
Guo Shuiyong: Tea people start the Internet

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Guo Shuiyong: Tea people start the Internet

Guo Shuiyong is one of the top ten outstanding young people in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province, "my Chinese Dream" guest lecturer, and winner of the May 4th Youth Medal in Nanping City, Fujian Province. As the general manager of Wuyishan Entrepreneur Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the employment instructor of Wuyi University Business School, and the specially hired entrepreneurship instructor of the Youth League Committee of Wuyi University, in recent years, he has made use of the Internet to start a business and become a leader in tea people's e-commerce.

Only if you work hard and dare to work hard will you win.

Guo Shuiyong, who is only 25 years old, has a colorful title-"Brother Yong". As the first student to set up a business in the history of Wuyi College, Guo Shuiyong's six-year hard work has become a model for students to start a business.

In Shunxin Square at the intersection of Wuyi College, the "warehouse wholesale tea" advertisement of Wuyishan Entrepreneur Biotechnology Co., Ltd. occupied the outer wall of a three-story building. Guo Shuiyong was the boss of the college's first student to start a business. From the beginning of his freshman year, he relied on his down-to-earth hard work and keen business acumen to occupy a place among the many tea enterprises in Wuyi Mountain.

Guo Shuiyong

"six years ago, it was a vacant lot, and there were no people, most of them were rough houses. Business people were not optimistic about it, but I had to rent the store because I needed to start a business." Speaking of this, 25-year-old Guo Shuiyong is determined and confident. "to be honest, I didn't know what I was going to do at that time. When I saw that there happened to be a store for rent, I rented it first and then thought about business."

Guo Shuiyong's unique drive is more like a kind of "gambling".

"at that time, the rent of the double-decker storefront was only 300 yuan per month. I recruited 10 students who wanted to start a business, divided the business into ten parts and rented them the right to use it for only 100 yuan a month. Before the store is open, I have made more than three times the profit. " As a result, the "Wuyi University Town Information Center" was established, covering tea, advertising design, website construction, health and beauty and other businesses. Guo Shuiyong not only did not have to pay rent but also made a fortune, which was later jokingly called the "empty glove white wolf". The harvest is not only profits, but also in resolving the frictions and conflicts between ten businesses, Guo Shuiyong learned to manage and negotiate, and slowly cultivated his leadership temperament.

In fact, this is not the first time Guo Shuiyong has started a business. As soon as he entered school in 2008, Guo Shuiyong put 1500 yuan of living expenses into the stock market without telling his parents, earning the first bucket of gold in his life. He never lacks the keen qualities of a new generation of entrepreneurs, and his insight allows him to capture more favorable business opportunities. Information intermediary, accommodation, logistics, tea, e-commerce. With countless entrepreneurial experiences and countless entrepreneurial stories, he has become the boldest and most avant-garde entrepreneurial star of Wuyi College.

Talking about tea in terms of tea in Shang Yan

Wuyi Mountain is the capital of tea, where everyone can't leave tea. Tea can be said to be the most available entrepreneurial resource from Guo Shuiyong. At the end of 2010, after running several projects, he decided to take a different approach.

There are all kinds of tea enterprises in Wuyi Mountain, and Guo Shuiyong often comes to drink tea and chat as a tea buyer. It is almost impossible to understand the real knowledge of tea from tea people, so it can only be reversed. The so-called "do the opposite", but also secretly learn the knowledge of tea as a buyer. After three months of stealing teachers and learning skills, Guo Shuiyong can tell the price of tea and even the year of tea picking and processing.

In 2011, Guo Shuiyong officially founded Wuyishan Entrepreneur Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and recruited full-time and part-time employees. A whole building in Shunxin Square was also rented as an office, and the advertisement for "warehousing Tea Wholesale" was bright red.

Guo Shuiyong is good at integrating resources and encouraging students with entrepreneurial intentions to start a business at zero cost in their own company. Using moments, college students radiate all over the country, and tea is sold to all regions of the country. He instructs students to learn sales skills and allows another group of people with more outstanding performance to develop exclusively in their hometown as an agency area. Now, every student in his physical store has sold at least hundreds of jin of tea.

Guo Shuiyong treats customers as friends and treats customers in good faith. There are more and more customers. In 2012, the entity wholesale 10,000 jin of tea. By 2013, the entity wholesale reached 60,000 jin of sales, most of which were purchased by e-commerce. As Guo Shuiyong's main direction, e-commerce was not recognized by local tea enterprises six years ago. At that time, all wholesalers did not allow credit, but he encouraged customers to advance the goods, sell tea and then check out, in his mind. He is willing to support friends who are truly entrepreneurial and honest. It is his righteousness and good friendship that have given him more and more support, and his sales have increased several times every year.

Today, when the annual output of medium-sized tea enterprises in Wuyi Mountain is only about 3000 jin, Guo Shuiyong relies on his own marketing charm and integrity management, in 3 years, from 0 to 60, 000 jin, dozens of times that of medium-sized tea enterprises. He successfully created his own Wuyishan speed and became an entrepreneurial model for Wuyishan tea industry.

With the development of e-commerce, Guo Shuiyong began to think about how to expand the online territory. He began to pay attention to Taobao operation process, tea product packaging design, exchange details with e-commerce customers, and recruit e-commerce talents.

In March 2013, Guo Shuiyong started his e-commerce trip. He found that the online market is basically full of inferior and cheap products. Some people say that this is the basis and current situation of e-commerce, which cannot be changed, but Guo Shuiyong insists on positioning his online store at the high end, segmenting customers, and giving full play to his many years of experience in physical operation according to the advantages of customer needs. Tea culture has a long history, since ancient times, drinking tea is mostly literati, royal aristocrats, so Guo Shuiyong incorporated elements such as Confucius and Mencius, Yongle ceremony and emperor jade seal into the design concept, using ceramics, sandalwood, Sikkim and other materials to design high-end packaging. Online turnover soared on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2013, with online sales reaching 3 million yuan in 2013.

In early 2014, Guo Shuiyong successfully acquired Pingchuan Prefecture Tea Brand. In December 2014, Pingchuan Prefecture Tmall store officially opened. Now he is a tea tycoon with a brick-and-mortar store, a tea club, four Taobao shops and a Tmall shop, less than three years after he graduated from college.

As an entrepreneur, Guo Shuiyong felt hard and difficult all the way. Looking back on the entrepreneurial process, whether he is a friend or a rival, he always has a grateful heart. As for his team, he often said, "whoever plays the world with me is who owns the world with me." Life has honed this young man who is full of positive energy. while he is successful, he hopes to change and help others with his own strength. He said: "in 2008, I went to study alone from Zhangzhou to Wuyishan. With the development of Wuyi College and Wuyishan, hundreds of talents were trained by self-run companies. Some of them were employed, while others started their own businesses." He firmly believes that no matter how big the mind is, there will be great achievements. "