
The aunt also started a business and cultivated black fungus to get rich together with the villagers.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The aunt also started a business and cultivated black fungus to get rich together with the villagers.

Aunt Zhang Xiurong, 62, has recently become "hot".

Relying on the cultivation of Auricularia auricula and starting her own business, it took her only two years to complete the "transformation" from family poverty to an annual income of tens of thousands. During this period, she upgraded her planting technology, set up professional cooperatives for poor households, registered online stores to achieve online sales, and led the villagers to shake off poverty and become rich.

Aunt Zhang's poverty alleviation case is a microcosm of "poverty alleviation through e-commerce" in Zhalantun, Inner Mongolia. In the face of the outstanding problem of "rich poverty", such as the good quality of local products but poor marketing and low awareness rate, the local government takes advantage of the opportunity of developing e-commerce of agricultural products to not only help poor households out of poverty but also promote the development of corresponding industries, gradually changing the face of local poverty with a network cable.

Under the background of poverty alleviation, Zhalantun, as a poor county, is determined to "take off its hat" this time.

Rich poverty

In terms of area, Hulunbuir is the sum of Shandong and Jiangsu provinces, and Zhalantun, a county-level city affiliated to Hulunbuir, surpasses Beijing. In this vast land of Zalantun, the ecosystem is complete and there are good natural resources. There are 7 certified agricultural products protected by national geographical indications, such as black fungus, rice and so on. However, there are still 16000 poor people living here, and the problem of "rich poverty" is more prominent, such as the quality of native products is good but the market is not smooth, and the awareness rate of the outside world is low.

Li Hailong, deputy director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of Zhalantun City, told China Business Daily that the top three causes of local poverty are disaster, illness and lack of production funds. As for "rich poverty," he explained that Zalantun City has green mountains and green rivers, and there are many high-quality agricultural resources, but because of inconvenient transportation and blocked information, it is impossible to go to the national market, let alone sell a good price. naturally, it is impossible for poor villagers to increase their income and become rich. Therefore, although rich, it is still poor.

However, the rapid development of e-commerce has changed this situation.

In 2015, poverty alleviation through e-commerce was identified as one of the top ten accurate poverty alleviation projects by the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council. Relying on the favorable opportunity that Zhalantun City was identified by the Ministry of Commerce as an e-commerce pilot county and the national supply and marketing cooperative as an e-commerce demonstration county, Li Hailong said that the government has given overall consideration and concentrated integration of poverty alleviation policies and funds, incorporated poverty alleviation into the e-commerce system in an all-round way, and promoted the employment and income of poor households in the whole industry chain of e-commerce development through "mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation."

It was in this year that Aunt Zhang did three major things: expanding the scale of three-dimensional cultivation of black fungus, setting up a cooperative for professional cultivation of black fungus, and registering online stores to sell black fungus through e-commerce. Last year, Aunt Zhang attended a training course on cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula organized by the government, tried to buy 6000 bags of bacteria with the 9000 yuan she had cobbled together and borrowed, and started her business in her own yard.

Simple and honest Aunt Zhang told our reporter that after buying the fungus bag at that time, she was still in a daze, and this could grow fungus? However, under the tracking training and technical guidance of the technical staff of the black fungus office in Zalantun, she earned 18000 yuan from selling fungus in 2014, with a net profit of more than 9000 yuan excluding the cost, and a net profit of about 1.5 yuan per bag. In her opinion, there are two patients in the family who need to be taken care of, and they are so old that they can't earn much money by going out to work. This kind of courtyard economy is not labor-intensive and is very suitable for her family situation.

Aunt Zhang, who has a year of planting experience, has tasted the "sweetness". In 2015, after learning about the latest technology of "three-dimensional planting of black fungus in hanging bag greenhouse", considering the limited space in her own courtyard, Aunt Zhang decided to change the original planting pattern and carry out three-dimensional cultivation in the existing courtyard. the scale of cultivation will be nearly quadrupled to 20,000 bags.

However, money is still a constraint. Therefore, with the help of the Poverty Alleviation Office and other departments, Aunt Zhang crowdfunded 121500 yuan, built a steel structure hanging bag greenhouse of more than 300,000 square meters, purchased 20, 000 bags of fungus bags, and registered the establishment of a professional cooperative of Aunt Zhang's black fungus and the trademark of "A handful of fungus". Through the e-commerce technical training provided by the government, Aunt Zhang successfully opened an online shop to achieve online sales, with a net income of 30,000 yuan this year, and was lifted out of poverty that year. Driven by her demonstration, poor families who set up archives and set up cards have joined the cooperative one after another.

