
Luzhou husband and wife return home to start a family farm to hold up the dream of getting rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Luzhou husband and wife return home to start a family farm to hold up the dream of getting rich

Farmers Zhao Maolin and Yin Fengqin, farmers of Jinlong Town, Longmatan District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, are looking forward to picking glittering and translucent grapes in Jinlong Vineyard on July 24. After several years of hard work, now, when they return home to start a business, they have finally opened up their own entrepreneurial world in the poor villages at the provincial level, with an annual income of more than 300,000 yuan.

If you go back to your hometown to start a business, you can't be a factory director or a "garden director".

Zhao Maolin and Yin Fengqin are from Caoba Village, Jinlong Town. As early as the 1980s, they left their hometown with the dream of becoming rich and went south to work in Shenzhen. They did not expect that they had been there for more than 20 years.

During their stay in Shenzhen, after hard work, the couple finally opened a garment factory of their own. Yin Fengqin became the factory director, took good care of the business on the one hand, and led a prosperous life.

"I often see tourists picking vineyards, and the price is not cheap, so I try to learn." Yin Fengqin told me that during a visit to Zhejiang, she found that there were many vineyards, and customers were particularly favored for picking. Later, she came up with the idea of going back to her hometown to plant grapes. "after all, the old people in the family are old, and the children also need to be taken care of."

In July 2011, Zhao Maolin and Yin Fengqin returned to their hometown, Caoba Village, a poor village at the provincial level, and, under the guidance of a grape relative, invested more than 1 million yuan, leased more than 50 mu of land, and carried out soil improvement, shed construction, and other work. In Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places, more advanced grape varieties such as Xiayin Mascart, Wenke and Meizhi were introduced to build the "Golden Dragon Vineyard" and have their own "family farm."

Study everywhere, grow grapes and travel.

Zhao Maolin and Yin Fengqin have suffered a lot technically in the transformation from enterprises to family farms, but everything is bitter before it is sweet.

"pruning, irrigation, fertilization, topping and other links do not dare to be careless, otherwise it will affect the growth and yield of grapes, and many kinds of grapes around me have failed." When it comes to the experience of growing grapes, Zhao Maolin is like a family member.

"I still remember a variety called 'Taotaro' a few years ago, when it blossomed and watered it, resulting in poor fruit hanging later." According to Yin Fengqin, there is another variety called Xia Yin Mascart. When it matured that year, the fruit was very small. After repeated practice, it was found that the watering time was not correct. At first, although technology was guided by relatives, it was still the biggest obstacle to their planting.

To this end, while the couple bought books and studied online, they also went to Zhejiang, Shanghai, Yunnan and other places to learn their skills at their own expense. As long as they did not understand, they tried every means to make a drop of water wear through the stone.

"Don't underestimate the weeds under the grapes, they are planted treasures." In the vineyard, Zhao Maolin introduced to the author, over the past few years, they combine theory with practice, using the original ecological planting method for planting, the effect is very good. According to reports, this planting method is actually to let the grass grow with the grapes and cut off the weeds once the grapes are ripe. Weeds can not only moisturize the growth of grapes, increase oxygen and avoid burns, but also can be converted into organic fertilizer on the spot after cutting, which plays a role in soil improvement.

After several years of practice, today, the couple have become well-known local planting experts from every aspect of seed selection, cultivation, management, and picking. At present, more than 20 mu of vineyards hang fruit, with an annual output value of more than 300,000 yuan and local employment of more than 10 people.

The special "family farm" of the exhibition holds up the dream of getting rich.

"the grapes here taste good and have a good size. This is my second visit." Taking the children to pick grapes, you Min, a customer from Hejiang County, told me. According to Zhao Maolin, since the Jinlong government strongly supported the hardening of the road from Jianchang town to the vineyard, there was a hot picking scene in the vineyard one weekend last August. "more than 100 customers came in a day, and the cars could hardly stop."

"the harvest period lasts from June to December, and the farm also shows three major characteristics, which is our original intention." According to Yin Fengqin, at present, the vineyard has realized the three major features of "new", "strange" and "special": "new" means that the variety is new; "strange" means that grapes are as large as eggs and smallest as peas, and the time difference between morning and evening ripening is long; "special" means that there is a giant in the garden, and a bunch can be as long as one meter long and weigh more than 20 jin.

"now we pay attention to the weather forecast every day. Once it gets windy and rainy, I can't sleep. I'm always afraid that the garden will be flooded." While tasting the sweetness of planting, Yin Fengqin also expressed her own difficulties. Although she has passed the technical clearance, due to the lack of professional drainage, the vineyard is still in a state of "relying on heaven for a living." In July last year, the vineyard suffered an unprecedented flood, more than 10 mu of grapes were flooded, resulting in fruit cracking, resulting in a loss of nearly 100000 yuan. However, the couple overcame these difficulties all the way.

Talking about his plans for the future, Zhao Maolin hopes that while managing the vineyard well, he will continue to expand the scale, increase the infrastructure such as farm music and fishing, and upgrade the family farm to a rural leisure base integrating sightseeing, picking and fishing.