
Industry | the state strictly controls the new production capacity of urea and ammonium phosphate. Listen to the voices in the industry.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Industry | the state strictly controls the new production capacity of urea and ammonium phosphate. Listen to the voices in the industry.

Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the guidance on the restructuring of the Petrochemical Industry to promote Transformation and increase efficiency, and made arrangements for the restructuring and upgrading of the petrochemical industry. The "opinion" points out that it is necessary to promote supply-side structural reform, actively open up the market, persist in innovation-driven, improve the development environment, strive to reduce production capacity, reduce consumption, and reduce emissions, make up for deficiencies, adjust layout, and promote safety, so as to promote the petrochemical industry to improve quality and efficiency, transformation and upgrading, and healthy development.

The "opinions" clearly put forward seven key tasks, such as eliminating excess capacity, overall planning and optimizing layout, upgrading traditional industries, safe and green development, improving the innovation system to promote merger and reorganization, and strengthening international production capacity cooperation. It is required to give full play to the comparative advantages of China's traditional petrochemical industry, and in conjunction with the "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy, actively promote international production capacity cooperation in advantageous industries such as methanol, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, build overseas industrial parks, and promote chain transfer and intensive development. drive relevant technical equipment and engineering services to "go out".

The "opinion" calls for persisting in combining the present with a long-term perspective, strictly controlling new excess capacity, speeding up the elimination of backward capacity, raising the level of green security development, and proposing that efforts should be made to eliminate excess capacity. The new production capacity of excess industries such as urea and ammonium phosphate should be strictly controlled, and equal or reduced replacement should be carried out for advanced process transformation and upgrading projects that meet the policy requirements.

According to Fu Xiangsheng, vice president of the Sinopec Federation, at present, in view of the "opinions," specific implementation plans have been formulated to clarify the task requirements for capacity reduction and structural adjustment in 12 industries, including the chemical fertilizer industry, in the next three years, and put forward a list of projects of elimination, restriction and encouragement.

The China Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry Association said that the surplus of the nitrogenous fertilizer industry is a structural surplus, so the focus of industry reform in the next few years is structural adjustment (capacity structure, raw material structure, product structure, etc.) as well as industry technological progress, energy conservation and emission reduction. By 2018, the urea production capacity will be controlled at 7600-78 million tons, of which the backward production capacity will not be less than 10 million tons, and the utilization rate of production capacity will be increased to 85% 50%. If the above goals are achieved, and the new production capacity can be reduced and replaced, supply and demand will reach a balance. In addition, it is necessary to establish a long-term mechanism for withdrawing backward production capacity, strictly control environmental protection and energy consumption, and resolutely eliminate backward production capacity that cannot meet the national standards for pollutant discharge and energy consumption and water consumption limits in accordance with the law; enterprises that have more difficulties in production and operation, and whose capacity utilization and sales profit margins are lower than the industry average, will gradually guide them to take the initiative to withdraw.

For the phosphate fertilizer industry, the industry is also in a critical period of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading. Although China's self-sufficiency rate has reached more than 140%, part of it is imported every year. China Phosphate and compound Fertilizer Industry Association believes that the solution of overcapacity mainly depends on market means and government regulation at the same time.

Mao Zixue, executive deputy general manager of Henan Energy and Chemical sales Company, said that at present, the chemical fertilizer industry has reached a critical period of capacity loss, whether it is nitrogen fertilizer or phosphate fertilizer industry, affected by overcapacity, the overall loss of the industry is serious, especially for the nitrogen fertilizer industry, if the backward capacity can not be effectively eliminated, it also affects the production of superior capacity. This "opinion" makes it clear that the advanced process transformation and upgrading projects that meet the policy requirements should be replaced by the same amount or reduction, which will help the industry to speed up the removal of production capacity. In addition, in terms of improving the innovation system, we will expand the pilot scope of intelligent manufacturing in the petrochemical industry, encourage industries such as refining and chemical fertilizer to carry out pilot projects of intelligent factories and digital workshops, build energy management information systems, and enhance the fine management capabilities of enterprises. This also puts forward higher requirements for the development of the chemical fertilizer industry.

For more information, please pay attention to the 1st edition of China Agricultural Materials on August 12, 2016.

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