
The 10 most popular Northeast dishes are simply rice "killers"!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The 10 most popular Northeast dishes are simply rice "killers"!

This dish from snack to big, Juanzi think this dish is very delicious, TVB is not a bowl of noodles, we are stewed ribs, this is sincere, we said, whether it is right!

Ingredients: ribs, kidney beans, potatoes, oil, spring onions, ginger, garlic, star anise, raw soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate.


1. Wash all materials and prepare them.

2. Spring onion, ginger and garlic pan, stir-fry the ribs in the pan, add raw soy sauce and star anise.

3. Change the color of the ribs, put in half a pot of water, add green onions and ginger, simmer for 40 minutes until the ribs are cooked.

4. Add kidney beans and potato cubes and simmer until kidney beans are soft and rotten.

5. Add salt and monosodium glutamate to taste. Don't forget to dull your meal.

Stewed sausage with sauerkraut

If it is the killing of pork and fresh blood sausage in the countryside, it will be even more so! Many people dare not eat blood sausage, in fact, blood sausage is rich in nutrition, delicious taste, students who do not dare to eat is a great pity ah!

Ingredients: sauerkraut, pork belly, blood sausage, noodles, oil, spring onions, ginger and garlic, spices, dried chili, salt, monosodium glutamate.


First, stir-fry the cooked pork with dried chili peppers and spices.

2. Put in the chopped northeast sauerkraut (best accumulated by yourself). Stir fry.

3. Put some stock or hot water. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

4. Put in the cut blood sausage and soaked noodles. Simmer for another 15 minutes.

Before coming out of the pot, put some salt and sprinkle with chopped onions.

Stewed cake

It is said that it is Jinzhou cuisine, which is similar to iron pot noodles. The pancake has a history of more than 300 years, but we eat the old taste, the cake into the dish taste, wonderful!

Ingredients: flour, kidney beans, potatoes, Wuhua pork, lard, green onions, ginger, thirteen spices, light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, yellow sauce.


1. Wash vegetables and prepare ingredients. Put the fat pork into the pan and fry the oil.

2. Cut the pork into large slices, cut the spring onions and ginger into large pieces and stir-fry, add 13 fragrances, light soy sauce, cooking wine and salt, pour the beans into the pan and stir-fry for a while, pour the potatoes into the pan, stir-fry, mix well, add more water and simmer over low heat.

3. mix noodles, pay attention to warm water, otherwise the noodles will be very hard. The noodles should be softer, wake up for a while (make the noodles softer), pull the dough into a small dough, roll into a cake (thicker), put some oil on both sides and roll a few small cakes together into a big cake, the oil must be more or else can not be uncovered.

4. Put the rolled cake into the pot, cover the dish, simmer over low heat, and be careful not to let the soup get too dry. Just get out of the pot.

Stewed bean curd with Chinese cabbage

Minute-by-minute dishes, Chinese cabbage is the most awesome dish in Northeast China, sweet fragrance, tender tofu, fragrant pork, eat up!

Ingredients: cabbage, tofu, pork belly, vegetable oil, chopped onions, sliced ginger, green onions, ginger, pepper, chicken essence, salt.


1. Rinse cabbage and slice, wash tofu and cut into pieces.

2. Heat the oil in the pan and add chopped onions, sliced ginger and pork to stir-fry. Add a little soy sauce.

3. Add Chinese cabbage, broth and tofu and cook.

Disorderly stew

Northeast messy stew, to put it bluntly, is a bunch of dishes stewed together, the original juice mixed with the taste, delicious drunk, do you think the stew grind squirt? In fact, you don't know its beauty!

Ingredients: pork belly, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, eggplant, cabbage, ginger, onions, garlic, star anise, pepper, oil, salt, soy sauce, bean paste, chicken essence.


1. Cut green onions, ginger and garlic into slices. Saute spring onions, ginger and garlic in hot pot and cold oil.

2. Cut the pork belly into thick slices, stir-fry the pork belly and stir-fry the oil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

3. Remove the stalk of the eggplant, tear it into pieces with your hands, and stir-fry and change color in the pan.

4. Remove the gluten and break the beans into a palatable section, add them to the pan and stir well.

5. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, add them to the pan and stir well.

