
Resign as a civil servant and return home to grow kiwifruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Resign as a civil servant and return home to grow kiwifruit

"I think one person to make money is only one person to be rich, and it takes more people to make money in order to get rich." This is not only a sentence made by Zhou Binchang, deputy to the Qianjiang District people's Congress and secretary of the Shijia Community Party Branch in Shijia Town, but also something he has been working hard to do silently.

Resign the civil servant and work hard in the sea

Zhou Bin is a native of Shijia Town, Tujia nationality. Shijia Town is a high mountain town with inconvenient transportation and difficult life for the villagers. When his parents scrimped and frugally sent Zhou Bin to study, he also worked hard to study, and took on the "iron rice bowl" of civil servants and served as deputy secretaries of Zhoubai Township and Zhongtang Township in Qianjiang County.

In 2001, Comrade Zhou Bin, then director of the enterprise office of the Shijia District work Committee, resolutely resigned his civil servant and went north to work in the sea. "in his early thirties and frivolous ambition, he always wants to go out and work for a world of his own." Talking about the original intention of quitting the "iron rice bowl" at that time, Zhou Bin recalled.

In 2003, Zhou Bin was lucky enough to study in the major of used vehicle evaluation in the Department of Automotive Engineering of Tsinghua University. Two years later, he graduated and stayed in Beijing to engage in used vehicle evaluation, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan.

Go back to your hometown to start a business and establish a cooperative

Unexpectedly, in 2006, he gave up his well-paid job in the capital and resolutely returned to his hometown to start a business. On the basis of full investigation and investigation, Zhou Bin decided to transfer the scale of land to develop kiwifruit industry, and set up Guangyou kiwifruit professional cooperative to expand the planting scale year by year.

Since 2006, 1000 mu of land has been leased to grow red kiwifruit in groups 1 and 5 of Shijia Home Committee at the price of 245 yuan / mu and continuous leasing for 30 years.

At the same time, the farmers who lease the land are employed as workers in the planting park to ensure their normal income, so that the farmers lose their land, but increase their income. The workers work in the plantation with a daily wage of at least 60 yuan, which provides an effective model for the implementation of large-scale land circulation and realizes the intensive management of land.

"the development of the kiwifruit industry is to drive the villagers to increase their income and become rich." Zhou Bin said. A few years later, he made full use of his advantages, worked hard to learn planting techniques, and became an expert at growing kiwifruit.

Registered trademarks promote common prosperity

The journey is long, Comrade Zhou Bin is not satisfied with the status quo, under the premise of emancipating the mind and opening wider to the outside world, he is determined to make the kiwifruit industry bigger and stronger, make a brand, walk out of Qianjiang, go to Chongqing, and become famous all over the country.

"I grew up in Qianjiang, where the economy is not developed and the farmers here are not rich," he said. "We need more people to find bright spots, take the lead in using existing resources to invigorate the economy, create wealth, and let our hometown elders get rich together!" .

In early 2011, Zhou Bin spent 100000 yuan to register Shijia kiwifruit with four Madrid trademarks and five domestic English trademarks, among which "Guangyou" kiwifruit has been certified as national green food and has been declared as a famous trademark in Chongqing.

Since then, he began to vigorously promote the benefits and broad market prospects of growing kiwifruit, actively negotiate kiwifruit orders with customers in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing, and provide free planting, management technology and kiwifruit seedlings to the public.

At dawn every morning, Zhou Bin will come to his kiwifruit orchard on time. In order to develop the kiwifruit industry and lead the villagers to get rich, he does so almost all the year round, rain or shine.

The kiwifruit in the base is growing well, with an output of 380t and an output value of 8 million yuan in 2012, driving the surrounding farmers to increase their income by more than 2000 yuan.

Change the way to a diversified economy

Although he has led everyone on the road to becoming rich, Zhou Bin is still thinking about realizing another dream: he has planted more than 200 mu of purple potatoes for tourists who come here to experience rural life.

"is the development of sightseeing agriculture your dream to come true?" In the face of the author's question, Zhou Bin gave us a surprising answer: tourists can come to pick purple potatoes, 1 yuan per jin, and all this money will be used to help poor left-behind children in the surrounding rural areas.

In order to give the cooperative more room for operation and further enhance the influence of the cooperative, the cooperative changed its name from the former Guangyou kiwifruit planting professional cooperative to Guangyou Agricultural Co-operative in March 2015.

The new cooperative relies on Zhufojiang Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., taking the development of ecological agriculture as the starting point, changing the single cultivation of kiwifruit into a diversified economy, mainly planting sparse vegetables and traditional Chinese medicine and fruits, supplemented by other agricultural and sideline products.

In the spring of 2015, Guangyou Agricultural Co-operative signed an order with Corey Pharmaceutical Company to plant 500 mu of medicinal ginkgo biloba and 300 mu of Polygonatum. The base can transfer 30 workers on the spot every year, of which 14 poor people are employed all the year round, with an annual income of 20,000 yuan per person.

At the same time, the cooperative has also developed more than 110 peasant households in groups 3, 5 and 6 of the Shijia neighborhood Committee to join the cooperative, of which 19 are poor households with cards and 350 mu of ginkgo biloba and 150 mu of Polygonatum polygonatum. At present, ginkgo biloba and Polygonatum polygonatum are growing well and will be put into production in 2017.

"We will continue to increase the area of land transfer, carry out comprehensive development of ecological agriculture, absorb more farmers to join cooperatives, further improve various systems of cooperatives, standardize operation, operate legally, and carry out large-scale and diversified development." Zhou Bin said.

Help the poor and benefit the people's livelihood

While doing a good job in getting rich and increasing income in industry, as a rural party member, Zhou Bin did not forget to actively support social public welfare undertakings and carry out poverty alleviation.

So far, he has donated 20, 000 yuan to Shijia Middle School to subsidize poor junior high school students to pursue further studies, 1000 yuan to 10 girls from rural single-parent families in Shijia School, and 1000 yuan to Shijia Primary School. 1000 yuan was raised to send love schoolbags to seven children from poor families in Shijia community. Every year, more than 1000 yuan is donated to the Shijia Home for the elderly to improve the lives of the elderly.

To this end, his honors one after another, respectively won the "Qianjiang District kiwifruit production and cultivation", "Shijia Town Outstanding Communist Party member" and other honorary titles.

(original title: abandon high salary and return to hometown to start a business and lead the villagers to become rich)