
What is the best planting project to choose when you return to your hometown to start a business in 2016?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the best planting project to choose when you return to your hometown to start a business in 2016?


With the rapid development of the rural economy, more and more migrant workers choose to return to their hometown to start their own businesses, so what should be planted in 2016? If we take a look at the direction of the country's agricultural policy, it will be clear at a glance.

   wheat and rice planting with confidence

   although the prices of the three staple grains declined at the end of 2015, the country must absolutely stabilize the production of these two major food rations. Therefore, don't worry about planting! according to the    document, the primary task for the development of the planting industry this year is to stabilize grain production, keep grain production basically stable, and prevent a decline. The key task is to stabilize the area of wheat and rice and keep the bottom line of "absolute safety of rations". We will strengthen policy guidance, implement policies such as the minimum purchase price for wheat and rice, guide farmers to arrange their planting structure, and ensure that the area of wheat and rice is stable at more than 800 million mu. Stabilize winter wheat in Huang-Huai region and properly restore northern spring wheat. Consolidate and promote japonica rice in the northeast and stabilize double-cropping rice in the south. We will actively develop high-quality rice and strong and weak gluten wheat to meet consumer demand.

The area of    corn will definitely decrease.

   aims to reduce 10 million mu of corn this year, which means it will be really difficult for you to make money if you keep growing. What's more, corn is going to start price reform this year, and it is up to the market to decide.

   cotton popularizes the best kind of "double low" of light and simplified oil

The planting area of    cotton oil and sugar will be further stable in the country, so farmers who grow cotton, oil and sugar crops can rest assured to continue their planting tradition, and on this basis, pay attention to improve agronomy and adopt mechanized production. Specifically, cotton focuses on stabilizing the area of saline-alkali land in cotton areas and coastal areas around lakes; oilseeds focus on stabilizing rape areas, developing peanuts and characteristic oilseeds; sugar crops focus on stabilizing sugarcane areas in Guangxi and Yunnan.    accelerated the promotion of new varieties of cotton oil and sugar with high yield, high quality, multi-resistance and suitable for mechanical operation. We will promote the agronomic integration of agricultural machinery and integrate and popularize the high-yield and high-efficiency technology model with machinery as the carrier. Cotton focuses on light and simplified cultivation techniques, oil crops on "double-low" rape and mechanical planting and harvesting techniques, and sugarcane on healthy seedlings and mechanical cultivation techniques to improve quality and efficiency.

Standardization of vegetable cultivation in   

   vegetable growers all know that the market situation is ever-changing, either too much to sell, or less to watch the price of vegetables rise. Generally speaking, the country's goal is to "stabilize the vegetable area".    has two points that everyone needs to pay attention to. One is that the country will continue to stabilize the vegetable transportation base from the south to the north and the vegetable area of the facilities in the north. Second, the state will promote standardized production, increase support for large growers, specialized cooperatives and leading enterprises to develop standardized production, and enhance the level of standardization, scale and industrialization of vegetable production.    standardization requires that vegetables should pay attention to the green standard of pesticides and fertilizers in the process of planting, standardize in brand packaging, standardize quality control in the process of transportation, and standardize in terms of market information. in short, every link is standardized, which is conducive to the smooth flow of vegetables from planting to sales, and reduce the occurrence of "cheap vegetables hurting farmers" as much as possible.

   grows potatoes to select varieties that can be made into steamed bread.

After    potato was identified as the staple grain, the work to promote the development of potato staple grain was carried out in an orderly manner. For the majority of potato growers, the most important thing is to choose the right variety. At present, the varieties advocated by the state have such special features: high quality, high yield, stress resistance, excellent comprehensive characters and special varieties suitable for staple food development.    2016, the state will continue to do a good job in potato industry development pilot projects in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Gansu and Ningxia provinces, so growers in these provinces can pay more attention to information related to potato industry development. It would be best if they can find order enterprises.

   cash crop cultivation: standard garden and branding is the direction

What is the job deployment of    fruit, tea and other cash crops? The first is to promote the establishment of a standard garden for horticultural crops, to promote the expansion from the "garden" to the "area", and to promote the whole system of townships (towns) and counties (cities) according to local conditions; the second is to carry out in-depth actions to promote the "three products" of horticultural crops. What is worth our attention is that the old fruit (tea) garden will be transformed, and the brand creation of fruit and tea will be promoted.

   for our growers, follow the path of industrialization, should not be wrong.

   's new policy on agricultural development in 2016, a new generation of farmers who want to return home to start a business, might as well learn about it, which may be helpful to you.