
The quality and safety of dairy industry is the best in history.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The quality and safety of dairy industry is the best in history.

A (Reporter Fang Ning and Liu Wanting) "in 2015, the qualified rate of sampling inspection of dairy products nationwide reached 99.5%, and the qualified rate of banned additives such as melamine remained 100% for seven consecutive years. The average values of milk protein and milk fat in fresh milk are higher than the national standards, but also higher than the American standards." Gu Cheng, secretary-general of the China Dairy Association, said at the press conference of the China Dairy quality report (2015) on Aug. 16.

Under the guidance and support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Health and Family Planning Commission, the State Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the State Administration of Food and Drug Administration, the report was organized and compiled by the China Dairy Association and released to the public for the first time.

The development of dairy industry is related to people's health, national economy and people's livelihood and the future of the nation. After more than 60 years of reform and development, especially the rectification and revitalization after 2008, China's dairy industry has taken on a new look. First of all, the comprehensive production capacity has increased steadily. In 2015, China's total milk output reached 38.7 million tons, ranking third in the world, second only to India and the United States; per capita milk consumption was 36.1kg, an increase of 5.9kg over 2008. However, the current per capita consumption is only 1 / 3 of the world average, and there is still great potential for growth.

Second, the construction of modern dairy industry has been accelerated, and the level of scale, standardization, mechanization and organization of dairy farming has been continuously improved. in 2015, the proportion of large-scale farming of more than 100 cows reached 48.3%, an increase of 28.8 percentage points over 2008. 100% of large-scale farms realize mechanized milking; there are more than 15000 professional cooperatives for dairy farmers, more than seven times that of 2008. The output and sales of dairy products of the top 20 Chinese dairy enterprises, such as Yili, Mengniu, modern animal husbandry, Guangming, Sanyuan, Junlebao and Feihe, accounted for 51% and 54% of the country's dairy production, respectively, and the industrial concentration was further improved.

Third, the level of quality and safety of dairy products has been greatly improved. in 2015, the qualified rate of sampling inspection of dairy products reached 99.5%, and the qualified rate of prohibited additives such as melamine remained 100% for seven consecutive years. The average values of milk protein and milk fat in fresh milk are higher than the national standard and the American standard. The average value of somatic cells in fresh milk from large-scale farms is lower than the European Union limit, and the average of total bacterial count is lower than the Australian limit.

Fourth, the competitiveness of dairy enterprises has been further enhanced. Most of the production equipment and processing technology of major dairy enterprises come from international well-known manufacturers, and their management and operation have reached the international advanced level, among which Yili and Mengniu have entered the top 20 of the world dairy industry. Junlebao infant milk powder has passed the internationally recognized global food safety standard (BRC) A + top certification, and its infant formula has entered the Hong Kong market after strict testing and examination in Hong Kong. Modern animal husbandry and Feihe Dairy won the gold medal of the World Food quality Evaluation Conference.

Since 2008, the state has issued and improved the laws, policies and standards of the dairy industry, and vigorously carried out the rectification and revitalization of the dairy industry. The healthy breeding concept of "building a good house, feeding good grass, raising well and producing good milk" has been popularized and popularized, and the supervision of dairy quality and safety has been unprecedentedly stringent, which has effectively ensured the quality and safety of the dairy industry. Since 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture has sampled 151000 batches of fresh milk samples, covering all milk stations and monitoring indicators covering all prohibited additives.

In the link of dairy farming, we have continuously increased support for the dairy industry, and implemented a series of policies and measures, such as subsidies for improved breeds of dairy cows, standardized scale breeding, and revitalizing the development of alfalfa in the dairy industry, so as to promote the development of the dairy industry from quantity expansion to quality benefit improvement. from the traditional dairy industry to the modern dairy industry, the dairy production level and milk quality have been continuously improved.

In the process of acquisition and transportation, the clean-up and rectification of milk stations was carried out in an all-round way, strict access management was carried out, substandard milk stations were resolutely banned, and the number of milk stations was reduced to 8500 from more than 20, 000 in 2008. the infrastructure, machinery and equipment, testing means and personnel quality of milk stations have been significantly improved. Fresh milk transport vehicles are all dedicated to special vehicles and licensed for transportation.

In dairy processing, the "Dairy Industry Policy" was implemented, the production licenses of dairy products and infant milk powder enterprises were re-examined, and a number of enterprises with unguaranteed milk sources and backward production technology were eliminated. Vigorously promote the merger and reorganization of infant formula milk powder enterprises, optimize the industrial structure, and effectively ensure the quality and safety of dairy products.

Gu said that China's dairy industry has undergone earth-shaking changes and made remarkable achievements. Through the regular release of authoritative information on the dairy industry, the association will objectively reflect the development, supervision, quality and safety of China's dairy industry, and build a bridge between consumers, dairy producers and the government. it is of great significance to respond to social concerns, popularize dairy knowledge and guide healthy consumption.