
"Green Wind" grabs "fresh" Machine

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, "Green Wind" grabs "fresh" Machine

Sidelights on the Development of Green Vegetables in Yaohao Village, Caijiagou Town, Fuyu City

Early in the morning of July 3, Liu Zhanjun, secretary of the Party branch of Yaohao Village, Caijiagou Town, Fuyu City, rang constantly. "The green vegetables produced in the village have become popular. I have to choose buyers carefully." Liu Zhanjun said.

Green vegetables become a new engine of wealth

In the 700 greenhouses in Waist Village, the second crop of persimmon has grown to the size of eggs, and some have been flushed red. "In another 10 days, our persimmon will be on the market." As the legal person of Lvxing Vegetable Farmers 'Professional Cooperative in Waist Village, Liu Zhanjun knows everything about planting varieties and sales market, because it is directly related to the money bag of the whole village.

Yaohao Village is a specialized vegetable production village in Fuyu City. In 2004, it was rated as "pollution-free vegetable production base". After more than ten years of development, shed vegetables have become a leading industry for farmers to increase their income. In 2015, the number of vegetable greenhouses will grow to 1450, covering an area of 400 hectares, accounting for 42 percent of the cultivated area of the village, with 1.6 per household. In 2015, the income of greenhouse vegetables was 64 million yuan, and the per capita income was 18500 yuan, accounting for 85.7% of the per capita net income of farmers. The main varieties planted are tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and cantaloupes. Besides occupying the local market, the products are also exported to Harbin, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Kunming and other big cities, and exported to Russia. The total annual vegetable output is 60,000 tons, and the total output value is 84 million yuan.

Recalling the development process of nearly 20 years, Liu Zhanjun said,"sweet and bitter" taste all over again.

In 1991, villagers Liu Zhaochun, Xiang Yufan and Xiang Xifeng raised their own funds under the call of the village and built vegetable greenhouses with an area of 2 mu respectively. The net income of each greenhouse in that year was 7000 yuan. The villagers who saw the benefits took spontaneous action. In 1998, the village had developed to 500 vegetable greenhouses. Since then, with the government's increased support, in 2002, the village had developed to 1100 vegetable greenhouses.

In order to open up the market, Liu Zhanjun led the farmers to visit, study and understand the market situation for many times, which led to the later vegetable wholesalers squatting in greenhouses in the village and snapping up vegetables.

A new pattern of safe and nutritious green vegetables is formed

Speaking of the changes in the village in recent years, Liu Zhanjun felt a lot of emotion. "In the past, vegetable farmers were worried about vegetable sales, but now merchants from other places know that we produce and sell pollution-free vegetables here, so they come to buy them one after another. There is no need to worry about sales at all."

In line with the attitude of being responsible for the safety of the dining table, Yaohao Village actively creates green, organic and pollution-free products, takes the lead in popularizing and applying insect control and disease prevention technologies such as sunshade and cooling, rain and humidity prevention, blocking, insect net, yellow board trapping and killing, biological pesticide, etc. in the greenhouse film vegetables, and adds bio-organic fertilizer to realize the harmlessness of the whole vegetable production process. In order to enhance the brand effect of vegetables and strive for famous brands, Fuyu City applied for registration of "Lvxing" local famous vegetable brands for Yaohao Village.

In order to meet the needs of market balance, diversity and safety, Fuyu City has walked out of an economic, energy-saving and efficient development path of vegetable facilities. In the cultivation mode has formed sunlight greenhouse, plastic shed, intercropping and other different cultivation mode. In terms of variety structure, tomato, cucumber and beans have developed into more than 300 varieties of nine categories, such as solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, leafy vegetables, rhizomes, berries and edible fungi. In the planting structure, there are early spring, late autumn spring and autumn shed, intercropping between summer and autumn production, winter solar greenhouse production. In terms of economic benefits, the greenhouse film economic structure with fine vegetables as the main part, excellent, new, special and rare vegetables as the auxiliary, edible fungi and berries as the supplement has formed a new production pattern of greenhouse vegetables with balanced listing, various varieties and safe nutrition.

