
Xu Ronghong: the temptation of Black

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xu Ronghong: the temptation of Black

In 2013, Xu Ronghong, who worked safely in a state-owned enterprise in Beijing, suddenly proposed to resign and go back to Hainan to start a business. Under the reminder of his wife and brother, he found huge business opportunities in the local east goat farming. Several young people formed a post-80s entrepreneurial team, but they did not expect that the road to entrepreneurship was beset with difficulties. See how Xu Ronghong of Hainan discovers business opportunities and pursues entrepreneurial dreams.

At 7: 00 a. M. on May 25, 2016, Xu Ronghong took us to the pre-arranged farmhouse to collect the goats.

Interviewer: is there a dog? This is it, huh?

Xu Ronghong: yes, Yuchun, is there a dog here?

Friend: no.

Xu Ronghong: is this a dog? Is it tied up?

Interviewer: Oh, it's tied up.

Xu Ronghong: this dog is a little small and looks fine.

This farmer lives at the foot of Dongshan Ridge. His family keeps nearly 100 local east goats. In this season, farmers are generally reluctant to sell sheep because it is hot in summer and fewer people eat mutton. Compared with the Spring Festival period, they can not get a good price at this time.

Because Xu Ronghong visited this farmer many times, and the owner also knew that Xu Ronghong would come to collect sheep, the number would not be large, so he was willing to sell them.

Xu Ronghong told reporters that maybe they are now catching sheep, not particularly professional, but they have made too much progress than they did when they first started their business.

Interviewer: have you forgotten what he learned?

Brother: scout.

Xu Ronghong: Oh, by the way, look.

Interviewer: it's all right. Turn around and say a few words. What major are you studying?

Brother: scout.

Interviewer: scout?

Brother: it's the scout in the police academy.

Reporter: from the police academy.

Interviewer: what about that one? With your sheep pickers?

Xu Ronghong: Yu Chun, what's your major?

Friend: I studied marketing.

Interviewer: learn while doing it, right?

Friend: right, right, right.

Interviewer: did you do these jobs before?

Friend: no, you see you are sweating.

Having wasted a lot of effort, Xu Ronghong and they finally chose three of the nearly 100 east goats.

For Xu Ronghong, who has never done farm work, carrying less than 20 kilograms of goats in his hand has made him walk, panting. But what happens next will make him even more depressed.

One of the East Goats, which was finally selected, jumped out and ran away while loading the car. Xu Ronghong's hard work in the morning was in vain.

Before he started his business, Xu Ronghong used to work in a state-owned enterprise in Beijing. At that time, he did not even think that he would one day deal with these sheep every day.

But in 2014, he insisted on returning to Hainan from Beijing to start a business. what on earth made him quit his stable job and start raising sheep? What are the business opportunities for this kind of Hainan local east goat? The story starts in 2013.

One day in the second half of 2013, Xu Ronghong's father received a call from his son.

Xu Ronghong: at that time, when I was on the other side of the phone, I said, Dad, I think my work here may be a little unpassionate, so I feel that I have no passion for anything, so I think I may be a little depressed. Then talking about me taking this opportunity, I said, am I too depressed at work? I might come up with something to do by myself, and I just want to start my own business, so I throw this topic out.

Father: my heart thumped when I got the call. I told him that you graduated as a graduate student, and now you are in a relatively stable unit in a state-owned enterprise in Beijing. A child in the family hoped that he could develop in a stable unit, but he did not want him to work too hard, so I held the opposition at that time.

Xu Ronghong and his wife both work in Beijing. He graduated with a master's degree and his wife graduated with a doctor's degree. Their lives in Beijing have always been very stable. During that time, Xu Ronghong always called home and said he wanted to leave Beijing and come back to Hainan. This makes it impossible for the family to understand.

Mother: how can I explain to my relatives and friends when they come back? I feel a little embarrassed. To be honest, it's a little embarrassing. Because I always feel that two people in Beijing, one doctor and one master, come back after a good stay in Beijing. Is it because they can't live in Beijing until they come back? I've always imagined this feeling.

Xu Ronghong, who did not have the support of his parents, really came back from Beijing in early 2014. What on earth is the reason for the son's abnormal behavior? Is there something wrong with him in Beijing, as his mother guessed?

Since 2013, Xu Ronghong has felt uncomfortable, mentally ill and in a bad mood every day, but he can't tell where he feels uncomfortable. This has been going on for a long time.

His wife, Gu Xiaojuan, worried about his health and asked him to go to the hospital for more than 10,000 yuan and had a full-body physical examination. But Xu Ronghong never showed the examination results to his wife.

Wife: after the inspection, he didn't tell me the result for a month. Then I asked him, what is the result of your examination? He smiled, and then I turned over there, a thick list of examination results, in great detail. Then there are some suggestions above, saying that he is in very good physical condition and that he should see a psychiatrist.

What happened to Xu Ronghong? What is the real cause of his discomfort?

In 2009, after graduating with a master's degree in biological engineering, Xu Ronghong worked in a state-owned enterprise in Beijing. At that time, his life was superior among his peers. He had a house, a car and a hukou in Beijing, with an annual salary of more than 300,000 yuan. But in his fourth year of work, Xu Ronghong didn't like his life more and more.

Xu Ronghong: what did you say at that time? It also has a lot to do with my own character. At that time, I was similar to a system like a state-owned enterprise. Maybe a lot of things, including some personal ideas, including some points that want to innovate, feel as if they have been suppressed.

Wife: maybe the body and soul are not on the same line. Although it is said that public institutions and state-owned enterprises are relatively comfortable and stable, they always feel that they are ready to do something. So I feel very uncomfortable.

At that time, Xu Ronghong always saw the topic of starting a business on TV, and because of this inspiration, he more firmly wanted to leave his original life. He also wanted to start a business and want to go out and do something on his own. But only his wife supported him.