
The State Council has sent a major signal that these Huaibei people are going to get rich!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The State Council has sent a major signal that these Huaibei people are going to get rich!

What do you think is the most profitable industry in China?

Real estate?

Entertainment star?

Securities fund?

Today, Huai Xiaobu wants to subvert your point of view.

The most profitable industry in China in the future is--


I'm sure everyone will say

Don't worry. Look down there.

Issued by the State Council on August 8

Circular on the implementation of several Financial policies in support of the citizenization of the Agricultural transfer population

(click on the lower left corner to read the original text to view the full "notice")

Ten specific policies and measures are put forward.

Released a great good message to farmers.

Specifically include

The compulsory education for the children of the agricultural migrant population and other permanent residents will be included in the scope of public financial protection, and the policy of free tuition and fees and universal preschool education for secondary vocational education will be gradually improved and implemented.

Speed up the implementation of the measures for the transfer of medical insurance relations and the settlement of medical treatment in other places.

Speed up the implementation of a unified and standardized urban and rural social security system

Support the unemployed who have settled in the agricultural transfer population in cities to carry out unemployment registration, and enjoy public employment services and support policies such as vocational guidance, introduction, training and skills identification.

Establishing a citizenization incentive mechanism for agricultural transfer population

On the basis of calculating the balanced transfer payment according to the registered population, fully consider the expenditure demand for providing basic public services to the population with residence permits.

The basic financial security mechanism at the county level takes into account the population factor of holding residence permits.

Local governments should incorporate the citizenization of agricultural migrant population into their regional economic and social development planning, urban and rural planning and urban infrastructure construction planning.

To maintain the land contract rights, homestead use rights and collective income distribution rights of farmers settled in cities.

Increase the financial support for the citizenization of agricultural transferred population and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism.

What does that mean?

To solve the problems of schooling, social security, medical care and work for farmers who go to cities to buy houses, and to ensure their land contract rights, homestead use rights and collective income distribution rights in rural areas. Farmers with urbanization in the future can become a special group of people who "enjoy basic welfare at both ends".

As soon as the policy comes out,

Rural household registration "gold content" brush to rise!

You think it's over?

Under the background of the adjustment of the national economic structure and the introduction of various policies beneficial to agriculture and farmers, a large amount of social capital will pour into the field of agriculture. The new agriculture contains great potential and is a field worthy of investors' expectation. The ongoing agricultural industry integration may be regarded as the "first decade" of the real estate industry.

To put it in a nutshell: farmers are going to get rich!

Huai Xiaobu gives you a list first.

How valuable is the rural hukou?


Own contracted land and homestead

Contracted land and homestead are unique to rural areas, and farmers can use this land to cultivate fields or build houses on homestead. These self-built houses only rural hukou can, urban hukou can not go to rural areas to buy land to build houses!


Enjoy the right to distribute collective income

Distribution of land and other collective economic benefits, such as in some places where there is a hukou in the village, regardless of size, each person can pay a dividend every year, but if the hukou moves out, he cannot participate in the dividend.


Compensation for land expropriation

When the collectively owned land of the peasants is expropriated or requisitioned, the peasants shall be compensated in accordance with the relevant provisions.


Problem of buying a house

Rural hukou can buy a house in the city, while the urban hukou buys a house in the countryside, which is not protected by law!


New rural cooperative medical system

The NCMS is based on the overall planning of serious illness. under the system of mutual assistance in medical care for farmers, part of the expenses can be reimbursed when they are ill.



Two female households in rural areas enjoy state subsidies. When their parents are 50-59 years old, they enjoy the municipal expansion policy of Huaibei City, 720 yuan per person per year; when they reach the age of 60, they enjoy state subsidies of 960 yuan per year.


Registered permanent residence

It is not allowed for a small partner to convert a rural hukou into an urban hukou and see that the value of the rural hukou is high and want to go back to the countryside. In addition, urban hukou cannot be converted into rural hukou.