
Brush a wave of memories, a post-90s memory of childhood in rural areas

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Brush a wave of memories, a post-90s memory of childhood in rural areas

Don't say much, just go straight to the picture.

Push ring

Give me an iron ring, I can go around the world.


A favorite sport when I was a child, spinning not only the top but also the distant childhood.


This seems to be a lot of girls to play with, at that time the toys are still very cheap, but the interest is immeasurable.

Play marbles

This is not boasting. I thought I was an amazing player, and I was invincible all over the village. Haha ~ ~

Bamboo dragonfly

I don't know how many times I climbed up the roof to pick up the flying bamboo dragonfly.

Collision with crutches

Each of the two men wound one leg around the other, held it in their hands, stood on one leg, and then collided with each other, and whoever was knocked down lost. This is basically a boys' exclusive game. At that time, it all depended on this game to show manhood.

Game console

When there is no cell phone, this simple machine can let me play all day.


At first, in order to make a better slingshot, I looked for small branches everywhere on the mountain, and then worked hard to cut, scratch, dig grooves, and cover the belts. However, in my impression, apart from breaking other people's glass, I didn't hit a bird.

Catch crabs

At that time, the river in the village was still very clear, and crabs and small fish could still be found under the stones. In my impression, the crab's pliers are old and fierce, and I can't feel the pain that I've never experienced before.

Dig a bird's nest

When I was a child, with a simple purpose, I wanted to raise lovely chicks with my own hands. Now I think that I had made a lot of iniquity, ah, how many innocent birds were gone in their own hands.

East, south, north and west

I still have some impression on the way the game is played, but how do you fold it? Do you remember? Anyway, I can't remember.


This should be a very old way of harvesting grain. When I was a child, I played it myself as a game. I took the ear of rice in my hand and hit hard on the plank, and the grain fell off. To me, it's a game-fun; adults, it's work-hard!

The wind cabinet.

After drying the millet, use it to get rid of the empty shell without solid, and every time you fan and play with the millet, you will itch all over the body.

Kill New year's Pig

This is almost the most New year-flavored activity, at the beginning of the most look forward to is the winter vacation, Chinese New year, killing New year pigs, eat a big meal. When I was a child, I liked to kill pigs with my companions, but now I don't dare to see it when I grow up. Although I also eat meat, I still feel a little bit, how to say, cruel? Sympathy? Anyway, it's going to be a little uncomfortable now, or at least it's no fun. Maybe it's really grown up.

I don't know what it's called.

I just remember that I liked to throw it at my female classmates, and it was hard to take it off when it was glued to my hair and clothes. Well, anyway, the angrier the girl is, the more proud we are. It's kind of cheap to think about it.

Mountain strawberry

We call this kind of wild fruit pao (read the first sound). This kind of pao is generally sour, but of course it is sweeter when it is ripe. It's just that most of the time, they can't wait for full maturity, and as long as they are discovered, they will be wiped out quickly.

This is another kind of pao.

There are also a lot of pao in my impression, all kinds of, sour and sweet both sour and sweet. It's just that now it's all a memory. I haven't been to the mountain for many years. I don't seem to have a chance after those years. I can no longer find a reason to go to the mountain to find wild fruit, to pick mushrooms, to dig out bird's nest.

Ah, sorry, unwittingly sad, it seems that it is still a little early to lyric ah, OK nonsense, let's continue ~

Folded ear root

Back then, carrying a small basket and holding a small hoe, I dug on the hillside all afternoon. Just for a refreshing cold dish in summer: wash and cut the ear root, cut the sauerkraut into thick shreds, take the dried chili peppers, bake and roll them, preferably add a little wild onions, then add salt, vinegar, wood ginger oil and other seasonings, and finally mix well. Ah, I can't write anymore. I drooled all over the table.

Chinese jujube

I remember that there used to be a big jujube tree at my aunt's house. When the jujube was ripe, you just need to beat the branches with a bamboo pole and wait for the jujube to fall, and then you can enjoy the thick sweetness of the jujube.

Rosa roxburghii

Rosa roxburghii

This is a wild fruit that grows by the river. Rosa roxburghii is quite good-looking, always attracting a lot of bees, but Rosa roxburghii is covered with thorns and does not look good. But the taste is good, sweet and sour, so although the thorn pear is full of thorns, it still can not escape the fate of entering our greedy stomach, ~

Mao needle

This is a unique pure natural and pollution-free snack in the countryside. The impression is that it all appears on the ridge of the field. It should only be in spring. Anyway, I haven't seen it for many years since I went home during the winter and summer vacation.


