
Want to start a business? How do you get rich if you don't know this?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Want to start a business? How do you get rich if you don't know this?

Since "entrepreneurship" and "innovation" were included in the government work report, countless dreamy grassroots entrepreneurs have begun to be ambitious and eager to try. Founder, incubator, Internet +, Zhongchuang Space and Angel Investment have also become hot words of the times. So, what on earth is the space of mass creation? In the context of the new normal economy, what are the value depressions worth starting a business in the vast rural areas? Today, the editor will focus on "Incubator and Mass creation Space".

What is the incubator and mass creation space?

When many young people in first-tier cities are engaged in entrepreneurial projects, they often say that they want to enter the mass innovation space and start a business incubator. You may ask, what does this all mean? It sounds mysterious, but in fact, it is a better place to help us start a business.

We asked Zhang Hui, a practical talent tutor for the rural project of the Ministry of Agriculture, to introduce us.

"what is the space for mass creation? The public is the masses, innovation is innovation and entrepreneurship, and space is a place and a house, so the space of mass creation refers to the places provided by some governments, relevant departments and social organizations for our public innovation, which is a very intuitive understanding.

In fact, mass innovation space is also a concept produced in response to the call of mass entrepreneurship and ten thousand kinds of innovation. Of course, the mass creation space is not necessarily an actual place or house, it can also be a virtual space. For example, you can also use Weibo and Wechat to start a discussion forum, or use the website to provide a communication platform for friends with innovative and entrepreneurial ideas. This kind of mass creation space is also widespread.

There is a certain proximity between the incubator and the mass innovation space, and it is often a physical space, such as a large park, a large factory building, which provides you with all kinds of corresponding supporting facilities. if one of your small and medium-sized enterprises or agricultural projects want to come in, you don't have to build a park, build a greenhouse, or buy agricultural machinery. It's all ready for you. You only need to rent a piece of land in its park. A factory, a shed, or an equipment, you can do this project, this is the so-called incubator. It should be said that it is a large facility or park with basic production conditions. "

So, what types of incubators can be divided into? Compared with foreign countries, what are the deficiencies in the development of mass innovation space and incubators in our country?

To put it simply, incubators can be divided into the following two categories:

Managed incubator

Managed incubator provides entrepreneurs with the infrastructure for business survival, so that entrepreneurs can devote themselves to product design and research and development. For example, at present, many universities have set up entrepreneurship parks to support college students' entrepreneurship. The park rents workplaces to college student entrepreneurs at a very low price. This is a typical government-supported managed incubator.

Planning incubator

Planning incubators generally rely on large consulting and planning companies, facing the crowd are entrepreneurs or small and medium-sized entrepreneurs with a certain economic base, providing one-to-one consulting services for enterprises. invest directly through your own fund or through external investment institutions. At the same time, the planning incubator builds the enterprise resource platform in the form of enterprise alliance, and shares the resources such as capital, consultation and network of the incubator.

But we also have to admit that for China, whether government-run or private, there is still an obvious gap compared with developed countries such as the United States and Europe, and the number of managed or planned incubators is less. this means that Chinese entrepreneurs will face more difficulties and greater risks in the early stage of development.

What qualities do you need to have to start a business?

So, what qualities do we need to be a qualified entrepreneur? With these qualities, what are our chances of success? What benefits can entrepreneurship bring to us? Don't worry, just listen to the editor break it down for you.

In fact, the reason why we choose to start a business is not to live a comfortable and unfettered life, but to change and subvert the world with a strong sense of mission, so as to create demand and new value for consumers. This means that not everyone has the qualities of an entrepreneur, and everyone can easily succeed in starting a business.

Let's go on to listen to teacher Zhang Hui's list of qualities that farmers should have to start a business:

"I think the most important quality of entrepreneurs is to have a kind of tenacity, that is, perseverance, not afraid of setbacks, never give up, in short, tenacity.

I once saw a case of soft-shelled turtle. In the past ten years, this man has done all kinds of entrepreneurial projects, such as raising sheep and chickens, including various planting projects, and so on. Everyone laughed at him, but he always felt that, even if I didn't succeed, I was stronger than you, showing a particularly strong confidence and resilience, that is, I must do it well. It was finally done by raising a soft-shelled turtle. So I think this kind of indomitable spirit is what peasant entrepreneurs should have.

If your land already has a good production capacity, then you don't have to go to the incubator to do it, but if you only have ideas, you don't have land, and you want to do agricultural projects, at this time, you might as well see if there is a special agricultural incubator that can be done directly in the incubator, which is certainly much easier than your own processing and production preparation. "

With these qualities, what are our chances of success?

In fact, in any country, entrepreneurship is very difficult to guarantee a very high probability of success. The state encourages everyone to start and innovate, not in the hope that everyone will become a CEO, but in the hope that entrepreneurship can drive employment. It is also excellent to provide entrepreneurial opportunities for more people through the entrepreneurial success of a small number of people. In other words, entrepreneurial success is gratifying, but it doesn't matter if you fail. Let's summarize a set of data: in the first year of starting a business, 95% of entrepreneurs often fail because of risks and crises, and end in vain. Although the remaining 5% survived the scariest first year, 10% of them really persisted and achieved certain results in the next five years.

However, it doesn't matter if you have a small chance of success, as long as you can grasp the direction and trend, hone the necessary qualities of an entrepreneur mentioned above, and be good at borrowing external resources, you can greatly improve the probability of entrepreneurial success.

