
15 rural wealth projects 100% reliable!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 15 rural wealth projects 100% reliable!

The most reliable Rural Rich Project: ecological Pig raising

Ecological pig raising, this pig raising model is mainly suitable for moderate scale pig farms, large farmers and breeding communities with about 300 to 1000 pigs. Rural Entrepreneurship Project in mountainous areas-- Dr. Zhou Chuanshe of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and several of his brothers and brothers, jointly developed a new ecological pig raising model: using the principle of biological fermentation to treat feces and urine, so as to solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by random discharge of rural feces.

The most reliable Rural Rich Project: blue Peacock

Blue peacock, a rural entrepreneurial project in mountain areas, is a high-grade delicacy with delicious meat, with a market price of 150,200 yuan per kilogram of peacock meat; the domestic price of peacock specimens is 6000 yuan, and the export price is more than 10,000 yuan.

The most reliable project to get rich in rural areas: Yodu wrinkled papaya

Using Xuancheng tribute wrinkled papaya as scion and Yunnan Guangguang papaya as rootstock, the new variety was named "Yaodu wrinkled papaya". This variety has the advantages of large fruit shape, high yield and excellent quality, so it is well received by drug manufacturers. 667 square meters produced 4,000 to 5,000 kilograms, with an output value of more than 20,000 yuan. At present, what is the most profitable thing to grow in rural areas? Papaya is not only a medicinal material, but also an excellent health product, which can be processed into beverages, medicinal wine, fructose, preserved fruit, beauty cosmetics, as well as stewed delicacies in high-end restaurants. The row spacing was 2 m × 2 m, and 166 plants were planted in 667 square meters. The price of seedlings is 10 yuan per plant, 30 from post, 9 yuan for more than 50 plants, and 8 yuan for more than 1, 000 plants.

The most reliable project to get rich in rural areas: national color Tianxiang peony

Peony is a combination of ornamental, greening, edible and medicinal. At present, what is the most profitable to grow in rural areas? 667 square meters produce 600 million 800 kilograms of moutan, the output value of 667 square meters is about 10,000 yuan, 667 square meters use 4 kilograms of seeds, and the seed price is 600 yuan.

The most reliable rural wealth project: Camellia oleifera with safflower and big fruit

The king of Camellia oleifera in China, the single fruit weighs 0.5 to 1.5 kilograms and the oil content of tea seeds is 40%. At present, what is the most profitable thing to grow in rural areas? The row spacing was 2 m × 2 m, and 166 plants were planted in 667 square meters. 40 yuan per sample fruit with more than 0.5 kg. The price of seedlings is 6 yuan per plant, 30 plants from post, 5.5 yuan per plant over 50 plants, and 5 yuan per plant over 1000 plants.

The most reliable project to get rich in rural areas: No.1 gardenia jasminoides

It can hang fruit in the same year when it is planted that year, and it has entered a high-yield period in three years. The output of 667 square meters can reach 1000-2000 kg, with an output value of 9000- 18000 yuan. High-yield planting can exceed 20,000 yuan in output value. What is the most profitable to grow in rural areas at present? The row spacing is 1 m × 2 m, 300 seedlings are planted in 667 square meters, the seedling price is 4 yuan per plant, 50 plants are mailed, and more than 100 plants are 3.5 yuan per plant.

The most reliable project to get rich in rural areas: planting Ganoderma lucidum

In many planting projects, Ganoderma lucidum planting project has attracted a lot of attention, not only because of its small investment and fast income, but more importantly, the market prospect of Ganoderma lucidum planting is huge, making money is absolutely no problem. What do you grow to make money now? As we all know, Ganoderma lucidum has been regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness, wealth, beauty and longevity since ancient times. It is known as "immortal grass" and "auspicious grass". Traditional Chinese medicine has long been regarded as a precious Chinese herbal medicine for nourishing and strengthening. According to folklore, Ganoderma lucidum has the effect of bringing the dead back to life and immortality. Therefore, the choice of Ganoderma lucidum planting is definitely a good choice to start a business.

Ganoderma lucidum planting, quickly occupy the market, explore the first bucket of gold in life. Ganoderma lucidum has a two-way regulatory effect on the human body, involving cardio-cerebrovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, exercise and other systems, especially in the prevention and treatment of tumor, liver disease, insomnia and aging. What do you grow to make money now? Enter the five internal organs to replenish the qi of the five internal organs of the whole body, regardless of the weakness of heart, lung, liver, spleen and kidney. The diseases treated by Ganoderma lucidum involve respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine and motor systems, and cover internal, external, female, pediatric and facial features diseases. The fundamental reason lies in the great role of Ganoderma lucidum in strengthening the body, strengthening the immune function and improving the resistance of the body. It is different from general drugs to treat certain diseases, and it is also different from general nutrition and health food to supplement and strengthen the deficiency of nutrients in a certain aspect, but to regulate the functional balance of the human body in both directions and mobilize the internal vitality of the body. regulate the metabolic function of the human body, improve the ability of self-immunity, and promote the normalization of the function of all internal organs or organs. The cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum is a good deal with no loss. As people pay more and more attention to health, Ganoderma lucidum, a Chinese herbal medicine, has also been valued, and choosing Ganoderma lucidum planting is definitely a good way to make money for the majority of entrepreneurs.

