
Can you lose weight by drinking this?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Can you lose weight by drinking this?

Porridge is extremely low in calories and contains a lot of water. Eating porridge not only helps to reduce the burden on the stomach, promote digestion and absorption, but also helps to lose weight. So what kind of porridge can you eat to lose weight? Take a look at these delicious and nutritious diet porridge recipes.

Three-meter red bean porridge

Materials: 30 grams of fragrant rice, 30 grams of barley rice, 50 grams of glutinous rice, 15 grams of adzuki bean.


1. Soak adzuki beans in water for 2 hours, soak Coix rice in water for a while, rinse fragrant rice and glutinous rice respectively, and fill the pot with water.

2. After boiling over high heat, add fragrant rice, glutinous rice, adzuki bean and barley rice, simmer porridge over low heat for 25 minutes, cook until rotten porridge is fragrant, stir porridge well.

Food comments: this product can clear heat and diuresis, invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, lose weight and reduce fat, not only can be used to lose weight, prevent obesity, but also reduce blood lipids, whiten skin and so on. It is also of great benefit to the recovery of people with long-term illness and deficiency. It should be noted that the body and blood is dry, those with more urine need to eat less, spleen deficiency without dampness, dry stools and pregnant women should be used with caution.

Materials: 100g wax gourd, 30g lean pork, 60g japonica rice. Water starch, chopped onions, salt right amount.


1. Wash and chop pork into minced meat, stir with salt and water starch, rinse and peel wax gourd into slices, rinse japonica rice, and fill pot with water.

2. Boil the rice, simmer the porridge for 20 minutes, add minced pork and sliced wax gourd, then simmer the porridge over low heat for 10 minutes.

Food comments: this product has the effect of nourishing stomach and promoting fluid, clearing stomach and reducing fire. Eating for a long time can not only lose weight, but also keep skin as white as jade, moist and smooth, and keep fit.

Materials: potatoes, 50 grams of japonica rice, several wolfberry. The right amount of sugar.


1. Peel potatoes, cut into pieces, rinse medlar, rinse japonica rice, and fill pot with water.

2. After boiling, add japonica rice, potatoes, simmer porridge for 25 minutes, add Chinese wolfberry, continue to simmer porridge for 5 minutes, boil until rice rotten porridge fragrance, add sugar to mix well and serve.

Food comments: this product has the effect of invigorating the spleen and stomach and relieving defecation. Eating potato porridge can enhance people's sense of fullness and reduce a large amount of food intake, which is suitable for people who lose weight.