
The specialty of the three Gorges comes out of the mountains

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The specialty of the three Gorges comes out of the mountains

Not long ago, at the third China County E-commerce Summit held in Shandong Province, Fengjie County of Chongqing was named by Alibaba as the "most influential county" for rural e-commerce in 2015. Tang Keren, a staff member of the Fengjie e-commerce office who won the medal, is particularly proud, because this award contains a particularly high gold content, and there are only three in the country.

Fengjie County is located in the heart of the three Gorges Reservoir area. In recent years, it has developed characteristic benefit agriculture around "three trees" (navel orange, olive, yew) and "three leaves" (tea, mulberry and tobacco). It has planted 300000 mu of navel orange, 50, 000 mu of yew, 60, 000 mu of olive, 150000 mu of traditional Chinese medicine, 93000 mu of sericulture and 250000 mu of vegetables, and has become a major county of high-quality agricultural products in the country.

However, Fengjie, located in the poverty-stricken areas of Qinba Mountain, is a national key county for poverty alleviation, with poor transportation infrastructure, high logistics costs, information blocking, small products difficult to connect to the big market, and difficult sales of agricultural products.

How to get out of the predicament of increasing farmers' production without increasing income, Fengjie will focus on the Internet and actively build a new bridge for agricultural products to connect with the big market. Last year, Fengjie and Alibaba carried out close cooperation on the "thousands of counties and villages" project in rural Taobao. From the initial contact on July 2, 2015, to the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement on rural Taobao on August 4, and to the opening of the rural Taobao Fengjie service center on September 15, it took only 42 days to complete the selection of sites, partner recruitment and training, operation centers and characteristic pavilions in 60 villages throughout the county.

Tang Keren happily told reporters, "on the opening day of rural Taobao in Fengjie, it set four national firsts: 60 of the first opening villages, the largest in the country; the logistics route to the village is 1386 kilometers, the longest in the country; the total transaction volume is 12.1 million yuan, the largest in the country; and the transaction volume of a single village is 2.57 million yuan, the first in the country."

Fengjie is the "orange capital of China", with an annual output of 280000 tons of navel oranges. Once, due to geographical factors, Fengjie navel orange increased production and was slow to sell. After getting on the e-commerce express, Fengjie strengthened online marketing to build navel orange from an offline dominant brand into an online best-selling brand. Last year, online sales exceeded 150 million yuan; in April this year, the "E-commerce Network navel Orange Festival" was launched on the home page of Taobao, selling 400000 jin of navel oranges in two days; the number of online merchants selling navel oranges also increased rapidly from 254to more than 1600.

Driven by Fengjie navel orange, more than 50 kinds of agricultural special products, such as Fengjie bacon, honey, native eggs and so on, have touched the net for sale. In order to promote more agricultural special products on the line, Fengjie vigorously develops farmers'e-commerce cooperatives in accordance with the model of "online merchants + rural Taobao partners + large farmers + poor households".

"in the next three years, Fengjie will incubate 5000 online merchants of all kinds, establish three to five Taobao villages, break through 1 billion yuan in online sales of agricultural products, and vigorously implement the strategy of" e-commerce plus poverty alleviation "to increase the income of more people." For the future development of e-commerce, the director of Fengjie county e-commerce office seems confident to Chenggang.

Using e-commerce cooperatives to drive villagers out of poverty is the first choice of Fengjie's "e-commerce + poverty alleviation" strategy.

Zuping Village, Caotang Town is a poor village at the county level in Fengjie. Cai Maolin, 34, who became a partner in Zhuping Village last year, is now a typical local entrepreneur, while he was a poor family two years ago. "after the online store opened on September 15 last year, I helped villagers shop online while selling local products, earning tens of thousands of yuan a month." Cai Maolin recalled that on the opening day of the village Amoy service station, he helped villagers purchase agricultural vehicles, daily necessities, electrical appliances and other products, with a transaction volume of more than 1.5 million yuan, setting a single-day transaction record for a single village site in rural Taobao.

Since the beginning of this year, Cai Maolin has set up e-commerce cooperatives with more than 220 farmers, with villagers in charge of farming and Cai Maolin in charge of sales. Cai Maolin's e-commerce professional cooperative absorbed a total of 70 local poor households, invested 5000 chicken seedlings and distributed them to poor households for breeding, and the recovered eggs and live chickens were sold through the e-commerce platform. While the masses increased their income, they could also get a profit dividend from the cooperative. Next, Fengjie will set up more than one e-commerce cooperative in 30 townships.

To do a good job in product marketing with Taobao Fengjie Pavilion is another strategy of "e-commerce + poverty alleviation". At present, Fengjie has built a characteristic Chinese Fengjie Hall in Alibaba, selling more than 30 local products, such as Fengjie navel orange, bacon, pig tongue, sausage, smoked chicken and so on. With the further development of e-commerce, Fengjie plans to concentrate more than 200 characteristic products such as sunken wood furniture, combs, yew products, three Gorges stone, Shu embroidery, olive oil and so on into the operation of the characteristic museum, so as to promote the standardization, characteristics and branding of local products and promote the sustainable development of rural industries.