The most reliable Rural Wealth Project: characteristic Aquatic products

Green prawns focus on yield per unit area for high efficiency. At present, there is a large demand for green shrimp in the market, the price is high, and the market is promising. Due to the decrease of wild shrimp, the potential of artificial culture is huge, but the yield of mixed culture of fish and shrimp is very low. if we boldly carry out intensive culture of green shrimp alone, the income can be greatly increased.

Improving the specification of crabs is the key. Rural Entrepreneurship Project in mountainous areas-contrary to the case of green shrimp, crabs are already in surplus. Small crabs are hard to sell because of oversupply, while big crabs are expensive because they are scarce. Therefore, it is better to cultivate large crabs than to cultivate large crabs. In terms of breeding strategy, we should change the practice of mainly pursuing production in the past, and focus on a single large-sized crab of more than 200 grams.

What makes the most money from farming this year? At present, the soft-shelled turtles sold in the market are mainly factory-cultured in greenhouses, and their nutritional value is not as good as that of wild soft-shelled turtles and is not very popular with consumers, while the market demand of semi-wild soft-shelled turtles cultured in ponds is very large, and the price is equivalent to twice that of factory-farmed soft-shelled turtles. and the cost is low.

The most reliable Rural Wealth Project: Evodia rutaecarpa

Evodia rutaecarpa produced in Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province is one of the best products in China. At present, what is the most profitable thing to grow in rural areas? The variety was planted in that year, hung fruit in the same year, entered a period of high and stable yield in 3 years, and the output value of 667 square meters was nearly 10,000 yuan. The row spacing was 2 m × 3 m, and 110 plants were planted in 667 square meters. The price of seedlings is 8 yuan per plant, starting mail for 30 plants, 6 yuan for more than 100 plants and 4.5 yuan for more than 1000 plants.

The most reliable Rural Wealth Project: American thin-shelled Walnut

Generally, the fruit can be seen in 2 years after planting, it can be fruitful in 3-5 years, and it can enter the full fruit period in 6-7 years. 667 square meters produce 500 million 800 kg of nuts (56 plants are planted with a row spacing of 3 meters × 4 meters). The current market price is 50 yuan per kilogram, and the output value of 667 square meters is tens of thousands of yuan. At present, what is the most profitable thing to grow in rural areas? The price of seedlings is 20 yuan per plant, starting mail for 30 plants, 18 yuan for more than 50 plants, and 15 yuan for more than 1000 plants.

The most reliable Rural Rich Project: mushrooms

The production of mushroom-based edible fungi in rural areas is the leading industry of Yaozhuang agriculture and the leading area of Jiashan "white" industrial belt. What do you grow to make money now? Planting history began in the middle of the 20th century, rural planting in 1968, Shengfeng (Yao Bang Dou), Zhanfeng and other villages 15 production teams began to plant 18620 square feet. Since the cultivation of mushrooms in rural areas in 1983, family mushrooms have been promoted. What do you make money by planting now? since 1985, advanced technology has been introduced into Jiading County, Shanghai, and the original soil cultivation has been changed to river mud cultivation. Planting in rural areas in 1998, the development of field high-shed mushrooms, high-temperature mushrooms, the town planting mushroom area of 4 million square feet. By the end of 2007, the town's rural planting area was more than 22 million square feet, the total rural planting output reached more than 20 million kilograms, and the total income exceeded 100 million yuan, making it the largest mushroom production base in northern Zhejiang.

The most reliable project to get rich in rural areas: planting kiwifruit with hearts

Actinidia chinensis is a kind of advanced nutrition and health care fruit which integrates food and medicine. It is rich in nutrition and is known as the "king of fruits". The skin of red kiwifruit is glabrous, the flesh is golden, and the heart is bright red and beautiful. The taste is sweet and sour and refreshing, with strong aroma, with mixed flavor and aroma of melon, strawberry and citrus. 160 plants are planted every 667 square meters, the row spacing is 2 meters × 2 meters, the average plant yield is 30 kilograms, and the output value of 667 square meters is 15000 × 20000 yuan. At present, what is the most profitable thing to grow in rural areas? The price of seedlings is 15 yuan per plant, 30 plants from post, 13 yuan per plant over 50 plants, and 10 yuan per plant over 1000 plants.

The most reliable project to get rich in rural areas: planting honeysuckle in the drug capital.

This variety is a new variety of honeysuckle which is bred by asexual reproduction, purification and rejuvenation on the basis of the fine line naturally produced in Flos Lonicerae, crossing with the fine strain of honeysuckle in the south. It has the advantages of full flower bud, high yield and so on. As a precious medicinal resource, honeysuckle is in great demand in the domestic and international market, and the price is rising year after year. It was planted and blossomed that year, and now the pharmaceutical market is priced at 150-230 yuan per kilogram. The planting benefit is high, producing 180,260 kilograms of dried flowers and 30000 kilograms of branches and leaves, which are good fodder for cattle, sheep and pigs. The output value of 667 square meters can reach tens of thousands of yuan. The row spacing was 1.5 m × 2 m, and 220 plants were planted in 667 square meters. At present, what is the most profitable thing to grow in rural areas? The price of seedlings is 10 yuan per plant, 30 plants from post, 9 yuan per plant over 50 plants, 6 yuan per plant over 1000 plants, 3.5 yuan per plant over 10,000 plants.

I am zongzi, young entrepreneur, entrepreneurial mentor, my QQ and Wechat are (95742244), welcome friends with entrepreneurial dreams to communicate with me and learn from each other.