Version 3.0 of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich

This poverty alleviation model of Aunt Zhang, a "talent" for getting rich, is called the "direct entrepreneurship model for poor households" by the local poverty alleviation department. Li Hailong said that this is one of the seven modes of poverty alleviation and prosperity cultivated by e-commerce through the integration of resources since the implementation of the e-commerce poverty alleviation development strategy.

This way of relying on college students, rural youth and poor households to become e-commerce entrepreneurs has been greatly recognized by the local government. Li Hailong believes that the government provides capital, policy, and technical support to the founders, but more importantly, it is necessary to mobilize their enthusiasm to get rid of poverty or start a business, so that they can rely on their own strength and market forces to change the current face of poverty.

Judging from the current situation, a network cable is gradually changing the appearance of the poor areas of Zhalantun City. In fact, under the background of constantly seeking economic transformation in the new normal place, vigorously developing e-commerce of agricultural products will undoubtedly help poor farmers to increase their income and become rich. It is even more worth looking forward to relying on the market rather than "waiting for" to get rid of poverty and even become rich in the future.

Kang Shaoquan, branch secretary of Yemahe Village, Mushroom Gas Town, Zhalantun City, is even more to the point: to get rid of poverty, the market plays a more important role than the government. He said that through the e-commerce platform, we can understand the market situation, grow what the market needs, and facilitate the promotion of orders. In addition, where the price is high, you can sell to, e-commerce can easily solve the problem of information asymmetry between production and marketing.

He analyzed that the reason for the local poverty lies in the fact that there are many people and little land, and there are more mountains, so it is difficult to rely on land to make a living. In addition, the geographical location is far away from the town, the transportation is not convenient, shopping and sales are inconvenient, which has become the primary factor restricting economic development. In addition, the agricultural industry has not formed a large-scale operation.

As for local e-commerce, he commented that the e-commerce platform allows industrial products to go to the countryside and agricultural products to the city. And for the poor people who are older, less educated and without e-commerce technology, village-level service stations are specially set up to display and sell the characteristic products that poor households need to sell.

As e-commerce has high requirements for infrastructure such as transportation and communications, as well as corresponding talent support, Chen Qiulin, deputy secretary general of Hulunbuir Municipal Government and vice mayor of Zhalantun City, told China Business Daily that it is indeed a great challenge for poor and backward areas to use e-commerce to overtake at corners. However, if you wait for all the conditions to be met before you become an e-commerce business, there will be no chance. Considering the lack of infrastructure and talents, the municipal government is also trying to take policies, funds and other measures to improve, hoping to explore a way for local poverty alleviation through e-commerce.

At present, after experiencing the 1.0 relief poverty alleviation mode of "teaching people to fish" and the 2.0 development poverty alleviation mode of "teaching people to fish", Zhalantun City has begun to enter the era of open e-commerce poverty alleviation of "opening up fish market". Chen Qiulin explained that 1.0 model is to ensure poverty alleviation and solve the problem of absolute poverty. Considering sustainability and the need for help in industry and skills, there is a 2.0 model of poverty alleviation through development, but small-scale farming and farming. When dealing with the market situation that will change at any time, poor households are very likely to encounter market risks and may return to poverty, so they need to enter 3.0 mode. Open up a stable market through e-commerce to reduce the risk of market price fluctuations.

With regard to the poverty alleviation practice of e-commerce for more than a year, Chen Qiulin believes that both the government and individuals should clearly realize that the Internet information age has arrived, and poor areas should especially seize this opportunity to not only get rid of poverty but also promote economic transformation. In that case, local governments should focus on providing public services, such as improving transportation, communications and other infrastructure, as well as talents first, training, introducing and incubating talents. Of course, e-commerce should not only be used as a means of poverty alleviation, but also be considered in the context of the local industrial economy to achieve economic restructuring and integrated development.

If we say that in the past, some places were proud of "poverty" and enjoyed lagging behind, and were unwilling to "take off their hats" in order to win support from policies and funds, then under the current standards put forward by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, more than 70 million rural poor people will be lifted out of poverty by 2020, and all 592 poverty-stricken counties will be forced to take off their hats at the same time and under the organizational assessment mechanism, local governments have more motivation to get rid of poverty.

Li Hailong told our reporter that Zalantun has the ability to "take off his hat" and does not want to wear this hat. The government should implement dynamic management, on the one hand, do a good job in getting rid of poverty, on the other hand, it should also control and prevent returning to poverty. As for after taking off the hat, it does not mean that poverty has been solved, but should continue to pay attention to relative poverty and give support to these groups in terms of industry and policy.