
Wealth is leaping around. He has a plan to get money.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Wealth is leaping around. He has a plan to get money.

This is an ancient spirit in the mountain forest: they are sensitive, alert and hard to find. He is a boss who works in earthworks. He switched to raising sika deer. He thought he had money and projects, but he did not expect that it would be difficult to get rich. The sika deer made him homeless, but he cleared his mind, rearranged the layout, and finally reaped unexpected wealth.

This is near Meihuashan, Liancheng County, Fujian Province. At 10:00 in the evening, night had already fallen. Yang Hanhua suddenly found that his sika deer worth more than 200,000 yuan did not come back on time. Yang Hanhua was very worried. He took the men up the mountain to look for them separately.

Yang Hanhua: dozens of people didn't come back. I used to come back as soon as the time was up, but I didn't come back today. I was very worried. Generally speaking, they are high up, under the high trees, looking at us very vigilantly. Let's go and have a look.

In the mountains and forests at night, it is even difficult to walk, and we can only rely on experience to find the sika deer. Then the workers on the top of the mountain suddenly found the sika deer.

Yang Hanhua: it's up there.

Worker: it's all here.

Yang Hanhua: Oh, boy, this way, you come up here, you turn off the lights, you turn off when you come up.

After the flashlight was turned off, the reporter found dozens of flashing green lights in the forest.

Yang Hanhua: it's all over here, green light. Do you see green light?

The faint green light in the eyes is the sika deer raised by Yang Hanhua, at this point, they should have returned to the circle.

Yang Hanhua: it knows how to go back, go back, they may be lost.

Six years ago, Yang Hanhua left his engineering business with an easy monthly income of hundreds of thousands of yuan and went back to his hometown to raise sika deer. Not only did he raise sika deer well, but in the eyes of many people, he also had excellent ability to make money.

Fu Zhidong, director of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Fisheries Bureau: sika deer should come to our south, which is also a relatively difficult thing, and this farm has been solved very well in several aspects.

Sika deer breeders: I think Mr. Yang's sika deer have adapted to the climate here, giving me a lot of confidence. I think Mr. Yang can earn money that others don't earn, which gives me a lot of inspiration.

People say that Yang Hanhua not only earns more than others in raising sika deer, but also earns money that no one else can earn on sika deer. What is Yang Hanhua's knack for making money?

Sika deer are much more sensitive during the day than at night. They are not only afraid of people, but also afraid of the camera. Even if the photographer stood a few meters away alone, as long as he turned on the machine, he would turn around and run away, making it difficult to get close. Although the sika deer is small, it is covered with treasures all over the body. However, Yang Hanhua found the business opportunity for sika deer to make money, but it was an accident.

This is a fresh pilose antler weighing about 1600 grams, which is now worth more than 9, 000 yuan. When Yang Hanhua first got this thing six years ago, he was very surprised.

In the autumn of 2009, a friend in Shanxi province took a velvet antler and gave it to Yang Hanhua. Yang Hanhua was surprised by the price of the velvet antler.

Yang Hanhua: I was surprised. I felt very precious at that time. I asked him if it was expensive. He said it was not very expensive. I said that these things are very expensive in our south.

Yang Hanhua is a native of Liancheng, Fujian Province. in his understanding, selling velvet antler is the same as selling gold, which costs dozens of yuan per gram. Yang Hanhua asked that at that time in Shanxi, the most valuable thing on deer-fresh velvet antler, only a few yuan a gram. It is a time when the sika deer market is very bad.

Sika deer breeders: when they are high, a buck can be sold for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. At that time, an adult deer could not sell as much as a sheep. A lot of people eliminated the deer. The market is very bad, when the market of China's deer industry is at its lowest.

Such a bad market has brightened Yang Hanhua's mind. 2003 after Yang Hanhua was laid off from a state-owned enterprise, he went to Shanxi and started a contracted project, earning hundreds of thousands of yuan a month.

In 2009, I heard that the market of sika deer was not good, but Yang Hanhua was interested. The market has been at a low ebb for several years in a row, pilose antler can not be sold at a high price, and farmers are reducing the number of farmers. And most people think that sika deer raised in the north are also raised in the south. At that time, Yang Hanhua's hometown in Fujian Province, there were more than 20 sika deer farmers. Each of Yang Hanhua went to inspect, and he found that the market was not good, and the scale of each family was not large, with a maximum of more than a dozen.

At this time, Yang Hanhua decided to give up the lucrative engineering business and go back to Fujian to breed sika deer, saying that sika deer farming must be much more profitable than engineering.

Yang Hanhua: I have carefully calculated that if we manage well and manage well, this is better than anything and better than engineering, because this is a long-term thing, as long as we manage it well.

Careful accounting is not something to say casually. Yang Hanhua used to specialize in finance and worked as an accountant in a state-owned enterprise for more than ten years. He judged that the velvet antler is only temporarily not as expected in the market, the price will not be depressed all the time, and the small number of people raising is a good opportunity to enter the market.

Yang Hanhua: if you want to raise us, you have to raise a little more. In the area of cost, there are also so many people. If the number of people raised is large, our cost will not be reduced. If you have more and bigger scale, you will be easy to publicize.

In the spring of 2010, Yang Hanhua came to this cove. After taking out all the savings of 3 million yuan and applying for relevant certificates to the forestry department, he rented a wasteland of more than 200 mu and built a factory with his own hands. More than 130 sika deer were bought from Shanxi at a price of nearly 10,000 yuan each. At that time, he did not expect that the sika deer's road to wealth would be full of suspense.

The sika deer is covered with white plum blossom spots, and the male deer has antlers. They are alert, agile, good at running and strong in jumping.

Smell Yang Hanhua who breeds attractive profits. Planting alfalfa and other plants are recommended to supplement the nutrition of sika deer. If it is hot in summer, spray water on the sika deer to take a shower. He also sought advice from agricultural experts in the county and found out a breeding method suitable for the local environment, which was improved from the aspects of enclosure and feed. It took a lot of thought.

At 6 o'clock in the morning of the interview, Yang Hanhua and his workers prepared to cut velvet antler for the first time this year because customers were coming to buy fresh velvet antler. The first step in cutting velvet antler is to anaesthetize the sika deer with anesthetic darts. It's not an easy task.

Yang Hanhua: it is very good at hiding. When it is stable, keep it steady and blow it hard. Only in this way will it work, otherwise it will miss.

When the tender antlers of the sika deer do not grow into bone, they are fluffy and contain blood, which is called velvet antler. After the velvet antler is cut off, new ones will grow in about 60 days.

Yang Hanhua: now it's furry and soft.

Reporter: it's really soft.