With the quality and the probability of success, we have to think about what benefits entrepreneurship can bring to us. Entrepreneurship can not only realize our own ideal of life, but also for the economic development of the whole country, it can meet more consumer demand and create value for the whole society. Therefore, the state also encourages everyone to start a business, because it can promote employment through entrepreneurship. We all say that China's economy has entered a new normal, and many traditional industries are facing the task of eliminating production capacity and adjusting the structure, and it is impossible to absorb a large number of jobs as they did in the past, but the process of urbanization is still advancing at a high speed. more and more rural young and middle-aged workers are entering the cities, how to promote employment has become a problem.

What are the business opportunities in rural areas to start a business?

For the vast number of peasant friends, in the vast rural areas that everyone is very familiar with, is there any business opportunity for everyone to stand on the entrepreneurial tuyere? With regard to the development business opportunities in the field of rural e-commerce, we specially interviewed Chen Zhangliang, vice chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, an expert who has long been concerned about farmers' innovation and entrepreneurship. Let's listen to what he has to say:

Farmers' mass entrepreneurship and innovation depends in part on Internet +. In the process of evaluation, we saw that some young and capable farmers have made a fortune selling local agricultural products in rural areas. For example, in the past, it had to be sold in the city by cart, such as mango, olive, Jiangxi orange, jujube, apple, pear and so on.

After the original production, the farmers sold directly to the intermediate merchants, and the merchants poured it to another person, and then another person to another person. It was only when they arrived in Beijing over and over again that the real peasants earned a little more money than the cost. But it's different now.

This mass entrepreneurship and innovation job on the Internet is very beautiful. A few people set up a website, but only five or six people to maintain it. Consumers in Beijing said, "can I only buy two mangoes?" Online shopping is also OK. People really put bags on, and they really send them away by express mail. This makes a lot of money, because the money they earn is much higher than that in the city, and in addition, they evade taxes. This is the most successful mass entrepreneurship and innovation I have ever seen. Use the Internet to sell local agricultural products. "

When it comes to the fact that rural e-commerce can stand in the tuyere of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, some friends may not believe it, or even many farmers are doing it themselves, but they feel that the effect is not good, which seems to be somewhat different from what Chairman Chen Zhangliang said just now. so what's the reason behind this?

1. Lack of competitiveness

If your product is not competitive in reality, it is difficult to be competitive on the Internet. This "competitiveness" includes many aspects, such as Hetian jujube, Korla fragrant pear, and Jiangxi orange, which were just exemplified by Chairman Chen Zhangliang. Offline, they have been recognized and favored by consumers. Putting them into online sales will naturally save a lot of communication costs.

Competitiveness also includes one point, that is, for many farmers' agricultural products, the pain point lies in low-end, small-scale, decentralized management, which is also a common fault of most Taobao sellers. For example, some tangerine growers, the scale of fruit trees at home is very small, can only sell as much as they can, and do not have the ability of continuous supply, product classification and fine packaging, so it is difficult to sell well even if they are sold online. Therefore, in reality, if agricultural products want to be popular, they need exquisite packaging and brand awareness, and the same is true on the Internet.

two。 Industrial chain problem

If you can't solve the problem of the whole industry chain, then Internet + 's cost will be very high. We need to figure out what costs will be saved and optimized by the advent of the Internet for traditional agriculture. In fact, the only cost savings can be information dissemination costs, brand building costs, and part of the intermediate costs, other aspects of costs can not be significantly reduced by adding the Internet. For many rural areas, because the laying of the network is still relatively insufficient and the speed of the network cannot go up, it becomes more difficult to open an online shop; in some places, the logistics in the village is not convenient, and there is no place for storage, distribution, and deep processing, so it is difficult to carry out industrialization and brand production.

So, is there any good area for farmers to start a business? Let's go on to listen to Chairman Chen Zhangliang's views:

"for example, to set up a small agricultural machinery station, for example, when we went to the United States, we found that people harvested wheat was a company, there were many wheat harvesters in the company, and farmers would hire companies to harvest when they were harvested, and they only had to pay a fee. It seems that this wage is no better than agricultural machinery, but don't forget that it is professional, and another family has invited him again. He will take yours today and his tomorrow. If he works like this every day, he will earn a lot of money.

There is a lack of this thing in China, so what I mean is that migrant workers returning to their hometown and these university graduates who go to the countryside should seriously analyze what I can do in rural areas, even if they are like some government epidemic prevention stations, if your level is high, if you become your own epidemic prevention station, you can make money. "

Chairman Chen Zhangliang believes that the business opportunities are mainly reflected in agricultural socialized services. If I set up a professional agricultural machinery cooperative, or I have a small animal husbandry and veterinary station, or I can provide professional agrotechnical services for local farmers who grow certain crops, then the scale of the service will be expanded, and the benefits will naturally go up.

Of course, some friends may think that the purchase cost of agricultural machinery is very high, but there is a lack of money for loans. The state is now encouraging agricultural machinery financing and leasing business, and many enterprises are also providing farmers with financial support for the whole industry chain. All these will help us reduce the risk and cost of starting a business.

In terms of entrepreneurship, the "get rich gang": we live in an era that encourages entrepreneurship, but never encourages blind entrepreneurship. We hope that everyone can gain a foothold in the field they are familiar with and get out of the production and operation blindly. Maybe you will find that there are holes in the outside world!

Trainee Editor: Wang Wanmei

Editor: Wang Juwei

Responsible Editor: Wang Hui

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