightly, the three factors of yield components of winter wheat showed a trend of "one decrease and two increases", the number of spikes per mu decreased, the number of grains per spike and 1000-grain weight increased.

Henan is the largest summer grain province in the country. In Northwest Street Village, Yucheng County, 3000 mu of wheat from Lu Hejun, a big grain grower, has had another bumper harvest this year. "uniformly purchase agricultural materials to reduce costs; equip harvester, deep tiller, and sprayer, etc., to reduce investment; take the lead in promoting new varieties, and apply new technologies such as deep ploughing and deep loosening, soil testing and formula fertilization to increase yield." Lao Lu has his own grain growing classics.

Information from the Ministry of Agriculture shows that this year's summer grain production shows three remarkable characteristics: first, the regional layout is more concentrated, further forming the dominant areas of strong gluten wheat in northern Huang-Huai River, Lixiahe River and coastal weak-gluten wheat areas in Jiangsu Province, and dominant areas of medium-gluten wheat in northern Jianghuai and most of Huang-Huai River. Second, the proportion of special varieties has increased, and the area proportion of strong gluten wheat with large market demand has reached 23.5%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points over the previous year. Third, it is significant to save cost and increase efficiency. North China and Northwest China have popularized more than 10 million mu of water-saving wheat varieties, an increase of more than 7 million mu over the previous year; Hebei groundwater funnel area has reduced more than 1 million mu of winter wheat with large water consumption; and various localities have also integrated and promoted fertilizer-saving, medicine-saving and other technologies to promote cost-saving and efficiency-increasing.

"the bumper harvest of summer grain this year was achieved on the basis of a relatively substantial increase in output last year, which is not easy." Han Changfu said that the sustained bumper harvest of summer grain benefited from four factors: first, the policy was strong, the state continued to implement the policy of minimum wheat purchase price and kept the price stable, and continued to arrange 1.5 billion yuan of subsidy funds for wheat "one spray, three prevention". It stabilizes farmers' enthusiasm for production. The second is the improvement of facilities. in recent years, the state has continued to strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure and built high-standard farmland with high and stable yields, ensuring harvests of drought and waterlogging, thus improving its ability to resist disasters. Third, science and technology are in place, high-yield and high-efficiency comprehensive cultivation techniques for wheat production have been popularized on a large scale, and the level of science and technology has been steadily improved. Fourth, it is effective in disaster prevention, and integrated techniques such as deep pine soil preparation, precision sowing, "one spray, three prevention" and other active disaster prevention techniques have been promoted, and the unified prevention and control of diseases and pests has been carried out in a timely manner.

Structural adjustment is carried out in an orderly manner.

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken the adjustment and optimization of planting structure as an important task of promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform, focusing on adjusting and optimizing corn structure, vigorously improving production capacity, quality and competitiveness in dominant areas, and reducing planting area in non-dominant areas. we will promote agricultural transformation and upgrading. All localities vigorously promote the conversion of grain to feed and rice to beans, and guide farmers to make adjustments independently, voluntarily and in an orderly manner.

For some time, the decline in corn prices has worried big grain growers, while silage corn as fodder has dug up real gold in another way. In Yingxian County, Shanxi Province, the net income of one mu of whole silage corn is at least 500 yuan, and in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, the figure is even close to 1000 yuan. The development of whole plant silage corn from grain to feed can improve the benefit of growing grain in dominant producing areas, improve soil and increase grain, and store grain in the ground.

Han Changfu said that the effect of agricultural restructuring is mainly reflected in two points: first, do a good job in subtraction and reduce the area of corn. From the situation of sowing in spring and summer, the reduction trend of corn area is obvious this year, especially in the "sickle bend" area, and the structural adjustment has achieved initial results. According to the agricultural situation regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture, the area of corn across the country is expected to be reduced by more than 30 million mu this year. The second is to do a good job in addition and reduction of corn mainly to soybeans, miscellaneous beans, potatoes, high-quality forage grass and other crops needed by the market. It is estimated that this year, the area of soybean will increase by more than 8 million mu, the area of miscellaneous grain by more than 8 million mu, and the area of forage grass and silage corn by more than 6 million mu.

Centering on structural adjustment, the Ministry of Agriculture proposes to reduce the area of corn by more than 50 million mu and increase the area of soybean by 40 million mu by 2020. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance have also integrated 3.25 billion yuan of funds, focusing on supporting agricultural restructuring.

Accelerate the transformation of the mode of development

At present, summer corn has been sown in Huang-Huai region. The thinking of many new subjects is also changing. Zhao Yuguo, director of the corn cooperative in Cainiu Zhangzhuang, Tieling County, Liaoning Province, believes that the income from selling corn grain alone will certainly not be guaranteed, and the industrial chain must be extended. This year, the cooperative plans to build processing plants to produce corn ballast and corn flour, as well as sheep farms to realize the cycle of planting and breeding. A jin of corn can only be sold for 70 cents, while a jin of corn ballast can be sold for 4 yuan to 5 yuan, and a jin of high-quality corn flour can be sold for more than 10 yuan, resulting in a significant increase in comprehensive income.

Stabilizing grain production capacity and competitiveness is the primary prerequisite for the transformation of agriculture. "to achieve this, the core is to shift from paying attention to annual output to paying more attention to protecting and improving grain production capacity, so as to store grain in the land and technology." Zeng Yande, director of the planting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said.

To change the mode of agricultural operation, we should take the road of moderate scale operation. Up to now, there are more than 3.41 million farmers with an operating area of more than 50 mu, 1.412 million farmers' cooperatives have been registered and the number of family farms has exceeded 877000. In order to innovate the mode of agricultural operation and speed up the cultivation of new agricultural operators, the relevant departments have proposed to study and reform the agricultural subsidy system to tilt subsidy funds to new agricultural operators such as grain farmers and family farms.

As soon as you get the summer grain, the autumn grain is the big head. Han Changfu said that judging from the current situation, spring sowing crops are growing well and summer sowing is progressing smoothly. However, we should be soberly aware that grain production in the second half of the year will still be affected by two unfavorable conditions. One is that natural disasters may occur frequently due to the influence of super El Ni ñ o, and the other is that the growth of farmers' income is likely to decline due to the influence of agricultural prices, especially food prices.

"as long as we face the difficulties squarely, firmly grasp the main line of work of changing the mode and adjusting the structure, and do a good job in the implementation of various policies and measures, we are confident that we can achieve the goals of agricultural development for the whole year." Han Changfu said. (our reporter Qiao Jinliang)