
Grow colored wheat and sell it for two mu.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grow colored wheat and sell it for two mu.

"now people pay attention to health care, and the diet structure is constantly changing to the health care type. The colored flour and noodles I process are rich in protein and lysine, as well as trace elements such as zinc, iron, selenium, and calcium, which are beneficial to the human body. They are more nutritious than ordinary flour. Although the price is half the price of ordinary flour, it is still in short supply!" Recently, at the Dafang Grain planting Cooperative in Nansun Village, Yangtun Township, Ziping County, Shandong Province, President Sun Dalang showed the bags of black and green wheat that had just been harvested, while introducing, "the planting management of colored wheat is exactly the same as that of ordinary wheat." but the price is nearly double, and I can earn 2 mu per mu. I can now process 100000 jin of colored wheat a year, with a profit of more than 300000 yuan. "

"Color wheat has high nutritional value and is rich in trace elements, and all the trace elements are naturally transformed from organisms and are formed naturally. Color wheat also has medicinal value. It has the functions of anti-aphid, anti-cancer, anti-blood coagulation, antipyretic, urinating, and nourishing liver qi. It is very popular in the market!" When it comes to colored wheat, Sun Dapang is in high spirits and keeps talking about it.

Sun Dapang began to grow colored wheat in 2012. At that time, the brainstorming Sun Dapang was acutely aware that with the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, the market demand for green food with health care function would increase. Through investigation, he tried to plant 40 mu of colored wheat. The following year, as soon as the black wheat was harvested, it attracted people's attention, and customers came to order lessons. Finally, at the price of 1.8 yuan per jin, all sold out, Sun Dafang made a successful start, had a bumper harvest of colored wheat, and earned nearly 1,000 yuan more per mu than ordinary wheat.

In 2013, Sun Dapang struck while the iron was hot, transferred more than 200 mu of land and planted colored wheat on a large scale. At the same time, colored wheat is rich in trace elements, which is a very good raw material for nutrition and health food, and has high added value in processing. Sun Dapang decided to engage in deep processing of wheat, lengthen the economic chain and lead local farmers to embark on the road to prosperity. Soon, he took the lead in setting up a professional cooperative for Dafang grain planting, set up a stone mill flour processing and noodle processing plant, and purchased the colored wheat of cooperative members at a price of 1.8 yuan per catty. The collected colored wheat was sent to the processing workshop to be processed into stone molded noodles, handmade colored noodles, and fallen noodles, and the products were welcomed by consumers after they were introduced to the market, realizing the tripartite win-win situation of growers, enterprises and cooperatives. At present, Sun Dafang's cooperative has popularized and planted more than 500 mu of colored wheat through the model of "cooperative + enterprise + peasant household", increasing the income of local villagers by more than one million.

"Lao Sun is on the right path in planting and processing colored wheat!" Sun Guohua, a customer who is loading noodles into the car, the owner of a hot pot restaurant, chimed in, "Noodles made from colored wheat taste good and nutritious, and customers like to order them. Now there is a great demand in the store. This time I will order 2000 jin first!"

"now the price of our colored wheat is 1.80 yuan per seed. This year, only one customer in Tianjin ordered 100000 jin, and there are also customers in Qingdao, Linyi and other places. The cooperative has basically booked more than 500 mu of wheat!" Sun Dapang said, "I have reserved 100000 jin for processing, of which 50,000 jin of flour and 50,000 jin of noodles are basically ordered by some old customers!" The price of colored wheat flour is 4 yuan per jin and noodles is 5 yuan, which is more than double the profit of 1.7 yuan for ordinary flour and 1.8 yuan for noodles. "

"at present, the main problem is that the planting scale is small, and the next step is to attract more and more farmers to join in the cultivation of colored wheat, further expand the planting area, develop market-oriented health food, and turn colored wheat into a big industry!" Speaking of his dream of getting rich in color, Sun Dafang is complacent.

Zhang Dong and Jia Cui