
The upsurge of starting a business and getting rich in rural areas is the most profitable entrepreneurial project this year.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The upsurge of starting a business and getting rich in rural areas is the most profitable entrepreneurial project this year.

Men of rural origin are relatively hard-working. A man of rural origin is a man who has been honed, and he is also the one who has the most responsibility to support the whole family.

Now that there is an upsurge of entrepreneurship and getting rich in rural areas, what are the entrepreneurial projects that make money in rural areas this year? The editor has collected several of the most popular entrepreneurial projects in rural areas, each of which attracts money!

No.1 grows apples

Apple, which is the choice of Christmas Eve gifts, originated in Europe and central Asia, specifically eastern Turkey. With the improvement of people's living standards, every household pays more and more attention to their health, from casual eating to selective eating. Especially for people in good health will often eat, apples are rich in many vitamins, provide many needs of the human body.

At present, there are not many places to grow apples, which is a good thing, and the pressure of competition is small. Now apples are all 5 yuan per jin. If they are planted well, with small profits and quick turnover, and find a good market, I believe there must be great market prospects.

Breeding peacocks with No.2

Peacock has high use value and medicinal value. Because of its low investment, quick effect and high profit, peacock has become one of the preferred breeding varieties for farmers. Peacock is a kind of high-grade delicacy with delicious meat, the market price is 150,200 yuan per kilogram of peacock meat, the domestic price of peacock specimens is 6000 yuan, and the export price is more than 10, 000 yuan.

Planting mulberry with No.3

Taiwan mulberry, also known as Zijin honey mulberry, has a long and strip-shaped fruit. the length of a fruit can reach 8 to 10 centimeters, which is 4 to 5 times longer than that of ordinary mulberries. when it is ripe, it is purple and red, and its sugar content can reach more than 20 degrees. It has become a "delicacy" in early spring fruit, which is a combination of nutrition, health care and medicine. It is praised as "the best health care holy fruit". According to the price of big mulberry fruit 40 yuan per jin and purple golden honey mulberry fruit 60 yuan per jin, the income is considerable.

Raising native chicken in No.4

Native pheasants are raised because of their own weaknesses such as slow growth, small size, low egg production and so on. It has been gradually replaced by excellent foreign varieties, and the number of breeding has been greatly reduced. But in recent years, with the change of people's consumption level and consumption concept, the consumption quantity of grass chicken has gradually increased, and grass chicken has become a new hot spot of rural breeding industry.

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