
Farmers do not make money from farming. Can agricultural enterprises make money together with farmers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Farmers do not make money from farming. Can agricultural enterprises make money together with farmers?

In recent years, farmers generally reflect that the profits from farming are getting thinner and thinner, and farming has become unprofitable. Especially this year's wheat harvest season, due to the impact of extreme rain weather,"farmers do not make money farming" voice is gradually heating up. At present, when farmers in various places sell grain after harvesting wheat, in order to understand the actual situation of farmers planting land, earnestly analyze why farmers do not make money from planting land, and how agricultural materials enterprises related to farmers will deal with it? Recently, the reporter of "China Agricultural Materials" specially interviewed and investigated dealers and farmers in major wheat-producing areas such as Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Anhui and Jiangsu. Let's listen to their thoughts.

Wheat prices don't go up, farmers don't make money farming

Case 1: There is little left in the affected area except for the cost

"This strong wind and heavy rain has blown down my wheat, directly causing the wheat seeds to be less full and reducing production by more than half." Wang Fuhai, a farmer in Pingdingshan, Henan Province, told the reporter of China Agricultural Materials.

Since summer, thunderstorm, strong wind and local hail and other strong convective weather have caused 630,000 mu of wheat disaster in Henan Province, among which 580,000 mu has fallen due to wind in different degrees and 50,000 mu has been damaged by hail disaster. Due to the continuous rainy weather, the completely lodging wheat also appeared different degrees of mildew and germination.

Wang Fuhai said, Because of rain weather, His family only received 500 catties of wheat per mu of land, Originally according to 1.18 yuan/catty market purchase price wheat, Because the quality can not reach the national market purchase standard, Can only sell to those low price grain dealers, Sell to 8 cents a catty. According to this price, Wang Fuhai to the reporter calculated an account, each mu of wheat seed input 50 yuan, fertilizer input is 150 yuan, cultivated land with seed fertilizer sowing machinery cost and harvesting machine cost is 100 yuan, plus other labor, material cost about 100 yuan, total investment 400 yuan/mu, according to the local market price 8 cents a catty, planting an mu of wheat almost can not earn money.

Xiong Tairubidium, general manager of Tianhe Agricultural Materials Co., Ltd. in Tanghe County of Henan Province, told the reporter of "China Agricultural Materials" that wheat scab in high-yield irrigation area in northern Henan this year was heavy, which not only caused yellow ears of wheat, thin grains, but also seriously reduced production. Wheat with poor quality could only be sold at the purchase price of 0.8-0.9 yuan/catty. That is to say, wheat only meets the national purchase standard, farmers sell wheat at a relatively high price, can not meet the standard can only be sold to individual grain vendors, the price is relatively low, in the case of no reduction in production, if 800-1000 catties of wheat per mu of land, excluding the cost of planting land, farmers 1 mu of gross income 500-600 yuan, excluding the cost of little left.

Affected by weather, wheat quality in Henan and Anhui areas is generally low, which can not reach the purchase standard of medium grain storage. In previous years, wheat harvest basically depends on the digestion of stored grain, grass-roots vendors want to buy need to be higher than the purchase price of stored grain to buy wheat. However, although the purchase price of medium grain is 1.18 yuan/catty this year, farmers cannot sell it at this price, and can only sell it to grass-roots grain vendors at a low price of 0.7-0.9 yuan/catty, or even 0.3-0.6 yuan/catty.

Scenario 2: Unaffected areas

Low market acquisition price

Due to the disaster, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places market purchase price is low is caused by objective conditions, but some places not affected by wheat prices are not satisfactory. Yang Yamin, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd., told reporters that at present, wheat warehousing in Shaanxi Province has basically ended. From this year's wheat yield, the yield per mu is almost 850 jin, which is relatively poor compared with previous years. The main purchase price of wheat in Shaanxi Province is 0.83-0.84 yuan/jin.

Zhang Yang, deputy general manager of Shanxi Agricultural Materials Group, told reporters that after this year's wheat harvest, the general purchase price was 1.05 yuan/catty, and the lower purchase price was 0.80 yuan/catty. Farmers had no profit or even lost money when planting wheat.

Zhang Zhenze, general manager of Shandong Province Lubei Logistics Co., Ltd., told reporters that wheat harvesting in Shandong this year is relatively stable. The wheat quality in most areas of Shandong can reach the national standard of Grade II and Grade III wheat. The purchase price is 1.19-1.18 yuan/catty, which cannot reach the national standard. The purchase price of flour mills in some areas is 1.14 yuan/ton, and the purchase price of private grain merchants is 1.1 yuan/catty.

