
The tide of ordering food by scanning the QR code is coming, which greatly saves labor costs.

Published: 2024-07-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/21, The tide of ordering food by scanning the QR code is coming, which greatly saves labor costs.

Have you ever contacted QR code to order food before? Have you ever experienced it in a physical store? Under the wave of the great era of Internet +, the mode of waiters standing in front of customers with a menu has become old-fashioned. In fact, it is not difficult to find that some restaurants in Kunming have realized smart restaurants. If you scan the QR code directly, you can pay for your order through Wechat or Alipay, which is very convenient, which saves a lot of time. It also introduces the number of waiters running back and forth. You can order and pay directly in the office, and by the time you get off work, the food will be ready on the table in the restaurant. Is it very user-friendly and the service is very comfortable?

Kunming Luoyi Finance _ Intelligent Food and Beverage Management system

By visiting many businesses, we learned that with smart restaurants, consumers can order and pay through their mobile phones without waiters, and this service is also favored by customers. In stores with this service, the frequency of use has reached 90%, especially the post-90s generation. We tried scanning the QR code in a restaurant. After scanning the QR code, various menus appeared in the restaurant, including main course, cold dish, side dish, soup and staple food, with detailed prices for each dish, and some dishes were divided into large and small portions. After ordering, a window pops up for consumers to click and choose how many people to eat, followed by a table number that can be paid by mobile phone. Among them, in addition to the waiter serving, almost no waiter showed up.

Kunming Luoyi Finance _ Intelligent Food and Beverage Management system

At present, there are many restaurants in Kunming that have realized smart restaurants. In some crowded restaurants with many customers, there will be electronic queues in addition to ordering food. When you order a good dish, you can go in directly to your own number. during the meal, the waiter will leave after serving good food, and a series of services will be done in one fell swoop. If diners need to add food, they can place an order through mobile phone. If during the meal, customers feel that they need a waiter, they can directly click on the mobile phone to call the waiter, so that the waiter is much easier, work efficiency and customer satisfaction have been greatly improved.

In fact, now, everyone's education level is getting higher and higher, and the salary cost of recruiting a service staff is 2000 yuan to 2500 yuan per month, and it is not easy to recruit, and the mobility is also relatively large. If we have our Cool Dianbao catering management system, can be linked to this problem to a large extent.

Kunming Luoyi Technology Co., Ltd. will be able to provide you with this service, from installation, use to after-sales, we will explain to you in detail and answer all your doubts, Kudian Bao Wisdom Food and Beverage Management system, the food and beverage management experts around you.

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