
How nostalgic! The wild fruit friends in the rural mountains know a few.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How nostalgic! The wild fruit friends in the rural mountains know a few.

When I was a child, I grew up in the countryside. The best thing is to run all over the mountains all day. There are not so many snacks like the children in the city. Hehe Dashan has become our natural treasure house of snacks.

If you take a look at these familiar little wild fruits, you will remember the happy hour light of that year.

Wild sweet potato

There are many times in summer in the south. When I was a child, adults were busy, so my friends and I went everywhere to dig. But this guy has a father-in-law and a mother, the male can't eat, the female can eat, and be careful when eating, many of which have long white bugs.

There are many names for snake bubble, and the hometown in Sichuan is called snake bubble. The editor is very afraid of this kind of wild fruit. I don't know who said it was eaten by a snake when I was a child. People will become snakes when they eat it. I watched other friends bring it and ran away in fear.

Cat shit is all treasure of wild fruit, mainly in the southwest, the skin contains rubber, can make rubber products; flesh edible, can also make wine; seeds contain oil, can extract oil; root and fruit medicinal, have heat-clearing and detoxification effect, and can treat hernia. There used to be many, but now due to the large area of human quarrying, it is no longer visible. The florescence is longer and can bloom for two months. Although you can eat, but the editor still can not eat, you feel after peeling:

Give up the fruit

It looks like Hawthorn, but it tastes sweet and sour, but after eating, it is full of bubbles.

Needless to say, many friends have eaten this, and it is found in all rural areas. One by one do not feel how to eat, picked a handful of stuffed mouth, that is delicious.

Mulberry is also familiar to everyone. Every time we go to school and finish school, we can't bear to look directly at the stains on our hands, clothes and mouth. We are often chased and scolded by the landlord, but we still can't stand the temptation to pick and eat them. Now few people raise silkworms, mulberry fruit is less and less, every time I go to the supermarket, see a little more than 20 yuan, the editor does not cut, because when I was a child, it was free.

Carrying the board to many places is called snake retrogression, probably because the mother vine is a small thorn, every time every house will pick, now the impression is very sour (every time I see this saliva has been swallowing inexplicably)

The lice fruit is like the famous goat milk fruit, which used to be wild, but now it is artificially planted. I remember that when I was a child, the nearest one to home grew on an ancient grave in the back mountain, and adults were afraid to touch it, but as long as children could eat, they were not afraid of anything, because there were too many friends, and there was only one tree, so most of the time they were not very familiar, so they basically lost it. So I always thought this was sour.