
It's about 700 million people! The State Council has signalled that such people are going to get rich.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It's about 700 million people! The State Council has signalled that such people are going to get rich.

09:30 introduction

In the past, agriculture was always snubbed by young people and investors, and many people with rural hukou wanted to squeeze their heads into big cities to enjoy preferential welfare treatment. however, now the state pays more and more attention to agriculture and increasing subsidies to farmers. a lot of policies have been introduced to benefit farmers, and over time, rural hukou has become more and more valuable. In addition, with the introduction of more and more government support policies, can agriculture bring opportunities to get rich beyond the real estate industry in the future?

Just now, the State Council released a major positive.

Recently, the State Council issued the Circular on the implementation of several Financial policies to support the citizenization of the Agricultural transfer population, which put forward ten specific policies and measures, releasing significant positive information to farmers!

The details include:

We will include compulsory education for the children of the transferred agricultural population and other permanent residents in the scope of public finance, and gradually improve and implement the policy of exemption from school and miscellaneous fees and universal preschool education in secondary vocational education; speed up the implementation of medical insurance transfer and settlement methods for medical treatment in different places, and speed up the implementation of a unified and standardized urban and rural social security system. Support the unemployed who have settled in the agricultural transfer population in cities to carry out unemployment registration, enjoy public employment services and support policies such as vocational guidance, introduction, training and skills identification, and establish a citizenization incentive mechanism for the agricultural transfer population; on the basis of balanced transfer payment based on household registration, full consideration should be given to the expenditure demand for providing basic public services to the population holding residence permits. The basic financial security mechanism at the county level takes into account the population factors of holding residence permits; safeguarding the land contract rights of farmers settled in cities, the right to the use of homestead, and the right to distribute collective income; increase financial support for the citizenization of agricultural transfer population and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism.

There can be no lack of land protection, stable employment and social security. In other words, after the rural hukou is transferred to the city, we can not only enjoy the urban educational resources, medical security, employment mechanism and other public services, but also retain the ownership of rural land at the same time. Still enjoy the right to contract land, the right to the use of homestead, the right to distribute collective income. To know what assets are the most valuable in today's society, besides land or land! Farmers always have more than ten mu of land at home, which means that they can have enough income if they "paralyze in Beijing" every day, and it is just around the corner to become a "trench"!

The "gold content" of rural household registration is rising.

With the gradual increase of the "gold content" of rural hukou, a considerable number of farmers are willing to buy houses, work and live in cities, but choose to keep their hukou in rural areas.

The dividend of registered permanent residence is reversed. Some people want to move back to the countryside!

The reporter found that behind the slow increase in the urbanization rate of the registered population, there is a certain phenomenon of "reverse urbanization".

Most rural students who are admitted to universities no longer change their hukou. After 2003, whether the students of colleges and universities will transfer their registered permanent residence or not can be decided according to their wishes. At present, after many rural students are admitted to universities, they no longer move their hukou to the city where they study.

Li Wei, deputy chief of the security brigade of the Langzhong Public Security Bureau, said that at present, most rural college students will not move their hukou from rural areas unless they are admitted to key universities and are expected to settle in big cities.

Buy a house, work, live in the city, have the conditions to settle down, but do not change the hukou. At present, some rural hukou personnel who live in cities all the year round are fully qualified to settle in cities, but they choose to keep their hukou in rural areas.

Many people with urban hukou want to move their hukou back to the countryside. Li Wei said that although the policy forbids the transfer of urban hukou to rural areas, almost every day people call to ask how to transfer urban hukou to rural hukou.

Bian Zisheng, a resident of Huoqiu County, said: "I used to have a rural hukou. In 1992, my parents spent 4000 yuan to buy me an urban hukou so that I could go to school in the city." Now I regret that there is neither contracted land nor homestead. "

Most of the rural students who are admitted to universities no longer move their hukou, and some rural hukou personnel who live in cities all the year round are fully qualified to settle in cities, but they still choose to leave their hukou in rural areas.

The reason why farmers living in cities are not willing to settle down is, on the one hand, because of the benefits attached to rural hukou. Under the urban-rural dual structure, rural land is owned by collectives, and farmers have the right to contract homestead, farmland, mountain forests, and so on. Even with the tilt of policies in recent years, rural hukou has preferential treatment in pension and medical care. On the other hand, the advantages previously enjoyed by urban residents, such as education, health care, and house purchase, can be obtained by rural hukou personnel as long as they participate in the same work as urban residents, which is greatly less attractive.