Shed model economy enables Fuyu people to find new economic growth points, large-scale planting makes villagers 'pockets bulging, Fuyu people are exerting the city's efforts to build China's green vegetable industry base.

Fuyu City regards "film economy" as an important measure to improve people's livelihood and increase farmers 'income, strengthens organization and leadership, strengthens support, fully speeds up the construction of film economy, implements target responsibility system, and fully supports policies, finance, technology and other aspects, thus injecting new vitality and vitality into the development of film economy in the whole city.

Green planting to seize the "fresh" machine

Yaohao Village, Caijiagou Town, is a famous green vegetable shed village in the local area. It is one of the high-standard vegetable production demonstration areas in Fuyu City. This spring, the village expanded the organic planting area of more than 2200 greenhouses, striving to "not allow fertilizer to be sown, pesticides to be mixed in, herbicides to be mixed in", so that green products can be sold at a good price.

"Two and a half acres of land and a shed, net profit of sixty or seventy thousand yuan, the common people are happy." Liu Zhanjun said,"The green vegetables in the village are exported to Shanghai, Hangzhou, and even Russia. Farmers don't have to go out. In recent years, the enthusiasm of the common people for planting greenhouse vegetables has been high."

In the greenhouse, the old farmer was sweating. "If you want vegetables to be 'fresh', farmers have to think first and do first." Liu Zhanjun said that when many farmers were still planting corn, the village took the lead in planting greenhouse cucumbers. When greenhouse cucumbers were planted everywhere, villagers had begun to plant tomatoes in large areas. Last year, villagers planted 20 hectares of cantaloupes in greenhouses, earning more than 60,000 yuan per greenhouse.

The "preemption" of Yaohao Village is not only manifested in planting varieties, but also closely follows the market, registers and certifies the "Green Hill" vegetable brand, builds vegetable preservation warehouse, explores new winter vegetable planting mode, and ensures that vegetables can not only be listed on the market, but also sell at a good price in off-season. "In the future, we will plan to link up with other cooperatives and enterprises and carry out three-dimensional development." Liu Zhanjun believes that through "vertical and horizontal", not only can the greenhouse vegetable base meet the demand for agricultural socialization services such as technology, credit, intensive processing, etc., but also allow farmers to share more dividends of industrial extension and integration.

In 2015, the vegetable area of greenhouse in the village reached 550 hectares, with a total income of more than 90 million yuan and per capita income of 23,000 yuan. Combing the development process of the film economy of Waist Village, we will find that one of the valuable experiences for the villagers to taste the sweetness is "advanced consciousness, preemptive practice".

Twenty years ago, when corn was planted in other villages, the villagers of Waist Village took the lead in developing cucumber planting in greenhouses under the leadership of the village party branch; when cucumbers in greenhouses rose in all parts of the country, the village had already changed production and planted tomatoes and beans in large areas. In 2014, by virtue of the industrial advantages of Fuyu City's largest vegetable shed village, Waist Village won the first investment of 8 million yuan in the development and construction project of new vegetable fields, and built 53 greenhouses capable of hanging three-layer plastic film inside and 28 solar greenhouses with insulation layer on the outer wall and automatic quilt roller shutter machine. At present, the village shed has grown to more than 2200 buildings.

This year, Waist Village has stepped out of "fast chess" step by step. At the beginning of the year, it has formulated a long-term development plan for shed film economy, expanded vegetable trading market and met the needs of merchants. A 150-ton vegetable preservation warehouse is under construction. "Vegetables are stored during the peak season and sold during the off-season. This will ease the pressure of selling vegetables and double the profit of vegetables." Waist Village actively explored a new mode of winter vegetable planting and built 4 high-standard solar greenhouses, creating a new "growth pole" for the development of the village's film economy.

Small waist village, because green vegetables have gone out of an extraordinary way to become rich. The whole village people took the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" express train to a well-off society.