
Chicken dung-- the "disaster" of vegetables in greenhouse? You're useless, right!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chicken dung-- the "disaster" of vegetables in greenhouse? You're useless, right!

Chicken dung, the "disaster" of vegetables in the greenhouse? No, that's because you're useless!

"the land is raised by manure, and the seedlings grow by manure." Chicken manure is a good fertilizer. During the feeding process, the feed consumed by chickens will not be completely digested and absorbed, and about 40% to 70% of the nutrients are excreted from the body. Of all livestock droppings, chicken manure has the highest nutrients.

But there are also many people say that chicken manure is not good, especially in the shed. What's more, some people say that chicken manure is a disaster for vegetables, which can lead to root burning, seedling burning, smoked plants, dead plants, various rhizosphere diseases, viral diseases, root-knot nematodes, and so on.

Don't blame chicken droppings, there are these problems, that's because you're useless!

If chicken manure is not used well, the consequences will be very serious.

1. Infect diseases and insect pests

Feces contain bacteria such as coliform, nematodes and pests, and their direct use will lead to the spread of diseases and insect pests. For example, the outbreak of root-knot nematodes "robbed" the nutrition of the roots, hindered the transport of water and nutrients, and made the crops from strong seedlings to weak seedlings, and finally to death.

two。 Burn seedlings

After the chicken manure is applied to the ground, when the temperature and humidity are suitable, it will ferment under the activity of microorganisms, and the fermentation will produce a certain amount of heat. When the fermentation site is close to the root and the crop plant is small, it will affect the crop growth and burn the crop root system. Serious cases lead to plant death, that is, burning seedlings.

3. Poison gas hazard

Harmful gases such as methane and ammonia will be produced during the decomposition of chicken manure, which will cause acid damage and root damage to soil and crops. Especially in the shed, the harm is more serious.

4. hypoxia

In the process of decomposition, chicken manure will consume oxygen in the soil, making the soil temporarily in a state of hypoxia, resulting in anoxia in plant roots and inhibition of crop growth.

In fact, in the process of use, there are so many problems in chicken manure, mainly because it is not fully mature, as long as this problem is solved, other problems will be easily solved.

Therefore, farmers who use chicken manure please note that chicken manure must be innocuously treated and completely mature before it can be applied to crops in order to improve fertilizer efficiency and reduce unnecessary losses.

Ripening method

Chicken manure must be fully mature before application, and the parasites and their eggs in chicken manure, as well as some infectious bacteria will be inactivated through the process of ripening (retting). Chicken manure will become a high-quality base fertilizer for planting crops.

According to the way of composting, it can be divided into four types: strip composting, trough composting, reactor composting and covered strip composting. Trough composting is the most popular in general factory production. However, when we farmers cultivate their own land, the application of stacking compost is more.

According to the requirement of oxygen, chicken manure can be divided into two types: anaerobic fermentation and aerobic fermentation.

The traditional method is to compost chicken manure in a sealed heap and carry out anaerobic fermentation, which takes a long time and usually takes 3 to 4 months to mature. Now, through biotechnology and aerobic fermentation, the ripening rate can be 10 to 20 times faster than the traditional method. Moreover, the protein of chicken feces and other macromolecules can be decomposed into small molecules to facilitate the direct absorption of crops.

Strip composting is a kind of aerobic composting, and it is also a widely used one at present. Here, let's make a specific introduction:

1. Prepare fermentation materials

The humidity of fermentation materials should be controlled between 60% and 65%. Judgment method: hold on to a handful of material by hand, see the watermark between your fingers, but do not drip, and it is appropriate to fall to the ground and spread out.

two。 Diluted strain

Because less starter is used per ton of chicken manure, it needs to be diluted in order to fully mix it with chicken manure. Mix the fertilizer starter with rice bran or cornmeal or wheat bran in a ratio of 1 to 10. Mix well as far as possible and set aside.

3. Material building pile

The height and volume of the pile should not be too low or too small, the height and volume of the pile should be 1.2-1.5m high, not lower than 80cm, and the width is about 2m. The length of the pile can be adjusted according to the number of fermentation materials, and the fermentation effect is better when the length is more than 2m-4m. In the process of building the reactor, if you feel that the material is dry, you can add some more water as appropriate.

