
Gangwei Village, Rongan County, Guangxi: raising "Flying Chicken" to take the lead in getting rid of Poverty

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gangwei Village, Rongan County, Guangxi: raising "Flying Chicken" to take the lead in getting rid of Poverty

When it comes to toiletries, people will first think of the story of Mulan joining the army.

In fact, in Pingtun, Gangwei Village, Dapo Township, Rong'an County, there is a "Hua Mulan" in the hearts of villagers-he Qunying, a flying chicken farmer in Dapo and a leader in getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. Starting from a poor peasant, he Qunying gradually got rid of poverty and became rich, founded the "Rong'an Women's Dapo Flying Chicken farming Cooperative" and led 23 poor families to the road of getting rid of poverty.

It is difficult to get rid of poverty by changing careers

"the road is difficult, the road is difficult." Gangwei Village, where he Qunying is located, has a total of 647 households and 2213 people, of which 186households and 629people are poor. The eight villages in the village have not yet implemented the hardening of roads in the village, making it difficult for vehicles, goods and pedestrians to move, which seriously restricts the development of local industry. "I used to be a poor household in the village!" He Qunying said. In the 1990s, he Qunying lived in shabby houses and made a living by growing cassava. Every time he Qunying went up the mountain to plant cassava, she had to walk for nearly an hour. She didn't know how many pairs of shoes she had worn out. "I only earn enough to eat!" A woman got up early in the morning and late at night to dig mountains and grow potatoes, and her originally delicate hands became much rougher. Under such difficult conditions, he Qunying still scrimped and saved enough money to impress her family.

With the approval of her family, he Qunying does not intend to continue to grow cassava. In 1996, he Qunying opened a snack bar at a primary school in La Bao Town, Liujiang County. Every time they go to school, many students come to he Qunying's shop to buy things. Seeing that his business is stable and his life is settled, he Qunying gradually fades away the idea of changing careers to other businesses. But the good times did not last long. Four years later, due to the demolition of the lot, he Qunying had to go back to her hometown to raise pigs and sell bamboo mats, but she could not earn much money and lacked interest. As the years went by, she made do with her life. "I want to find an industry that suits me better!" He Qunying said.

Take poor families to raise "flying chickens"

In 2012, the township government called on villagers to raise native chickens, but many villagers lacked large-scale farming experience and technology and did not dare to raise them. "I'll keep it!" The bold he Qunying was the first to set an example and immediately introduced 300 native chickens. "I'm worried that I can't raise it well, but I want to try everything." When he Qunying is still worried about whether her native chicken is selling well, there is a craze to buy "flying chicken" in the market. He Qunying said that he sold his grown-up "flying chicken" in the county and sold it for 50 yuan at a cost of 40 yuan, and soon all 300 chickens were sold out. When several villagers saw that raising chickens was so easy to sell, they were moved and joined the "chicken raising brigade" one after another.

"I believe in what I can do. I can do anything!" He Qunying, who had been frowning, finally smiled. In 2015, he Qunying became deputy director of the village committee because of her outstanding ability. "I will mobilize 30 villagers to raise chickens and call on them to grow 50 mu of kumquat." At that time, after receiving the task of the township government, he Qunying mobilized the villagers to raise chickens and grow oranges in the village. "at that time, I went door to door, and many people knew about my experience of raising chickens and joined the ranks of raising chickens and growing oranges." He Qunying said. Not long after, he Qunying led 48 villagers to raise chickens and planted 83 mu of kumquat, which overfulfilled the task. As a result, the township government paved cement roads for Pingtun in Gangwei Village.

"you have no chicken, I provide you with chicken seedlings, no feed, I provide you, no skills, I teach you!" At present, he Qunying has raised 15000 "flying chickens", and the poor households in he Qunying's cooperative have also raised an average of 800. He Qunying also funded the construction of the chicken farm road, aiming to increase his Dapo flying chicken to 20,000 this year.

At present, Gangwei Village, as the second "Flying Chicken Village" in Dapo Township after Xiazhai Village, launches to actively explore new ways to help the poor, and strive to create a "1N1" poverty alleviation work model, in which Qunying leads poor households to raise chickens, and a leader leads many poor households to develop together, making full use of the advantages of economic talents in capital, technology, market and other aspects to play its leading and influential role. The development of kumquat production, native chicken farming and tourism industry will lift people out of poverty.