
Do you know the legend of the origin of Dahongpao's name?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Do you know the legend of the origin of Dahongpao's name?

Dahongpao (one of the top ten famous teas in China) is a famous treasure of Wuyi rock tea (oolong tea) in Fujian Province. It is of the best quality in Wuyi rock tea, produced in Wuyi Mountain in the southeast of Chongan, Fujian Province. There are many kinds of tea trees planted in Wuyi Mountain, including Dahongpao, Tieluohan, White Chicken Guan and Water Golden Turtle. In addition, there are Wutian and Golden Keys named after tea growing environment; drunken Begonia named after tea tree shape, drunken Dongbin, fishing golden turtle, Phoenix tail grass, etc., and melon seed gold, money, bamboo silk, golden willow, fallen leaf willow named after tea leaves, and so on.

The legend of the origin of Dahongpao is very good. It is said that in ancient times, a poor scholar went to Beijing to take an exam. When he was passing Wuyi Mountain, he fell ill on the road. Fortunately, he was seen by the old abbot of Tianxin Temple and made a bowl of tea for him to drink. Sure enough, he was cured of his illness. Later, he was named the golden scholar, won the top prize, and was recruited as the east bed horse. One spring day, the number one scholar came to Xie'en in Wuyi Mountain. Accompanied by the old abbot, he hugged back and forth to the Kowloon nest, but he saw three tall tea trees growing on the cliff, with luxuriant branches and leaves, spitting clusters of buds, shining purple-red luster in the sun, really lovely.

The old abbot said that when you suffered from bulging disease last year, you were cured by making tea with this kind of tea. A long time ago, when the tea tree sprouted in spring, it would beat the drum to summon a group of monkeys, put on red clothes, climb the cliff to pick tea, stir-fry and collect it, which can cure all diseases. The champion asked to make a box of tribute emperors. The next day, the temple lit incense, beat drums and bells, and summoned monks and monks to the Kowloon nest. Everyone came to worship under the tea tree to burn incense and shouted "Tea sprouting!" Then pick the buds, make them Seiko and put them in a tin box. After the champion brought tea to Beijing, he encountered the queen's belly pain and bedridden. The champion immediately offered tea for the queen to take, and sure enough, the tea got rid of the illness. The emperor was overjoyed and gave a big red robe to the champion and asked him to go to Wuyi Mountain to seal the reward on his behalf.

Along the way, the gun salute roared, the fire was bright, and when he arrived at the Kowloon nest, the champion ordered a woodcutter to climb halfway up the hill and put the big red robe given by the emperor on the tea tree to show his kindness. Strange to say, when Dahongpao was opened, the buds of the three tea trees flashed red in the sun, and people said it was dyed red by Dahongpao. Later, people called these three tea trees "Dahongpao". Someone even carved three big characters "Dahongpao" on the stone wall. From then on, Dahongpao has become a tribute tea year after year.

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