
The Rich Sutra of the No.1 Scholars of Sweet Potato

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Rich Sutra of the No.1 Scholars of Sweet Potato

Yin Zhongyi (left) and the secretary of Shibao Village harvest violets.

Sweet potato is a life-saving food in difficult times, and it is the main crop in Lengfan village of Ancheng town. However, in recent years, small sweet potato has become a "small golden melon" for people in Lengfan village and even the whole Ancheng town to shake off poverty and become rich. All this should start with its leader, Yin Zhongyi, president of Shanxiang fresh Sweet Sweet Co-operative and branch secretary of Lengfan Village in Ancheng.

Love is that sweet potato farmers fly out of the "soil champion" in the past 20 years.

Yin Zhongyi, 53, is a native of Lengfan Village in Ancheng Town. Growing sweet potatoes is all too familiar to him. Lengfan Village has many mountains and thick soil, and there is a tradition of growing starch sweet potatoes, but for generations he has relied on heaven for a living, and his annual income is no more than 1,000 yuan in good years. If you are poor, you will think of change. As secretary of the village party branch and village director, Yin Zhongyi always feels the great responsibility on his shoulders. In order to change the face of poverty and backwardness in his hometown, he led the villagers to do a lot of experiments, such as growing dried and fresh fruits such as apples and Hawthorns, which ended in failure because of soil quality, water supply, marketing and other reasons. But Yin Zhongyi's exploration is not over. In 1995, a family in Lengfan Village sold roasted sweet potatoes in Pingyin mining area, which sold well. Yin Zhongyi found that this new variety of sweet potato tastes good, sells well, has the same output as starch sweet potato, and the price is twice as high. Yin Zhongyi found a business opportunity from it. In order to be cautious and not to let the masses suffer from failure again, Yin Zhongyi planted 2 mu in his responsible field in 1996, and when the sweet potato was harvested the following year, the sales income was twice as high as the original. In 1997, he called on the cadres and group leaders of the two committees of the village to try out one mu each, and all the trial planting was successful. in 1998, when the sweet potato was harvested and planed, Yin Zhongyi organized the villagers to observe the scene, and the enthusiasm of the masses increased unprecedentedly. At that time, the planting area of sweet potato in Lengfan village reached 300 mu at one time, making it a famous sweet potato planting village far and near.

As the founder of fresh sweet potato in Lengfan Village, Yin Zhongyi has devoted all his painstaking efforts to the development of the sweet potato industry over the past 20 years. In order to introduce marketable varieties, Yin Zhongyi personally worked as a stevedores for non-local customers, taking customers' trucks many times to Taian, Liaocheng, Beijing, Jinan and other places to inspect the market, staying in the cheapest hotels and eating the cheapest meals, grasping the first-hand information of market demand, and guiding villagers to adjust the planting varieties in a timely manner. As a result, he has also become bosom friends with customers, established a stable cooperative relationship, cold rice sweet potatoes are no longer worried about selling.

After 10 years of development and accumulation, in 2008, Lengfan Village fresh sweet potato developed to 600mu. Yin Zhongyi seized the opportunity to establish Shanxiang fresh sweet potato professional cooperative, broke through the traditional cultivation, and boldly introduced new varieties and new technology. to provide the masses with one-stop services for production, supply and marketing, radiation has driven the town's fresh sweet potato planting area of more than 30000 mu and achieved an annual sales income of more than 200 million yuan. Fresh sweet potato has become a "small golden melon" for villagers to increase their income and become rich, and the cultivation of fresh sweet potato has become one of the pillar industries of characteristic agriculture in Pingyin County. As a result, Ancheng was awarded the first town of fresh sweet potato in Shandong Province by Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and the brand base of fresh sweet potato in Jinan. Shanxiang fresh sweet sweet potato professional cooperative was also named as the key cooperative of municipal farmers' professional cooperatives. Yin Zhongyi was appraised as an outstanding rural practical talent in Jinan, a city-level advanced village cadre in poverty alleviation and development, and a county science and technology demonstration household. he was elected as a deputy to the 12th party of Pingyin County and a deputy to the 17th National people's Congress of Pingyin County, and became an out-and-out "potato champion."

