
Ministry of Agriculture: the development of agricultural mechanization is facing an important moment

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Ministry of Agriculture: the development of agricultural mechanization is facing an important moment

At the China Agricultural Mechanization Prospect Conference held a few days ago, Hu Leming, deputy director of the Agricultural Mechanization Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, delivered a speech summarizing the new situation encountered in the development of agricultural mechanization in our country. It is said that the development of agricultural mechanization in China is once again facing an important moment.

Speech by Hu Leming, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization Management of the Ministry of Agriculture at the China Agricultural Mechanization Prospect Conference:

It gives me great pleasure to attend the "China Agricultural Mechanization Prospect Conference". First of all, on behalf of the Agricultural Mechanization Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, I would like to extend warm congratulations on the success of the conference.

Since 2004, China's agricultural mechanization has entered the track of rapid development, and the following ten years can be described as the "golden decade" of agricultural mechanization. In recent years, as China's economy has entered a new normal in the new period, the growth rate of agricultural mechanization has declined somewhat. At the same time, it is also faced with some new problems and new situations, which need serious research and scientific planning. These new developments mainly come from four aspects:

First, from the perspective of national support policies, the intensity is increasing, but the scale of funds is unlikely to grow by leaps and bounds as in previous years.

1. Subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, and deep loosening of land preparation of agricultural machinery have also been included in the scope of subsidies. in the next step, while persisting in "shrinking the scope, lowering the quota, and promoting openness," pilot subsidies for new products will be carried out to study the special needs of border minority areas.

In recent years, the integration of agriculture-related projects in China has increased year by year, and many projects have been integrated, such as the traditional three agricultural subsidies, but agricultural machinery subsidies have not been integrated, and the scale of 23.75 billion yuan has not been reduced in recent years. this fully shows that the state affirms the effectiveness of the implementation of agricultural machinery subsidy policy and attaches importance to agricultural mechanization. In the next step, how to further improve the design of machine purchase subsidy policy system according to the new situation needs to be further studied.

two。 In May last year, the State Council issued made in China 2025, which included "agricultural machinery and equipment" with "new generation information and communication technology industry", "aerospace equipment", "rail transit equipment", "energy saving and new energy vehicles" and so on. as the top ten key areas. "Agricultural Machinery and equipment" can be regarded as one of the ten key areas, and as agricultural mechanic is deeply honored and pressured. Since last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have done many joint investigations and arguments, and drafted the draft of "Action Plan for the Development of Agricultural Machinery equipment 2016-2025". In the next step, we will continue to extensively solicit opinions from all parties, put the measures into practice and be able to land on the ground, and strive to report to the State Council for approval this year. It shall be issued and implemented by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture.

3. The outline of the National 13th five-year Development Plan attaches great importance to agricultural mechanization and elaborates on it in many places. as a "major project of agricultural modernization", agricultural mechanization proposes to build 500 demonstration counties for full mechanization, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of major crops has reached 70%.

The state attaches great importance to agricultural mechanization, how to implement these support policies well, need to study, need to gather the wisdom of all aspects.

Secondly, from the perspective of agricultural supply-side structural reform, new requirements are put forward for the supply-side structural reform of agricultural machinery and equipment.

On 30 July, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national forum on agricultural restructuring in Jilin. Minister Han Changfu put forward nine key areas of work, and departments in charge of agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery scientific research units, and entrepreneurs should conscientiously study and understand them. There are nine key areas of work, many of which need agricultural machinery equipment to support. This year, the planting area of cotton has decreased by 5.3 million mu, corn by 30 million mu, and the planting area of soybean and forage crops has increased. Agricultural restructuring has a great impact on agricultural machinery. The agricultural machinery industry needs to adapt to these new changes and provide equipment support for the supply-side structural reform of agriculture.

The third aspect, from the needs of farmers, more and more showing the characteristics of diversity.

With the acceleration of the process of land transfer, a large number of new main bodies such as large growers, family farms and cooperatives have emerged. some new professional farmers demand branding of traditional machinery and pay more attention to the reliability of machinery. the price factor has retreated to a secondary position. At the same time, with the rise of labor costs, cash crop machinery, machinery suitable for hilly and mountainous areas, there is an urgent need to solve the dilemma that there is no machinery available.

Fourth, from the perspective of the construction of ecological civilization, agricultural machinery products that meet the requirements of green environmental protection should be the focus of support.

Machines and tools for saving water, fertilizer and medicine, comprehensive utilization and harmless treatment of livestock and poultry manure, agricultural film, crop straw, and machines for energy saving and emission reduction are in broad demand. It is hoped that the vast number of researchers and entrepreneurs will attach great importance to it and make new contributions to the construction of ecological civilization.

Of course, there are many new situations, because of the time constraint, I will briefly talk about four aspects.

The main purpose of my coming here today is to study and listen carefully to the insights of academicians and experts, leaders of relevant departments and entrepreneurs, so as to improve and improve our work. At present, the development of agricultural mechanization is once again facing an important moment. Departments in charge of agricultural mechanization at all levels need to study new situations and problems if they want to implement existing policies well and plan for new support policies at the same time. A very important experience is to listen carefully to the research results of experts and scholars, jump out of agricultural machinery to think about agricultural machinery and plan agricultural machinery.

Finally, on behalf of the departments in charge of agricultural mechanization at all levels, I would like to pay high tribute to the academicians, experts and leaders who have always supported and cared about the development of agricultural mechanization in our country for many years.

(source: 16-08-23 China Agricultural Mechanization Association)