4. Mix well and ventilate

Fertilizer starter is a living strain, which needs oxygen in the process of manure fermentation. therefore, in the process of fermentation, it is necessary to turn over frequently to ensure good ventilation, otherwise the effect of material fermentation will be affected by anaerobic fermentation. It can be operated by large machinery or overturned manually.

Generally, after 48 hours of material accumulation, the temperature will rise to 50 60 ℃, and on the third day it can reach more than 65 ℃. In general, a high temperature of more than 65 ℃ will occur in the fermentation process, and the fermentation can be completed after 2 to 3 times.

5. Fermentation completed

Under normal circumstances, fermentation can be completed in a week, the finished material has been deodorized, dark brown, and the temperature begins to drop to normal temperature, indicating that the fermentation is complete.

We should pay attention to these key points:

1. Maturation

Chicken manure composting must be fully mature, so what is the standard to judge the full maturity of chicken manure?

After the complete maturity of chicken manure basically can not smell the smell, there are white hyphae, chicken manure into a loose shape, while with the above three can be roughly judged that chicken manure has been basically fermented.

The time of ripening is generally about 3 months under natural conditions, and this process will be greatly accelerated if fermenting bacteria are added. Depending on the ambient temperature, it generally takes 20 to 30 days, and it can be completed in 7 to 10 days under the condition of factory production.

two。 Humidity

The water content should be adjusted before chicken manure fermentation. In the process of fermenting organic fertilizer, it is very important whether the water content is suitable or not. Because the ripening agent is full of living bacteria, if it is too dry or too wet, it will affect the fermentation of microorganisms, which should be kept at 60% to 65%.

Judgment method: hold on to a handful of material by hand, see the watermark between your fingers, but do not drip, and it is appropriate to fall to the ground and spread out.

How to control the humidity?

(1) dried chicken manure

Spray water on it, the humidity is a little smaller in the early stage, and you can add a little bit of water in the later stage, but the humidity should not be too large as far as possible. If the humidity is high, it will be a little troublesome to replenish the cushion.

(2) Wet chicken manure

The humidity is too high, the key point is to control the humidity. Fresh chicken manure needs to add a variety of excipients to absorb the water during fermentation. The general choice of auxiliary materials: sawdust, straw, plant ash and so on, the more 70% chicken dung and 30% auxiliary materials are added, which can be adjusted according to the local soil quality.

3. C / N ratio

Carbon and nitrogen are the two most important elements in plants. Compared with us, carbon is equivalent to bone and nitrogen is equivalent to muscle. The moderate proportion of carbon and nitrogen is conducive to crop growth, strong trees and microbial fermentation.

If the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in soil is too low, crops are easy to absorb more nitrogen, resulting in excessive vegetative growth and incoordination between vegetative growth and reproductive growth. If the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is too high, the microorganisms in the soil will compete with crops for nitrogen, resulting in poor plant growth, overall yellowing and so on.

The ratio of carbon to nitrogen in chicken manure is small, that is to say, in chicken manure, the content of nitrogen is high and the content of carbon is small. If the fermentation material is pure chicken manure, the C / N ratio is generally less than 20 under normal conditions, and the C / N ratio is required to be 25: 35. 1 theoretically, the fermentation effect is better. Therefore, before fermenting chicken manure, an appropriate amount of straw and sawdust with high C / N ratio should be added, and the specific weight ratio of straw can be added to about 10% of the straw to adjust the C / N ratio.

The addition of straw and other materials can adjust the carbon-nitrogen ratio, absorb water in fresh chicken manure, and enhance the loose air permeability of chicken manure, which is more conducive to fermentation. Before the chicken manure is cooked, 5% superphosphate can be added to balance the camp and improve fertilizer efficiency.

4. Can't disinfect

The process of composting is a process of decomposing plant residues and livestock and poultry manure. A ripening agent or starter is made up of billions of fermenting bacteria (fungi, bacteria), living microorganisms that break down various organic matter and speed up fertilizer fermentation.

When manure is rotten, many people will habitually disinfect it. I would like to remind you that you must not do so. Disinfection is for sterilization, and in the process of disinfecting it, the bacteria in the ripening agent will be eliminated together, so that it will not have the effect of accelerating ripening.

Speaking of which, is chicken dung good in the end? It's clear at a glance. Therefore, before we use chicken dung, we must pay attention to full maturity, so as to avoid burning seedlings and destroying seedlings.

(the picture is from the Internet)

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