
Grow grapes, eat grapes and drink wine.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grow grapes, eat grapes and drink wine.

Editor's note: the integration of three industries, as an upgraded version of agricultural industrialization, has a strong momentum of development. In the process of the integration of the three industries, many places have constantly innovated their mode of operation, formed an industrial chain of "one-stop production, addition and marketing" and "the integration of trade, industry and agriculture", and explored the emerging eco-agricultural industries such as "food, housing, and play". While leading enterprises are making themselves bigger and stronger, they also drive agriculture and farmers to give birth to new business type and become a new farmer in the transformation from "production-oriented" to "consumption-oriented".

The fields after the rain are verdant and green. In the high-tech greenhouse of Xinzhong Family Farm in Donga County, Shandong Province, grapes covered with vines have entered the mature period one after another, and the attractive purple grape grains hang all over the branches and are about to fall, looking particularly round and mellow in the sunlight, and the air is filled with intoxicating fruit aroma.

In Dongah, the grape is not big, but the industrial scale is not small. While the grape industry in many places is still in the 1.0 era of planting and selling, grape growers in Donga County are already on agricultural sightseeing tours driven by grape picking. and through the brewing of wine to increase the added value of the industry on the track of the 2.0 and 3.0 era.

From growing grapes to eating grapes, to making and tasting wine, a complete industrial chain of "eating and squeezing" grapes is displayed in the vineyards of Xinzhong Family Farm in Donga County, while the charm of tertiary integration is also extended on the long grapevines.

Sharing model-- both farms and farmers benefit

"having worked hard to start a business for more than ten years, with some savings, I thought that while I was developing, I would do something for the village to drive my fellow villagers to get rich together." When it comes to the original intention of growing grapes, Tao Wanqian, head of Xinzhong Farm, said.

Tao Wanqian and several other farm officials, Zang Zhantao, Tao Deli, and Tao Dehang, grew up. By chance, several people talked about the topic of returning to their hometown to invest, and they all took a fancy to the development prospect of agriculture. As soon as they did it, the four quickly raised 20 million yuan and built more than 600 mu of Xinzhong family farm in Tao Zhuang Village, Liuji Town, Donga County, Tao Wanqian's hometown.

Grape cultivation is a good choice for the development of agricultural industry because of its quick effect and high benefit. It took us two years to select the late-maturing variety ice grape suitable for the local climate and the early-maturing variety Fujiminori grape suitable for planting in the greenhouse. " Tao Wanqian said. In the process of growing grapes, he groped for a mature three-dimensional cultivation model. According to different seasons, intercropping rape, spinach, coriander, onion and other vegetables in 210mu late-maturing ice vineyard, the average income of interplanting green leafy vegetables per mu is more than 3000 yuan, and the economic benefit is obvious.

The mode of sharing is also reflected in the deeper exploration. In Taozhuang Village, many villagers have joined the farm by buying shares in the land and converting them into shares. Under the mechanism of "benefit sharing, risk sharing and secondary rebate", the year-end surplus is distributed.

Tao Xiangzhong in the village is one of the villagers who bought shares in the land. "all my land is transferred to the Xinzhong family farm, and now I work on the farm. I can get a salary of NT $1200 a month, and I will get a commission at the end of the year according to my grades. I can get nearly NT $20,000 a year!" For farmers working on Xinzhong family farms, in addition to fixed wages, there is also a performance appraisal at the end of the year. The quality and output of grapes are directly related to the interests of farmers. According to the market situation of that year, farmers are given a commission of 20 to 50 cents per jin, which greatly stimulates farmers' enthusiasm and sense of responsibility for growing grapes.

At present, Xinzhong Family Farm has absorbed nearly 100 surplus labor in nearby rural areas, driving farmers to find jobs on their doorstep and increase their income in the fields, from the initial scattered vegetable cultivation of more than 50 households. it has developed to 169 modern agricultural parks dominated by three-dimensional interplanting of grapes and vegetables.

Going public in the wrong season-- grabbing sales in "time difference"

Several heavy snows last winter caused freezing damage to a large area of grapes and caused heavy losses to many growers. However, the "Xinzhong No.1" ice grape on Xinzhong family farm not only did not suffer from the freezing disaster, but became more and more delicate and beautiful in the heavy snow.