The impression of honeysuckle is that you can sell it for money. Haha, in order to earn some pocket money, I went out to the mountain before dawn, went to the river, and looked everywhere for gold and white flowers-banknotes.

Toona sinensis bud

To me, this should be the most interesting picture. The taste of Toona sprouts is really strong. It can be said that those who love love deeply, those who hate hate ah ~ , I belong to the school of deep love. Scrambled eggs with Toona sinensis should be the best scrambled eggs I've ever eaten. I'm sorry, I'll wipe my saliva again.


The most impressive thing in my memory of bracken is that that year the editor and his brother picked bracken on the hillside all morning and picked a lot of bracken, really much, how much? Well, there are a lot anyway. It happened to be a very fine day, and Grandma said to take it to the roof to make dried bracken. When we went home after drying the bracken and went to the public house outside the neighboring village for a few days, Grandma pointed to a handful of dried bracken and said to us, "these are your bracken." my brother and I looked at each other with four eyes, confused and speechless for a moment. Seriously, for a long time after that, I thought Grandma secretly fried our bracken to eat or sell it while we were away.

Pagoda sugar

This should be the most delicious medicine, is an early insect repellent, Ascaris lumbricoides. When I was a child, I ate it as a candy, and I thought it tasted good.

Spicy gluten

When I was a child, there were all kinds of spicy gluten. At that time, as long as I had money, I rushed to the stall at the school gate to grab the spicy gluten, snatched a packet, tore it open, took only a few, and then gave it to my partner to let them grab it. After eating and licking his fingers, he hurried back to the classroom.

Well, I don't know what to call it, popsicle?

Now think about it, this is a fake and shoddy product, but at that time, I loved it. Anyway, I'm still alive and well now.

All right, let's put these pictures for the time being. Memories can never be finished, seriously, give me time, I can accompany you until the trisomy besieged the earth.

Finally, say a few more words.

As a post-90s, in the era of rapid urbanization, I have always thought that I am the luckiest.

On the one hand, compared with my parents and even many rural children of the same age, I have never experienced the hardships of the countryside, or at least I have not experienced the feeling of being hungry but having nothing to eat. On the other hand, compared with children who grew up entirely in the city, I have a better childhood in the countryside that they have never experienced and will never experience again (er, this sentence seems to be a bit of a mistake. I don't know if you understand it. Anyway, I like the countryside very much.

It's not that the countryside is so good. No place, rural or urban, is an ideal paradise. It's not what the world is like, but what the world looks like in your eyes (well, I don't know why I say that).

Maybe it's just because my experience is special.

I was born in the countryside. When I was very young, my parents went out to work and lived with my grandparents. Later, after going to school, I followed my parents to a city along the eastern coast, and then I returned to my hometown in the countryside after finishing the fourth grade. After studying in the fifth grade in the countryside, I went to school in our local city. Since then, I have been in the city, only occasionally returning to the countryside during winter and summer vacations.

Therefore, although I was born in the countryside, I grew up more in the city. Most of the memories I listed above and many of the memories I didn't talk about about the countryside came from the little more than a year when I was in the fifth grade in the countryside.

One year happens to be a cycle of four seasons, which leaves me with the best memories so far (well, how beautiful and unforgettable that is, I'm afraid I can't present it very well because of my limited ability).

In retrospect, the reason why there is such a plot for the countryside is, on the one hand, because it is closer to nature than the city, and I happen to like nature, on the other hand, it is the freedom of the rural way of life. I remember that at that time in the countryside, except for sleeping at night, basically will not stay at home, always running around the village.

And more importantly, in my opinion, it is because it is the best age.

It was an age when he knew a lot and thought he knew why but didn't read between the lines, could not see the knife hidden in the smile, could not feel the sophistication of human feelings, could not feel the intrigue; it was an age at which joys and sorrows could be expressed completely on the face without any reason; it was an age that did not understand philosophy and did not talk about values; it was an age that did not blindly think about the meaning of life and was very happy every day. It is an age that will neither think about the future nor recall the past; it is an age when you can fall asleep as soon as you close your eyes in bed and sleep until dawn; it is an age when love is just love and life has nothing to do with sex; it is a.

Although I will still go back to the countryside now, I no longer feel the way I used to feel.

Alas, when it comes to this, I don't know what I'm talking about. Whatever. Anyway, we're just talking about it.

All right, let's stop here. I won't say anything if I subscribe to, collect, like and forward.