
Corn producer subsidies come farmers are confused whether there is a subsidy in my family or not?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Corn producer subsidies come farmers are confused whether there is a subsidy in my family or not?

Corn producer subsidies finally have news, but farmers friends are confused, why others have, our family does not?

The following grain and oil attention editor will explain clearly to you little by little what corn subsidies are, which places have them and which places do not.

First of all, look at this table. This table clearly shows corn producer subsidies. According to relevant national policies, corn producer subsidies are only available in these four provinces: Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Jilin!

Farmers in other provinces may not understand why they grow corn but we don't? In fact, the main purpose of the state subsidy for corn producers is to ensure the planting of corn in advantageous areas. Relatively speaking, Northeast China is a world-famous corn gold planting belt, so priority should be given to stability.

Then comes the next question: Is there a corn producer subsidy in the sicklebend cool zone?

Objective answer: No!

The state designated sickle bend cold areas for planting structure adjustment, with the aim of reducing corn planting area in these areas and expanding corn soybean rotation pilot projects. Therefore, there is no subsidy for corn producers in the sickle bend cold zone, but there is a subsidy for grain to beans!

Well, there is still a problem now, that is, are there subsidies for corn producers in the three northeastern provinces plus Inner Mongolia, which belong to the sickle bend? According to the understanding of the grain and oil concern editor, at present, the state only says that there are subsidies in the four provinces of Northeast Inner Mongolia, which means that there are subsidies as long as they are in these four provinces!

It is necessary to remind everyone that this year is the first year of corn producer subsidy. At present, the four provinces of Northeast Inner Mongolia have carried out planting area statistics and reported to grass-roots units before the end of September. It will be officially reported to provincial units before October 15. Before October 20, it shall be reported to the Provincial Ministry of Finance. The provincial financial department allocates subsidy funds after unified calculation, and directly allocates subsidy funds to cities (prefectures), counties (cities) and provincial agricultural reclamation bureaus through special accounts of grain risk funds. Each city (prefecture), county (city) and provincial agricultural reclamation bureau shall, within 15 days after receiving the subsidy fund allocated by the provincial financial department, pay the subsidy fund to the subsidy object through the grain subsidy "one discount (card) pass" according to the subsidy object, the legal actual planting area of corn and the subsidy standard per mu reported by the statistics at the same level and the agricultural department.

If there is no jam in the middle and no slack in the work of that department, it will basically be distributed from November to December at the end of the year.

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