"Ice grapes are extremely resistant to severe cold and bear three crops a year. The harvest of fresh fruit can be delayed by three to four months during ripening period. Zang Zhantao, who is also director of Liaocheng New Fruit and vegetable Grape Research Institute, said, "the grapes hang branches on the trees for a long time, most of the water is evaporated, and more nutrients are stored, the fruits will be more sweet and delicious." Before and after the Spring Festival, grapes are often in short supply, and the ice grapes listed before the Spring Festival just fill the gap in the fresh grape market during this period. Once on the market, ice grapes have been favored by many consumers.

In addition to late-ripening ice grapes, Xinzhong Family Farm also has 15 high-standard sunshine greenhouses that grow early-maturing grapes. Through temperature control in the greenhouse, they can usually be ripe and picked before May, more than two months earlier than traditional local grape varieties, and occupy a great initiative in the market where "scarcity is precious". It is understood that Xinzhong grape base has a total of more than 300mu, after entering the high-yield period, the annual output is about 1.5 million jin.

Sweet and delicious grapes come from green, ecological planting patterns. "our vineyards are all planted with clover. The roots of clover can fix nitrogen and increase fertilizer, which can not only reduce nitrogen input, improve soil structure, but also effectively prevent soil erosion and improve the ecological environment of the farm." Chang Na, head of Xinzhong Family Farm, told reporters, "in addition, clover is invasive and can inhibit the growth of weeds. Now we don't have to spray chemical herbicides, saving time, money and green environmental protection."

Solar energy insecticidal, physical control, goose weeding, animal manure, pure organic probiotic fertilizer. Xinzhong family farm grapes, the use of biological management, the use of organic fertilizer, without any ripening agents, and all are naturally ripe, green natural, sweeter and more assured.

Chang Na said: "every product produced by the park has an intuitive'ID card', which makes our grape quality have strong traceability and ensures that consumers are willing to pay for safe and secure products." At the end of 2015, Xinzhong Family Farm installed a traceability system for agricultural products in the park, and on the traditional traceability system, it was updated and upgraded to a mobile version of traceability. By scanning the QR code on the grape packaging trademark, you can watch the park in real time and learn about the grape production process.

The Integration of the three Industries-- looking ahead

In the past, the vineyard was simply growing grapes, but Tao Wan's vineyard not only planted grapes, but also took ice grapes as the main radiation point, carried out deep processing of grapes, developed the wine industry, and developed agricultural tourism at the same time.

As we all know, Donga County is the famous "hometown of Ejiao". For this reason, Tao Wanqian takes the health-preserving culture of Ejiao Group and the farming culture of family farm as the theme, uses grapes as the medium, combines agricultural production with tourism and tourism of Ejiao industry chain, revolves around the activity place of the park, and relies on agricultural activities and other resources. Xinzhong family farm will be built into a new type of modern agricultural tourism and leisure family farm integrating leisure tourism, popular science education, scientific research and breeding. Attract tourists to come for sightseeing, shopping, experience, leisure, vacation, learn about Ejiao culture and experience the fun of farming.

It is understood that the agricultural cultural base here designs simple agricultural production into interactive and participatory agricultural experience projects, giving more functions and cultural connotations to agricultural products and teaching activities. In September this year, they plan to join forces with the county education bureau to make young people in school get close to nature and enjoy farming in the experience, so that the traditional farming culture can be passed on.

In order to develop the grape industry chain, the farm has set up its own fruit and vegetable research institute to build a technical team, carry out technological development and product research, and make every effort to enhance the industrial added value of agricultural products. "the next step is that we will dig deep into the wine cellar and wine appreciation culture room for storing wine in the park," Tao Wanqian told reporters. "the deep processing of grapes has extremely high added value and is less affected by market fluctuations. As long as we strengthen management and continue to open up the sales market, docking the tourism and education industries, the economic benefits will be very significant, with one-time investment and continuous income."

When talking about the future, Tao Wanqian is full of confidence: "the integration of the three industries is a new direction and trend in the development of traditional agriculture. For a long time, our agricultural development has only focused on the production of agricultural products, and now we can see that after the processing of agricultural products, they can move towards a broader market and have higher economic benefits. Today, many of the workers on our farm are not just 'farmers'. They not only grow, but also know the technology, operate, and understand the market situation and the needs of consumers. we are confident that the new family farms will lead more farmers to increase their income. " As a leader in getting rich, Tao Wanqian is weaving his more magnificent dream of getting rich with grapes, and strives to build a "Xinzhong" agricultural brand that consumers can rest assured within three or five years.