Fang Shaoyun, director of Ruize Crop Planting Cooperative in Leling City of Shandong Province, told the reporter of "China Agricultural Materials" that the cooperative transferred nearly 2000 mu of land. All the wheat planted this year was purchased by China Grain Reserve. Except for the circulation cost of 80 yuan per mu of land and the planting cost of nearly 500 yuan, the profit per mu of land was about 200-300 yuan.

Quality becomes a main reason why farmers do not make money farming

It is understood that this year's wheat purchase price is still 2.36 yuan per kilogram of national standard third-class wheat, and the grade difference between adjacent grades is 0.04 yuan per kilogram. All wheat with quality grades 1 to 5 and imperfect grain content not exceeding 10.0% are within the scope of implementation of the "market support" purchase policy.

Objectively speaking, it is a very complicated problem for farmers to earn money from farming. It is a systematic project to make farmers continue to increase their income, involving all aspects. The survey found that the purchase price varies greatly from place to place, and the prices of wheat of different quality vary. Anhui, Jiangsu and other disaster-stricken areas, due to different degrees of disaster, resulting in different wheat quality, the final price will also be different. According to the investigation, many farmers in affected areas planted wheat that did not reach the national purchase level, naturally could not sell at the market price, but could only sell it to local private grain merchants at low prices, and the phenomenon of price reduction appeared, making some farmers lose money and earn money.

It can be seen from this survey that the current market generally reflects that the price differentiation of wheat in the market is obvious due to the difference in quality, whether in the affected area or in the normal year area. On the one hand, the wheat quality deviation in some areas does not meet the warehousing standards, a large number of wheat is rejected from policy acquisition, the absorption capacity of market support acquisition is blocked, and the acquisition rhythm is slow; on the other hand, the market subject is weak to the wheat aftermarket, the acquisition cautious enthusiasm is not high, and the purchase power of new wheat by market acquisition is generally weaker than that in previous years.

The investigation shows that at present, the serious homogeneity of agricultural products in China, lack of differentiation, high-quality agricultural products, uneven wheat quality phenomenon is more common in various places, low quality caused by lack of competitiveness, which has become a key constraint factor for the sustainable development of agriculture in the vast wheat area, which is also a major reason why farmers do not make money at this stage.

Agricultural materials enterprises explore the way to open the knot of agricultural product quality

Since ancient times, cheap grain has hurt farmers, farmers do not make money from farming, and what hurts is farmers 'enthusiasm for farming. How to change the status quo? How to open the knot of grain quality? Under the condition that farmers 'enthusiasm for farming is not high, farmers' investment will be reduced, which will directly affect the agricultural materials market. Facing this situation, how should agricultural materials enterprises participate in it?

The practice of Hebei Langfang Green Garden Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. brings us enlightenment. The company extends the service chain, uniformly provides seeds and fertilizers, trains mechanical sowers, guides farmers to plant high-quality wheat in a standardized manner, and provides one-stop services from seeds and fertilizers to technical supporting facilities and acquisition, realizing enterprise efficiency increase and farmers 'income increase, which has been recognized by the local government and farmers.

The company directly purchases high-quality wheat planted by farmers at a price higher than the market price, and the net profit of farmers on 1 mu of land reaches more than 500 yuan. Because Green Garden Company grasps the core link of wheat quality, it not only helps the people to increase income, but also drives the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain, and at the same time solves the realistic problem of how to transform and upgrade agricultural materials enterprises.

Yang Chunhua, general manager of Langfang Green Garden Company, said frankly: "Guiding farmers to standardize production and grasping the core problem of wheat quality will solve the problem of continuous increase of farmers 'income. When farmers have enthusiasm, the agricultural materials market will be stable."

Coincidentally, Heilongjiang Province Beifeng Agricultural Production Materials Group Co., Ltd. started with high-quality rice, established a large-scale dragon rice planting base in Wuchang high-quality rice core production area, made efforts to build a high-end rice brand "Dragon Rice," determined to become the representative of Heilongjiang high-quality rice, and subverted the traditional bulk grain purchase and processing mode. Through the whole process quality control mode of self-breeding and optimization of rice seeds, self-supporting team planting, direct supply of cold chain fresh rice and quality inspection tracking and monitoring, the industrialized operation of "from field to table" has been realized. The price of high-grade rice is more than 20 yuan per catty, while the general price of ordinary rice is only 2 yuan-3 yuan per catty.

In 2015, the rice planting base area reached 35,000 mu, and in 2016, the rice planting base area reached 50,000 mu, and plans to expand the base area to 200,000 mu within 5 years, realizing the transformation of Beifeng Group's business philosophy from "earning farmers 'money" to "helping farmers earn money" and then to "making money together with farmers". (Xu Xiaolei, Li Yang, Song Anyong)