
Wu Shifu, a poor household: there is confidence and hope to get rid of poverty.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wu Shifu, a poor household: there is confidence and hope to get rid of poverty.

China Fengjie Network News (Reporter Ma Jiangwang) "just fed silkworms, you can have a rest." Recently, when the reporter walked into the sericulture shed of Wu Shifu, a poor family in Fa Xiang Village, Qinglong Town, he heard a crisp "rustling" sound, as if playing a harmonious symphony, which was the time for silkworm babies to eat. "this is the second season of silkworms this year. At present, the quality should be good." While checking the growth of "silkworm baby", Wu Shifu talked about his "sericulture classics".

Bombyx mori cultivation and planting to find a new way out of poverty

Wu Shifu, 43, is a poor family in the village. There are four people in the family. He suffers from chronic diseases, needs to take medicine all the year round, and is unable to do heavy work. His wife, Huang Zhengrong, is at home to take care of her two sons who are studying, and the family is guarding several mu of land. Often worry about the harvest.

In order to solve the plight of Wu Shifu's family and help his family out of poverty as soon as possible, in August 2015, the village task force of Fa Xiang Village arranged for Liu Heming, a village technician specializing in comprehensive management of sericulture, to help Wu Shifu.

Liu Heming often comes to his house to find ideas for him to get rid of poverty. "sericulture is a good way to increase income. Compared with pig farming, the labor intensity of sericulture is much less, and the cycle is short, the effect is quick, the investment is less and the risk is low. At the same time, raising silkworms during leisure time will not delay other production. " He was tempted to hear from the agricultural technician in the village that sericulture was more cost-effective than growing grain.

With the encouragement and guidance of technician Liu Heming, he gradually mastered the relevant techniques of sericulture by participating in training, going out to study and other ways. In the winter of 2015, Wu Shifu began to raise two silkworm eggs on a trial basis. for nearly a month, Wu Shifu ate and lived in the silkworm house, recording the changes of silkworm babies every day. Under his meticulous care, his income reached 3600 yuan that month.

The "baby silkworm" becomes the "golden key" to get rich.

After harvesting the "first bucket of gold" of starting a business, Wu Shifu decided to expand the scale, but the basic conditions such as silkworm houses are not enough, and it is difficult to increase the number of breeding. "originally, funds were very tight. Friends borrowed everything they could, but they still couldn't raise enough money to build sericulture. Fortunately, Xiangfei sericulture company gave me a subsidy of 100 yuan per square meter for the construction of sericulture, which relieved me a lot of financial pressure." Wu Shifu said.

With the help of Faxiang Village Committee and Xiangfei sericulture company, Wu Shifu completed the construction of his silkworm house in March 2016. this year, Wu Shifu reared three silkworm eggs in the first season, with an income of 5400 yuan, and three in the second season. it will be on the shelves in a few days, and it can be sold to achieve income five days after it is put on the shelves.

In the process of sericulture, Wu Shifu is good at learning and groping, has the courage to explore and innovate, and constantly sums up experience. in less than two years of practice, he has accumulated rich knowledge and techniques of sericulture and sericulture, and the sericulture room is equipped with strict operation in every detail of disinfection, warm rearing and disease prevention. He reared silkworms, with few dead silkworms, high cocoon laying rate, good cocoon quality, white silk, high relaxation rate, and a cocoon yield of 50 kilograms per cocoon, and the scale of sericulture expanded year by year. The income is increasing year by year.

Looking at the silkworm baby who is ready to go to the mountain, Wu Shifu said, "in a few days, Xiangfei sericulture company will come to me to buy cocoons, waiting for the money to come to us." Wu Shifu told reporters that since he began to raise silkworms, the standard of living in his family has been getting higher and higher. "if you raise silkworms well, you earn more." When it comes to the benefits of sericulture, Wu Shifu is overjoyed. He calculates that there are three sericulture periods a year, with three silkworms in each period, which can produce an average of 9 silkworms a year. According to the sales price of 1800 yuan per piece, the income of sericulture is about 16000 yuan a year. And his wife Huang Zhengrong can earn more than 8000 yuan to work locally with the help of the village committee, plus other agricultural income. This family of four will completely take off the hat of poverty and embark on the road of being well-off.

Voluntary preaching drives villagers to raise silkworms and get rich

"planting mulberry and sericulture is a good project, and the market prospect is good. Now I have the technology. If there are villagers who also want to raise silkworms, I am very willing to lead them along the road of sericulture to become rich." When he became rich, Wu Shifu did not forget the villagers, and unreservedly passed on all the knowledge and technology he had learned and the experience he had accumulated to other villages. he patiently and meticulously explained who had difficulties and problems in sericulture. He even went to the silkworm room to demonstrate the operation.

He reckoned with the villagers: "planting corn with a good harvest of one mu a year can earn 500 yuan. Apart from the cost and labor, it is basically just keeping food rations and making no money at all, while planting mulberry and sericulture, each family earns at least a few thousand yuan."

Seeing that Wu Shifu had achieved economic benefits in sericulture, the villagers took it this time and learned from him one after another, and the whole village set off an upsurge of mulberry sericulture. Up to now, more than 800 mu of sericulture mulberry garden has been built in the village, 40 large sericulture households have been cultivated, and the scale of sericulture industry in the village has been expanding.

In Fahsiang Village, there are still many people like Wu Shifu who rely on sericulture to shake off poverty and become rich. The village began to list 150 spring silkworm cocoons one after another in June, with a cumulative sales amount of more than 250000 yuan. Sericulture to increase income has become an important industry for farmers in the village to get rid of poverty and increase income.

"in order to increase industrial income and get rid of poverty, since the start of the poverty alleviation work, counties and towns have successively introduced a series of preferential policies, such as mulberry seedling subsidies, new sericulture subsidies, and fertilizer subsidies for large households, which have stimulated the enthusiasm of the poor people in our village to grow mulberry and sericulture to increase income." The relevant person in charge of Fa Xiang Village told the reporter that the amount of income generated by sericulture in the village increased to 250000 yuan this spring, laying a solid foundation for the whole village to lift itself out of poverty this year, and sericulture has become the leading industry for the village to increase people's income.