
Waterfall emigrant ran Congjin: playing the pastoral harvest song

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Waterfall emigrant ran Congjin: playing the pastoral harvest song

The grapes covered with brackets hold the hope of a bumper harvest for Uncle ran.

Waterfall electricity immigrants have moved to Danleng for 10 years, and now they have been fully integrated into the local development, growing fruits, engaging in farming, working nearby, helping each other happily with local residents, and sharing marriage between their children and local residents. not only that, some immigrants who have been integrated into Danleng have also become village cadres, leading immigrants and local people to develop industries and become rich together. Some have set up a literature and art publicity team with local literature and art lovers to publicize Danling and praise the new life from time to time. Ran Congjin, who is nearly 70 years old, by virtue of their hard work and tenacity, and their love of a better life, have become famous fruit growers and Danleng Falls electric immigrants who are "able to move out, stable and rich".

Uncle ran Congjin, who works in the field

Modestly beg for teaching to grow fruit

"A total of 8660 kilograms, 10.6 yuan per kilogram, a total of 91796 yuan, please have a look." On March 27 this year, Boss Zhang from Harbin handed over several wads of brand-new RMB to ran Congjin. Uncle ran counted the money and said happily, "if he hadn't run seven or eight times and said a lot of good things, I wouldn't be willing to sell them."

On June 29, 2006, ran Congjin and his family moved to Danling from Ya'an. A pair of children went out to get married and went home several times a year. Ran Congjin and his wife, who were in their late twenties, decided to return to the fields and continue to work. Ran Congjin was given 4 mu of fruit trees in the village. At first, he lacked experience and skills, and he only planted 1500 kilograms of fruit a year, and the quality was so poor that he could not sell it at a good price. "since the county agricultural bureau sent teachers' hand-in-hand guidance, coupled with their own self-study and research, the output of the orchard has gradually improved, the quality has also gradually improved, the price is getting higher and higher, and the income is getting better and better." Ran Congjin told the reporter happily.

Under the guidance of experts from the Agriculture Bureau, ran Congjin gradually mastered the skill of "serving" the fruit. He and his wife personally dug a 0.8-meter-deep drainage ditch among the fruit trees, bagging nearly 30,000 fruits one by one. Deep trench tall box, grass cultivation, pruning modeling, drilling fertilization, scientific use of medicine, willing to thinning fruit, as long as the fruit-related things, the old couple have done meticulously. Even what fertilizers and pesticides are used are recorded in detail, constantly summing up and groping for cultivation know-how. Since 2008, Uncle ran has established a year-round work calendar of citrus orchards and vineyards on the wall of his living room. Uncle ran made the Orchard Management Calendar into a wall calendar and hung it on the hall. And arrange the key points for the management and protection of fruit trees every month according to solar terms: "in January, winter cutting should be heavy, clear the garden; in February, apply spring fertilizer, irrigation, and cut off some flower branches; in March, flower branches should be re-cut to control red and yellow spiders, flowering maggots, plus foliar fertilizer, big fat and water." In November, prevent disease and protect fruit, spray golden fruit 100, wipe late tip; in December, spray 10PPm24D to increase health, prevent fruit drop. " There is pay, there is harvest, hard sweat in exchange for the joy of harvest. Since 2009, Uncle ran's 2700 square meters of land has been steadily produced at about 9000 kilograms every year. The income is nearly 10 times higher than that of planting garlic seedlings, garlic moss and other vegetables in his hometown 10 years ago. "the kind of'I don't know fire'is bought by kung fu, and we should be willing to invest. This year, my family's direct investment is 24000 yuan. My family's total income, together with the more than 1000 kilograms sold before, has more than 100,000 yuan, and the cost deducted is also more than 90,000 yuan." Uncle ran said happily that he regarded Danling as his second hometown. Over the past 10 years, his income has been much higher and his life has been happier.

Hum, play and sing the praises of his hometown

Books such as oranges and grapes and various management tools are placed on the strip chairs in Uncle ran's hall, and suona, flutes, erhu and other musical instruments are hung on the walls. When he was tired of work, he played a folk song and an old song in the hall to express his joy of happiness after becoming rich. In his spare time, ran Congjin often joined the Sunset Red Band organized by Murakami and went from village to house to perform for the masses, bringing happiness to others as well as himself. Uncle ran, who loves to entertain himself, often takes erhu to the fields, sings from himself and edifies the fruit with music. the neighboring villagers all say, "Uncle ran's family did not know that he grew up listening to erhu, which is different!"

"the experience in the orchard management calendar was summed up from practice after I arrived in Danling, and I am more willing to use my successful experience to help more people here." "when he gets rich, he never forgets to help the villagers. If there is a problem with any fruit tree, he must give up his own work and rush to someone else's orchard. Which friend asked him to teach fruit tree cultivation techniques, from seedling planting to management, unreservedly. Uncle ran is very enthusiastic. " The neighbor Xiao Liu preached.

"Beautiful Danling, my home, fruit trees blossom everywhere in spring." Uncle ran, who is nearly 70, is happily humming his adapted song while pulling "the Field of Hope" with erhu in the orchard. In his mind, the beautiful and rich Daya Danling has long been a new home for him and his wife to live and work in contentment.