
These seven livelihood events this week have something to do with you.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, These seven livelihood events this week have something to do with you.

Last night, I felt that autumn was near, and I woke up with summer heat. In the first week after the Beginning of Autumn, the "Autumn Tiger" exuberant, quickly let these livelihood events cool you down.

1. The State Council issued a document to support the citizenization of agricultural transfer population.

The State Council recently issued the Circular on the implementation of several Financial policies to support the citizenization of the Agricultural transfer population, making arrangements for the establishment and improvement of a fiscal policy system to support the citizenization of the agricultural transfer population. The Circular proposes to include compulsory education for the children of agricultural migrant population and other permanent residents in the scope of public financial protection, and gradually improve and implement the policy of exemption from tuition and fees and universal preschool education in secondary vocational education; speed up the implementation of medical insurance transfer and settlement methods for medical treatment in different places, and speed up the implementation of a unified and standardized urban and rural social security system. Support the unemployed who have settled in the agricultural transfer population in cities to carry out unemployment registration, and enjoy public employment services and support policies such as vocational guidance, introduction, training and skills identification; establish a citizenization incentive mechanism for agricultural transfer population, improve the urbanization rate of registered population, and maintain the land contract rights, homestead use rights and collective income distribution rights of farmers settled in cities. There are ten specific policy measures, such as increasing financial support for the citizenization of agricultural transferred population and establishing a dynamic adjustment mechanism.

Circular of the State Council on the implementation of several Financial policies to support the citizenization of the Agricultural transfer population

two。 The new ID card rules are related to you.

The Ministry of Public Security and other eight departments recently issued a notice on standardizing the use and management of resident identity cards, which states that "citizens should use resident identity cards in accordance with the law."Citizens shall not rent, lend or transfer identity cards"; "citizens should enhance their awareness of the security and protection of identity cards, take good care of them, and prevent them from being lost or stolen." "resident identity cards registered with fingerprint information can effectively prevent them from being falsely used by others. Citizens may actively apply to public security organs for replacement of resident identity cards with registered fingerprint information"; "State organs or relevant units and their staff shall not copy or scan resident identity cards without authorization, and shall not withhold or mortgage citizens' resident identity cards" and other 10 provisions.

3. The measures for reducing the payment of Patent fees are published, which is expected to reduce the burden by 4.1 billion yuan per year.

The Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the measures for reducing the payment of Patent fees a few days ago, defining the scope, object, intensity and procedures of the preference. The new "measures" stipulate that the patent applicant or patentee may request to reduce the application fee, the substantive examination fee of the invention patent application, the annual fee and the reexamination fee Individuals with an average monthly income of less than 3500 yuan (42000 yuan per year) last year, enterprises with taxable income of less than 300000 yuan last year, institutions, social organizations and non-profit scientific research institutions, may apply to the State intellectual property Office for a reduction in patent fees. The measures will be implemented on September 1 this year.

4. From next month, 20 certificates do not need to be issued by the police station

The Ministry of Public Security, the Development and Reform Commission and other 12 departments recently jointly issued the "opinions on improving and standardizing the Certification work issued by Public Security Police stations", which came into effect on September 1, 2016. The "opinion" points out that when the relevant units require the masses to issue certificates or provide certification materials, they should follow the legal basis and the principle of "who is in charge and who is responsible." the public security police station will no longer issue a certificate; the competent department shall be responsible for verifying matters that do not fall within the legal duties of the public security police station according to law. The "opinion" defines 20 cases in which certificates issued by police stations are no longer required, such as the name, gender, and address changes of citizens, and nine cases in which certificates are still required from public security police stations.

5. By the end of 2020, all poverty-stricken villages have reached the standard of living sanitation.

The Ministry of Housing and Construction and other departments recently jointly issued the guidance on improving Human settlement Sanitation conditions in Poor villages, making it clear that by the end of 2020, all poverty-stricken villages will meet the standards of human settlements hygiene conditions, basically eliminate the hidden dangers of human settlements health, greatly reduce the incidence of diseases caused by poor human settlements sanitation, and urge farmers to develop civilized and healthy living habits. The guidance requires that the sanitary conditions of human settlements in poverty-stricken villages should meet the basic safety of drinking water for residents, the separation of people from animals, the popularization of sanitary toilets, the basic elimination of exposure to human and animal faeces, and the comprehensive treatment of domestic waste in rural areas. farmers' houses have basic ventilation, lighting and heat preservation functions and ensure safety standards.

6. The Health and Family Planning Commission will focus on supervising and inspecting the rental of departments and the practice beyond the scope.

The State Health and Family Planning Commission issued the Circular on carrying out Special Supervision and Inspection on the practice of Medical institutions in accordance with the Law, conducting key spot checks for different types of medical institutions. Among them, for secondary and tertiary hospitals (including maternal and child health institutions), focus on checking whether there are rental contracted departments, carrying out diagnosis and treatment activities beyond the scope, employing non-health technical personnel, and so on. For first-class hospitals (including unclassified), outpatient departments and clinics, focus on checking whether there are illegal and illegal acts such as issuing false medical documents, renting and lending the practice license of medical institutions, failing to charge according to the public standard, carrying out diagnosis and treatment activities beyond the scope, employing non-health technical personnel, and so on.

7. The Ministry of Education issued the new regulations for the management of the use of scientific service fees more in line with the reality.

The Ministry of Education recently issued the measures for the Establishment and implementation of Major projects for Science undertakings of the Ministry of Education. The new "measures" make it clear that major projects implement a budget system, and the scope of project expenditure mainly includes books and materials, data collection, travel, conference expenses, etc., among which, the total budget of the project is generally not adjusted. In the course of project implementation, conference expenses, travel expenses, cooperation and communication expenses can be transferred and used, but shall not exceed the total budget of the three items of expenditure. The budgets of expert consultation fees and labor fees are generally not increased. If other adjustments are needed, the project host shall submit the application, rely on the unit for examination and approval, and submit it to the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Education for the record.