These people are going to get rich.

As we all know, the real estate industry is the industry with the largest number of billionaires in China. After the reform and opening up, China's real estate industry started in the construction of special zones in Shenzhen and Zhuhai. since then, large and small real estate companies have sprung up all over the country. Since 1993, China's real estate industry has entered a ten-year cooling-off period. In this decade, Vanke, Evergrande, country Garden and other industries super warships emerged, the industry resources are constantly concentrated, and the market is gradually standardized.

The transformation of the real estate industry from "decentralized" to "centralized" produces a large number of rich people, which confirms a conclusion: any industry whose structure changes from "decentralized" to "centralized" will produce excess profits and sudden wealth opportunities!

Agriculture also seems to be experiencing the transformation of the real estate industry from "decentralized" to "centralized". China's agriculture seems to be on a path: self-sufficient, small supply (decentralized) → farmers / cooperatives (relatively concentrated) → farmers (centralized)

Under the background of the adjustment of the national economic structure and the introduction of various policies beneficial to agriculture and farmers, a large amount of social capital has poured into the agricultural field, and the new agriculture contains great potential, which is a field worthy of investors' expectation. The ongoing large-scale integration of the agricultural industry may be regarded as the "first decade" of the real estate industry. After the great integration, perhaps the most profitable industry in the future is not to do real estate, but to be "farmers"?

The appreciation of rural hukou has only just begun.

1. Own contracted land and homestead

Farmers can build houses on their own homestead. Contracted land, homestead, woodland and various subsidies, as well as the appreciation of land in the suburbs, lead to higher and higher gold content of rural hukou, making rural hukou more attractive.

Nowadays, many people are jealous of rural houses, because they are now like this:

Is this a villa?

Three-story deluxe building

Bring your own courtyard

And the point is, it's not expensive! Hundreds of thousands to more than one million can be built! However, these self-built houses can only be built in rural areas, while urban hukou cannot buy land and build houses in rural areas. In addition, these contracted land, woodland, etc., will have a variety of subsidies, if in the suburbs, the land will also appreciate!

two。 Enjoy the right to distribute collective income

Collective economic benefits such as the distribution of land. For example, in some places, everyone who has a hukou in the village, big or small, can share a dividend every year, but if the hukou moves out, he will not be able to participate in the dividend. Similar news is not uncommon in recent years.

Tengchong Village, Foshan, Guangdong Province, nearly 1.1 billion yuan of land sales to the account, the villagers' first dividend per share is 210000! You can get 7.14 million yuan at most! Becoming a millionaire overnight is really not a dream. However, these income dividends also need a rural hukou! If the hukou moves out, you will not be able to participate in the dividend!

3. Compensation for land expropriation

When the collectively owned land of the peasants is expropriated or requisitioned, the peasants shall be compensated in accordance with the relevant provisions. Especially for those whose families are on the outskirts of the city, once you have to expropriate land, and you can't get compensation because of the hukou problem, it's really too bad!

4. The problem of buying a house

The rural hukou can build its own house, while the urban hukou can only buy a house. Rural hukou can also buy a house in the city, while the urban hukou buys a house in the countryside, which is not protected by law! The city registered permanent residence partner expressed disapproval!

5. Serious illness insurance and NCMS

The NCMS is mainly based on the overall planning of serious diseases, and the system of medical mutual assistance for farmers. Now many parents have joined the NCMS. Part of the expenses can be reimbursed when you are ill. The proportion is 50% Murray 75%, and you can get a subsidy, the standard is 420 yuan.

6. Old-age insurance

Rural hukou can also pay old-age insurance, and some villages will give subsidies to participants, in addition, the government will also give corresponding subsidies, individuals as long as pay a part of it. And if you have an urban hukou, if you don't have a job, you have to pay your own old-age insurance.

7. Giving birth

Two female households in rural areas enjoy state subsidies, and the standards vary from place to place, but they are generally thousands of yuan. In addition, in some places, if the daughter of two female households is admitted to university, she will also get the corresponding financial aid!

8. Registered permanent residence

Some partners transfer rural hukou to urban hukou and want to go back to rural areas when the value of rural hukou is high, which is not allowed. That's right! Urban hukou may not be converted to rural hukou. Yesterday you paid no attention to me, but today I let you down!

Friends with a rural hukou, do you still want to lose it?

"conversion from agriculture to non-agriculture" is very simple, but "non-conversion to agriculture" is not easy.

This article is synthesized from CICC online, Daily Economic News, Finance and Economics Magazine, etc.

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