Be good at studying and bravely innovating

Yin Zhongyi has made outstanding contributions to the variety cultivation, cultivation and storage technology of fresh sweet potato. In order to solve the problem of rapid degradation and difficult storage of sweet potato varieties, he has long joined forces with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shannong University and other scientific research institutions to carry out new variety confrontation experiments. More than 30 "excellent, special and new" fresh sweet potato varieties with good taste, high quality and storage resistance were selected, and colorful sweet potato varieties such as Jishu 22, Sushu 8, red banana, Laishu No. 1, Longshu 9, Violet and Yu Zi were introduced. 20 sweet potato seedling ponds and more than 600 square meters winter warm sweet potato seedling greenhouse have been built, which can breed 3 million virus-free sweet potato seedlings a year and provide improved varieties to the surrounding people free of charge. At the same time, every year, he hires professors of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to regularly hold scientific and technological lectures, teach advanced cultivation techniques, popularize scientific planting knowledge, organize villagers to visit and study, and improve the level of management. it provides an excellent technical guarantee for the sustainable development of fresh sweet potato industry. He also actively participated in the poverty alleviation campaign throughout the county, signed planting and recycling contracts with poor households, and recycled protection prices, leading 700 families in the town to shake off poverty and become rich.

Through reasonable control of temperature and humidity cellar storage of sweet potatoes, wrong season sales is another major contribution of Yin Zhongfu to the fresh sweet potato industry. With years of production experience, Yin Zhongzhong found that the sugar content of sweet potato increased after cellar storage, which made it more soft and waxy and sweet, and when it was listed after the Spring Festival, the price doubled, and the income was more considerable, so he tried to build a new type of sweet potato storage cellar. Through many experiments, a set of mature sweet potato cellar storage technology was found and popularized to growers. The widespread application of cellar sweet potato technology has lengthened the sales time and increased the growers' ability to control the market. only this item has increased the average annual income of the whole village by more than 1.4 million yuan, and the small sweet potato cellar has become an "underground bank" for villagers to get rich. Over the past 20 years, Yin Zhongyi has taken root on the land and has repeatedly undertaken agricultural science and technology projects in Pingyin County, such as soil testing, formula fertilization, disease prevention and treatment, and tackling high-yield problems of fresh sweet potato, implementing the matching of improved varieties and prescriptions, and popularizing agricultural science and technology. has always been at the forefront of the popularization and application of agricultural science and technology.

Carrying out standardized production and paying attention to Brand effect

From the beginning of his career, Yin Zhongyi focused his sweet potato industry on the market in Shandong Province. in order to build a fresh sweet potato base in the province, he formulated the "standardized production rules of fresh sweet potato" and adopted the cooperative mode of "cooperative + base + peasant household". Provide "five unifications" in production, that is, unified provision of virus-free seedlings, unified provision of organic fertilizers and harmless pesticides, and unified provision of technical guidance. Unified storage technology, unified packaging and sales The technical service system of "expert + technician + demonstration household" was established, which strictly regulated the production of fresh sweet potato from all-round service before, during and after production, applied for registration of "Anluanhe" trademark and certified 5 pollution-free agricultural products. Pesticide residue detection room was built and regular self-inspection was carried out to ensure the quality and food safety of agricultural products. In order to create a convenient trading environment and enable the smooth sale of sweet potatoes by the masses, he transformed and upgraded the fresh sweet potato trading market, built a storage and processing plant of 1200 square meters and an all-weather trading area of 1000 square meters, so that the daily trading capacity of sweet potatoes reached more than 3 million jin, and the annual trading volume soared to 4.5 million yuan, providing jobs for more than 60 villagers and services for more than 2000 melon farmers. In order to improve brand awareness and cultivate brand influence, he took the initiative to expand the market, held a large-scale product promotion meeting in Quancheng Square, and invited citizens to come and taste it for free. "Anluanhe" brand fresh sweet potato was generally praised by the people of Quancheng and was rated as one of the top ten favorite products of Quancheng citizens in 2010. The products entered more than 10 large and medium-sized city supermarkets such as Jinan, Taian and Liaocheng. The good market benefit has driven more than 20 surrounding villages and more than 10000 mu of land for standardized production, and the base has also been listed as the new sweet potato variety test base of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the key project base supported by the Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology. lead the town's fresh sweet potato industry to the track of rapid and healthy development.

In 2013, Yin Zhongyi made a new attempt to develop "green sightseeing and picking agriculture". A picking area has been designated on 1200 mu of arable land and a parking lot has been built in the village. At the beginning of autumn, the cooperative hung up the picking tour information on the Pingyin agricultural science and technology information network. In that year, more than 40 people came to dig sweet potatoes. The cooperative held five picking activities last year, and tourists had a lot of fun while learning, digging, baking and eating.