
Give up a well-paid job and start a business in Yuzhong. Two young people successfully raise shrimp to fill the gap.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Give up a well-paid job and start a business in Yuzhong. Two young people successfully raise shrimp to fill the gap.

Tao Wenqing (right) and Zeng Tongtang are studying white prawns.

Two post-80s young people are determined to benefit their hometown, give up the high salary of the original unit, devote themselves to the cultivation of white shrimp, and finally achieve success, but also fill the gap in the cultivation of white shrimp in our province. This is what the reporter learned during an interview in Qingcheng Town, Yuzhong County on August 18.

Growing up by the Yellow River, two young college students abandoned their high salary and changed their careers.

On August 18, the reporter Mu Ming came to the Yellow River in Dongtan Village, Qingcheng Town, Yuzhong County, where there are many fish ponds. The reporter saw two young people are busy, dark skin, sharp movements, it is hard to believe that they were two post-80s college students with high salaries. Amid the roar of four large aerators, dense prawns swim in the pond, while white prawns caught in the ground cage jump up and down in the basin.

Tao Wenqing, 29, and Zeng Tongtang, 30, grew up in Shuichuan Town, Baiyin District, Baiyin City, and were later enrolled in civil engineering at Lanzhou University of Technology and drilling at Daqing Petroleum Institute respectively. After graduating in 2010, he went to work in Changqing Oilfield and Provincial Construction Investment Co., Ltd. after several years of beating, he has become the backbone of the youth of the unit, with an annual salary of more than 100000 yuan.

But a single job made the two young people feel boring and came up with the idea of starting their own business. "We all grew up on the water of the Yellow River. can we do something on the water? many people in the south get rich by farming their families. can we also try and do our own business?" Zeng Tongtang first came up with this idea, but it was strongly opposed by his wife and parents. So he thought of his good friend Tao Wenqing, and the two young men hit it off. Under pressure, Zeng Tongtang first went at his own expense to Panjin in Liaoning, Dongying in Shandong, Baotou in Inner Mongolia, and Haikou in Hainan to investigate and learn to breed tropical aquatic species such as Penaeus vannamei.

Tao Wenqing is fishing for white prawns.

Raised 200000 yuan to raise shrimp successfully on the bank of the Yellow River.

After mastering the breeding technology, in 2015, the two quit the high-paying jobs that others envied, raised 200000 yuan and went to Dongtan Village, Qingcheng Town across the river, contracted two 10-mu fish ponds in the form of shares, cleaned up the bottom of the pond, and shipped four large aerators from other places to start their own business.

On June 9 this year, 1.2 million seedlings of Penaeus vannamei were flown in from Haikou, and their hearts were mentioned at the mouth of their throats as they watched them enter the water, each of which was only 8 mm in size. "from sea water to fresh water, the first 10 days when shrimp fry fall to the ground is the most important. we spend most of our time by the pond every day, testing the PH value, nitrous acid content and ammonia nitrogen content every afternoon, and finding that the problem can be dealt with at any time. In case of heavy rain and hail, we are so nervous that we can't sleep every night." Zeng Tongtang recalled.

After more than two months of hard work, the first batch of Penaeus vannamei finally grew up, with a survival rate of 50% and an average body length of 10-15 cm. Aquaculture developers who have "sniffed" the business opportunity have ordered all 500,000 or 600,000 white prawns from the two ponds.

White prawns are fat and big.

Successful business, Penaeus vannamei settled in Yuzhong

Kaishou Cang, director of the Gansu Provincial Aquaculture Science and Technology Center, which was the first to guide them in aquaculture, said happily that before, some enterprises and individuals in our province tried to cultivate white shrimp, but they were not successful, either with low survival rate or low yield. For example, the white shrimp cultivated by these two college students, both the survival rate and the unit yield are very high, which not only fills the blank of white shrimp culture in our province, but also makes effective use of the local saline-alkali land, and opens up a new mode of culture in our province.

Tao Wenqing said that South American white shrimp is rich in protein and high in nutritional value, with a meat yield of 60%. Previously, it could only be flown in from other places, and most of them were dead shrimps. If they are successfully cultivated locally, they will actively supply the nearby Lanzhou and Baiyin markets, so that more people can taste the delicious live shrimp.

Li Fenzhong, head of Dongtan Village, told reporters: "in recent years, villagers have encountered bottlenecks in breeding, and the profits of fish farming are also small. Two college students have succeeded in raising white shrimp, bringing new hope to the masses in increasing their income. It can not only reduce costs, but also solve employment, and increase income. It is really more than one move. The village will support young people to expand production."

"according to the temperature in Qingcheng, this kind of white shrimp can produce two seasons a year. It was cultured successfully for the first time this year. Apart from all kinds of costs, the profit is more than 100,000 yuan. Next year, we will increase the breeding of crabs and other varieties, and at the same time, we will build formal packaging of products and lengthen the industrial chain. Form a train of production and marketing, create more employment opportunities and economic benefits." Tao Wenqing said confidently.