
Jiangxi Nankang: Grapes "String" from the Dream of Prosperity

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jiangxi Nankang: Grapes "String" from the Dream of Prosperity

When melons and fruits smell, the grapes are sweet in a year. Recently, the reporter came to Minghui New Ecological Grape Manor, which is located in Guhe formation, Xinjiang Village, Sanjiang Township, Nankang District. In the green picking garden, clusters of heavy, fresh and fresh grapes hang all over the branches, and the fragrance is refreshing and mouth-watering. On the same day, the grape picking garden officially opened to accept guests. Looking at the endless stream of tourists coming to pick, Chen Chunming, the owner of the garden, was overjoyed. Recently, grape picking is as hot as the weather. Chen Chunming is getting busier and busier, busy harvesting the fruits of this summer.

Chen Chunming, 41, from Shangyuan Village, Tankou Town, Jingkai District, came out to work after graduating from junior high school. He drove a tractor, ran through transportation, and opened a hotel. later, introduced by a friend, he started a fruit wholesale business in the north and south market in the downtown area and became a "porter" of fruit, and has since formed a bond with fruit. In more than eight years of fruit wholesale, Chen Chunming and his wife got up early in the morning and stayed up late every day, often went to various places to buy fruits and contact business. Although the business was good, they could earn some money, but it was very difficult. Because the fruit has higher requirements for transportation, storage and preservation, every time Chen Chunming carefully selected fresh fruit from other places, when it is shipped back to Ganzhou and sold to customers, some of it will rot, and a lot of fruit will be wasted and thrown away. Chen Chunming knows very well that it is not easy for citizens to eat fresh fruit at a low price, and it is even more difficult to eat green ecological fruit.

As a result, Chen Chunming came up with the idea of growing his own fruit, which was supported by his family and friends. "after much consideration, I decided to plant grapes so that the public could eat fresh green grapes." After making the decision, Chen Chunming began to inspect the selected sites in and around his hometown. On the recommendation of his friends, he came to Sanjiang Township, Nankang District. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the ecological conditions are good, the soil is loose and fertile, the content of organic matter is more than 1.5%, the soil layer is deep, the tillage layer is good, the groundwater is pollution-free, and the transportation is convenient. It is very suitable for growing grapes. In 2009, Chen Chunming invested 2 million yuan to build Minghui New Ecological Vineyard, which transferred more than 400 mu of land with the support of the local government.

In order to better master the new grape planting technology, Chen Chunming visited and studied in other places many times, participated in technical training, bought books on grape cultivation for self-study, and used the Internet to find materials and relevant videos to learn. After two years of solid study and practice, Chen Chunming successively introduced grape varieties such as Jufeng, Xia Hei, Red Earth and organic roses. "our grapes are original, green and pollution-free." Chen Chunming told reporters that in order to ensure that every bunch of grapes is green and pollution-free, the vineyard insists on no pesticides, all farm manure and organic manure, cultivation and management in accordance with the laws of nature, sun and rain during the day, and dew at night. Although this will affect grape production, he still adheres to the belief of growing grape with conscience and brand fruit that people can rest assured of.

Chen Chunming's vineyard was favored by the public as soon as it opened, and there was an endless stream of tourists coming to experience the fun of picking on the same day. "Grape picking can last from June to the end of September, and 2/3 of the precocious grapes originally planned to be sold out in a week have already been picked in just three days." Chen Chunming said with a smile. The vineyard is expected to produce 150000 kilograms of grapes per year, with an annual output value of more than 3 million yuan. It is mainly sold through customer orders and picking experience, through Wechat and QQ group publicity, grape picking competitions, etc., using online and offline linkage. Attract tourists to the scene to pick grapes. At the same time, according to the requirements of wine technology, Chen Chunming uses secondary fermentation and self-brewing wine to deeply process the grapes. This string of grapes not only enriches Chen Chunming, but also drives nearly 40 local poor households to work in the vineyard, raising everyone's dream of increasing income and becoming rich. "I am working on registering my trademark, and the next step is to apply for pollution-free agricultural product certification." Speaking of the future, Chen Chunming is full of confidence: "I will plant grapes sweeter, strengthen branding, develop supporting industries, expand influence, and radiate more surrounding villagers to increase their income and become rich."