
Dingxi: "Potato" is the first on Fumin Road

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dingxi: "Potato" is the first on Fumin Road

Dingxi City, Gansu Province is the main battlefield of poverty alleviation in the whole province and the whole country. Vigorously cultivating the industry of enriching the people is an important measure to help the poor in Dingxi. Through long-term efforts, the potato industry has become the largest industry for getting rid of poverty and increasing income, with a total output value of 13.5 billion yuan in 2015 and a net income of 1280 yuan. It accounts for 22% of the per capita disposable income of farmers.

Under the guidance of the policy, 70% of the poor households have planted potatoes.

Dingxi has meticulously cultivated industries for enriching people and increasing income in poor villages, such as potatoes, traditional Chinese medicine, herbivores, vegetables, and dry farming, and the agricultural departments of the city and county have all set up a leading group and its office for cultivating and supporting accurate poverty alleviation by enriching people's industries. it is specially responsible for the precise poverty alleviation work of enriching the people's industries. In April this year, the Dingxi Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and the Municipal Poverty Alleviation Office formulated the "implementation Plan for further promoting the Potato Industry to promote accurate Poverty Alleviation and Poverty Alleviation" and put forward annual targets and tasks for the cultivation of potato industry for enriching the people. and decomposed into various counties and districts to ensure that the tasks of cultivating potato industry to enrich the people are put into practice.

In order to support the development of potato industry, Dingxi City has allocated 5 million yuan every year to support the development of potato staple food industry; around the introduction and promotion of improved varieties of poor households, it has raised integrated funds to implement the one-field project of virus-free seed potato; actively strive for the implementation of the Ministry of Agriculture agricultural products production initial processing project, the city has built all kinds of storage (cellar) 936000 eyes, storage capacity reached 3.5 million tons, driving poor households to build 76000 storage cellars. At the same time, the counties and districts are also actively raising funds to support industrial development.

Strong policy guidance has promoted industrial development and produced the effect of enriching the people to the benefit of poor households. In 2015, 2.9352 million mu of potatoes were planted in Dingxi, with an output of more than 5 million tons. 105900 poor households (accounting for 70% of the 151700 poor households in the city) planted 289200 mu, with an output of 480000 tons. It produces 800 million virus-free original seeds, 32 seed potato production enterprises, absorbs 528 poor households and employs 528 people, with a per capita annual income of 30,000 yuan. The new type of agricultural operators built a breeding base of 1.5 million mu of virus-free seed potatoes, driving poor households to build 100000 mu. There are 27 leading potato processing enterprises with more than 10,000 tons, and 432 poor households are employed. A total of 377 specialized potato farmers' cooperatives have been established, covering 121 poor villages. The development of more than 3200 large transportation and sales households has led more than 6900 poor households to engage in the sales and operation of fresh potatoes. We will promote professional unified prevention and control, and all 289200 mu of potatoes planted by poor households will receive free drug control.

Multiple measures should be taken at the same time to provide support for increasing the income of poor households.

In the process of developing the potato industry, Dingxi adopted many measures at the same time, adopted a variety of models, and formed a good pattern of enterprise assistance and mass participation. at the same time, it constantly innovated the planting model, provided scientific and technological support for poor households to increase their income, and continuously strengthened technical training. to provide intellectual support for the income of poor households.

We will promote the upgrading of seed potato industry and increase the income of poor households by optimizing the planting structure. First, we will support 4 provincial and 28 municipal leading potato seed enterprises and choose qualified poor villages to establish seed potato breeding bases to increase the income of poor households. In 2016, leading seed potato enterprises set up a base of 60,000 mu for original seed propagation in poor villages, driving 30,000 poor households (including those consolidated and improved) in suitable areas, with an improved seed rate of more than 80%. The second is to encourage the poor households with the conditions to carry out the potato seed and potato field distribution project. In the poverty-stricken villages with conditions, 35000 poor households (including consolidation and improvement households) are selected to carry out the one-field distribution project of improved potato varieties every year, each household planting the original potato seed of 0.1mu, through self-breeding and serial exchange of surrounding farmers year by year, so that the planting area of improved potato varieties of poor households has been continuously expanded, and the income of poor households has been increased.

We should do a good job in the construction of standardized planting bases and rely on processing enterprises to increase the income of poor households. One is to adopt the model of "enterprise (cooperative) + base + poor households". In the city, 15 leading potato processing enterprises at or above the provincial level and 12 municipal potato processing enterprises have set up standardized planting raw material bases in poor villages with conditions by means of land transfer and short-term lease, so as to steadily increase the income of poor households. In 2016, a base of 400000 mu was established, driving 50, 000 poor households (including consolidation and improvement households) to plant 150000 mu. In addition to having a fixed income through land transfer, poor households can also work nearby, with an annual income of more than 12000 yuan per household. The second is the "staple food processing enterprises + poor households" model. Potato staple food processing enterprises in the city should sign special potato planting and purchase orders with qualified poor households, so as to guarantee the purchase above the market price and increase the income of poor households. In 2016, staple food processing enterprises established a special variety standardization base of 50, 000 mu, driving 10, 000 poor households (including consolidation and improvement households) to plant 25000 mu.

We will encourage and support leading enterprises in planting and processing potatoes to absorb the labor force of poor households and increase their income by taking part-time jobs. Through the guidance of policies, projects, services and other means, we will encourage and support 32 potato enterprises and 27 leading potato processing enterprises in the city to give priority to absorbing and arranging the labor force of poor households to work in enterprises, so as to increase the income of poor households (including consolidating and improving households). In 2016, 1000 poor households (including consolidation and improvement households) were employed, with an average household income of 10, 000 yuan.

We should do a good job in potato insurance to ensure a steady increase in income for poor households. In 2016, the city plans to implement an insured area of 2 million mu of potatoes, benefiting 95% of poor potato farmers (including consolidation and improvement households).

Do a good job in the construction of storage cellars and rely on sales to increase the income of poor households. In the poor villages of potato cultivation, priority should be given to the construction of potato storage cellar to prolong the storage time, promote balanced listing and achieve stable income increase. In 2016, 200 potato storage cellars were built by poor households (including those with consolidation and improvement) in the city, with an additional storage capacity of 3000 tons. Due to the improvement of storage system and marketing system, the income of potato industry in poor villages and households has been effectively promoted.

We will actively support and cultivate new types of agricultural operators, absorb and unite poor households to increase industrial income. The city has established 377 professional potato cooperation organizations and more than 3200 major marketers to help poor households increase their industrial income through "Internet +" and other models.

Our reporter Zhao Jingping