6. Peel the potatoes, cut the hob and add them to the pan and stir well.

7. Add soy sauce, stir well, and add bean paste.

8. Add enough water to cover the ingredients, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, then collect juice over high heat.

9. When the juice is almost dry, add the cabbage torn by hand, and finally add salt and chicken essence to season.

Stewed noodles with pork and cabbage

Put more cabbage, always smoke more, this dish can also be called old chef cabbage, yes, famous dishes come from rivers and lakes! I have to tell you, Juanzi is the best cook for this dish!

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, pork belly, vermicelli, salad oil, salt, onion, ginger and garlic, star anise, pepper, cinnamon, light soy sauce, soy sauce.


1. In a frying pan, when it is about 50% hot, add pepper and raw ginger slices and saute until fragrant. Remove pepper, add cinnamon and star anise to saute.

2. Pour in the dried pork cubes, stir-fry for 5 minutes, after the skin is golden, add a little soy sauce, stir-fry, pour in hot water, do not pass the pork, cover the pot and simmer over medium and medium heat.

After 20 minutes, put in the cabbage and vermicelli, add salt and light soy sauce, cover the pot and continue to simmer. Be careful not to stew noodles, just come out of the pot when somersaulting.

Sautéed Potato Green Pepper and Eggplant

Sautéed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant can be said to be a classic dish forever. Although rape is not very healthy, we can try to put as little oil as possible. Come on, let's stutter!

Ingredients: potato, eggplant, green pepper, spring onion, ginger, garlic, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, water starch, sesame oil.


1. Prepare the materials.

2. Pan-fry potatoes in a non-stick pan until slightly yellow.

3. Pour hot oil into the wok and stir-fry the eggplant.

Stir-fry until eggplant skin wrinkles and softens, then stir-fry spring onions, ginger and garlic.

5. Pour in the potatoes and stir well.

6. Add soy sauce and salt. Add a little water and stir-fry for a while.

7. Add green pepper and a little chicken essence to stir-fry.

8. Add appropriate amount of water and starch and stir well. Finally, pour in sesame oil and stir-fry and turn off the heat.

Slipping meat section

The northeast meat section is the most classic northeast dish, the crisp outside is tender and salty, but it is not very easy to make!

Ingredients: pork, potato powder, green pepper, salt, soy sauce, onion, ginger, garlic, wine, water, sugar, vegetable oil, thirteen incense.


1. First, put the potato starch in a container and stir it into starch water. Don't worry about the amount of water. Dilute starch water is fine. Leave the starch water for about 10 minutes, and the starch and water will separate.

2. Cut the green pepper into small pieces when setting the starch water.

3. In a bowl, put onions, ginger, garlic and 1.5 tablespoons soy sauce into a bowl, then add 1, 2 teaspoons salt, sugar and 13 fragrances, add a little starch, and finally stir them all together in a small bowl of water to make seasoning sauce.

4. When setting the starch, cut the meat into small pieces and put it in a large bowl. Add 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 / 2 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt and marinate well by hand for a while.

5. Pour the soaked starch water out of the clear water, and pour the remaining starch paste into the meat bowl. after the starch is precipitated, it is not easy to pour it out. You can stir it into the bowl with a spoon or the bottom of your handbag and mix it well with a few drops of oil. in this way, you don't like to collapse out when frying meat.

6. Grasp the meat and starch by hand. Pour a little more vegetable oil into the pan, heat it to 50% heat, put the small pieces of meat wrapped in starch into the pan, deep-fry until the outer shell is removed over medium heat, and deep-fry twice for the first time, so that you don't have to put too much oil.

7. After the first frying, there is no sound of crackling water in the pan over high heat. Pour all the fried meat into the pan for half a minute and fry them out. At this time, the outer skin of the meat is very crisp and the inside is very tender and slippery. At this time, sprinkling salt and pepper is the fillet in the salt and pepper; if you are using a thick-skinned green pepper, it is best to put the green pepper into the oil and slide it so that the green pepper can be cooked.