
Egg duck breeding has achieved a billion yuan industry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Egg duck breeding has achieved a billion yuan industry

"without the support of the party's policy on the people and the project of people's livelihood, there would be no development of the aquaculture industry today, and without the preferential policies provided by the party and the government, there would not be the brilliant achievements of the whole province and even the first town of egg duck breeding in East China." This is the heartfelt feeling of Comrade Zhang Yongyi, director of the Egg Duck breeding Association of Ketan Town, Lujiang County, Anhui Province, the leader of farmers getting rich, a deputy to the Municipal people's Congress, and a national model worker.

In the autumn of 1999, Zhang Yongyi, who had just graduated from high school, and his father started a business of hatching chicken gizzards in Tongcheng City and acquired the technology of raising egg ducks in a greenhouse. Together, he and his father decided to invest in building a greenhouse to raise egg ducks. At that time, with the support of the town party committee and government, he took a loan of 50,000 yuan, rented more than 10 mu of ponds in the group, and raised a shed of 2080 egg ducks. as a result of his hard work and hard work, he made a net profit of more than 40,000 yuan that year. When the villagers saw that he had made money by raising ducks, they all came to learn from the experience and asked to help raise ducks to get rich. Zhang Yongyi unreservedly taught egg duck technology to his neighbors. In the second year, seven farmers joined in the village. More than 15000 egg ducks were raised in a shed, with an average household income of more than 30,000 yuan, and the town's first greenhouse egg duck breeding community was built.

In 2002, with the continuous heating up of egg duck breeding and the good economic benefits that have been achieved, more and more farmers see the hope of getting rich, from a dozen households to hundreds of greenhouse egg duck breeding lineup. Egg duck breeding began to start a prairie fire with a spark.

Zhang Yongyi also doubled his worth and became the backbone of duck farmers and the guide of spark. The rapid development of egg ducks in Ketan Town has been highly valued by the Lujiang County Party Committee, the County people's Congress, and the county government, and has repeatedly organized visits to the breeding community to support and recognize this industry of enriching the people spontaneously formed by farmers. At the same time, the county and town egg duck breeding associations also made a commitment to coordinate the preferential policy of small loans to farmers to provide 5000 to 50000 yuan per household to provide farmers with capital turnover.

Due to the strong support of the county and town organization for raising egg ducks in the greenhouse, the first laying duck breeding association in Lujiang County, Anhui Province was established in 2003. Zhang Yongyi was recommended to serve as the chairman of the association and the first batch of 456 members. In the name of the association, provide prenatal, mid-production and post-natal services for the broad masses of farmers, organize a family of free-range egg ducks, expand the scale of breeding, and dock with the big market in other places. Reduce the risk of breeding. At the same time, it is also led by the greenhouse Egg Duck breeding Association to organize farmers to go to other places to buy and introduce young ducks, so as to ensure that the three certificates of quarantine, epidemic prevention and disinfection are complete, and improve the survival rate. Unify the supply of affordable feed, regularly hire experts and professors to give lectures in the community, exchange experience, and solve the problems in the feeding process in time. So that its breeding experience is more and more rich, and the way of sales is getting wider and wider. At that time, the net income of farmers per shed of egg ducks reached more than 40,000 yuan. This is a number that duck farmers dare not even think of. It was not until they got a generous return that they tasted the benefits of egg duck farming and felt Zhang Yongyi's efforts for society and for everyone.

"without the help of the Egg Duck farming Association, I would not be as rich as I am today." Xu Zhiping, who lives in Chengchi Village, Ketan Town, said with deep feeling that he relied on the Egg Duck breeding Association to coordinate the loan to help start a business. Without capital, the association promptly docked with the credit union to guarantee loans to him to buy duck seedlings, and there was no money to buy feed, and the Egg Duck breeding Association coordinated to provide help, enabling Xu Zhiping to make a net profit of more than 80,000 yuan a year for two consecutive years. The Egg Duck farming Association not only benefits Xu Zhiping, but also provides cash flow for some farmers with difficulties in starting funds, paying more than 2 million yuan a year. Through the organization and coordination of the laying duck breeding association, the town has formed 15 egg duck breeding communities, with more than 1000 greenhouses, raising more than 1.2 million laying ducks, producing more than 30,000 tons of fresh eggs a year, creating an output value of more than 250 million yuan, and an average annual net income of more than 60,000 yuan. as a result, many egg duck farmers have embarked on the road to wealth.

This year, with the support of the town party committee and government, Zhang Yongyi invested more than 10 million yuan to build an annual production capacity of 100000 tons "Anhui Lujiang County Yinong Industry and Trade Feed Co., Ltd." to provide feed sources for greenhouse egg duck farmers.

Invested more than 5 million yuan to set up a poultry and egg products processing plant with an annual output of 600 tons, "Anhui Lujiang County Xinguo Food Co., Ltd.", specializing in purchasing duck farmers' unsalable products to eliminate old ducks and fresh eggs for deep processing and finishing, in the way of "company + farmers + sales" to extend the industrial chain of egg duck market, increase the added value of egg duck products, and increase the income of farmers.

Zhang Yongyi also relies on the support of innovative scientific research achievements of Zhejiang Agricultural University, Anhui Agricultural University and other university scientific research institutions, popularizes and popularizes advanced and standardized breeding techniques, spreads the breeding methods of saving energy, reducing consumption, time and labor, and provides all-round services for the broad masses of farmers.

The party committee and government of Ketan Town have continuously increased the support for egg duck breeding, listed it as the leading industry of invigorating the town and enriching the people, formulated and issued a series of preferential policies, and organized the assistance of finance, credit, agricultural technology, epidemic prevention and other departments to provide farmers with funds, technology and services, provide a good development environment for egg duck breeding, and expand and strengthen the "cake" of egg duck breeding. In today's Kotan town, people see the most dotted egg duck sheds, and people talk most about the wealth of egg duck farming and the central government's warm-heart policy of paying attention to rural areas and farmers. The continuous development and growth of duck farming industry and the surging tide of duck farmers are holding high the melody of spring.

Zhang Yongyi's entrepreneurial spirit and model of leading the people to get rich were praised by the party and the masses, and successively won the titles of "May 4th Youth Medal", "Leader of getting Rich by Spark" and "Outstanding Peasant Entrepreneur" in Anhui Province. In May last year, Zhang Yongyi was gloriously elected as a national model worker.